The Shadow Invaders

(Ring of the Fallen Raven)

(After the death of the orc general by the hands of an inferior creature, this ring came to receive his soul)

(Effect: Soul Storage: 10/100)

My artifact, I lost my shoulder pad too, but so many things have been happening these weeks, my head has been very full, I need a rest, but for sure this fucked up world will never give me a break.

"It's my artifact, it's not a curse, Pluto, it stores souls, that's why the negative energy coming from it got your attention."

"Souls? Never tell anyone that, I already told you there are magics derived from the common elements, every mage is a researcher and curiosity causes breakthroughs, still remember magic derived from life manipulation?"

What is he getting at? If I'm not mistaken the only magic derived from vital manipulation is the manipulation of the...

"Yes, based on the lost fairy magic, Manipulation of the Dead is a magic forbidden by almost every kingdom, don't ever let anyone know about this artifact"

I understand, the magic of resurrecting with light and life energy is something rare, but beneficial to all and with few sequels, some special popes possessed such powers, but resurrecting with darkness is something forbidden, justice has aesthetic sense.

"Yes, now go back inside, get your things, say goodbye to the ants and leave after getting the dragon's heart, I feel the titan near, I will now say goodbye my son, see you next time, stay stronger"

A pair of wings appeared on Pluto's back and he flew away, in the sky I can see his face one last time and soon after he vanishes.

"Well Ari, it's just the two of us, I only have one more thing to do before I leave, go say goodbye to the ants and find my shoulder pad, it's shaped like a raven, I'm sure it's somewhere in the dungeon"

Ari nods and starts running, but strangely she moves very fast, the ground seems to be propelling her with every step she takes and that doesn't even surprise me that much, Pluto described her as a genius of the brown element.

I follow my path and only one thought firms in my head, what I am going to do now will go against everything Pluto taught me, but life is like that, thank goodness he is gone, I wouldn't have the courage to do this in front of him.

Of my master's teachings some he emphasized, first that nature must not be altered, second that life must be preserved, and third that I must not abuse my power to resurrect someone, since this goes against conventional magic.

An elemental magician must preserve nature, he said, but what I will do now will go against nature, for I will now abuse my power.

In front of a stone I take a deep breath and move it slowly, inside are nine individuals, three babies, a spider, a goblin, a slime, a wolf, a skeleton and a human, all except the skeleton are very weak as they have not received food for days.

"Hello invaders, I have a proposition for you, but you can't really refuse"

The skeleton still has cracks in his jaw, while the wolf has had his legs amputated, both are extremely afraid of me and upon seeing me cower in the corner.

"Today, you will die so that you may live"

The stone moves and closes the only exit from the room, the dark takes over the whole place, but in the dark a floating white spear appears, the spear moves quickly and dances in the air, the sound of it cutting the wind leaves everyone in the room breathless.


Nine precise and quick movements happen and the spear disappears, the dark swallows the room again, but this time there is no longer the sound of breathing, or complaints, just the most morbid silence.

In the dark and calm, I start to check the logs.

(You have completed the emergency quest: Become strong, you piece of shit)

(Your reward was an artifact: ???)


(You completed quest: Devour and evolve)

(Reward: Skill: Elemental Mastery)


(You eliminated a user from the system: Reward +1 level and his skills)

(You eliminated a user from the system: Reward +1 level and skills)

(You eliminated a user from the system: Rewards +1 level and his skills)

(You eliminated a user from the system: Rewards +1 level and his skills)


(You have reached level 10)

Seeing that I got what I wanted I continue with my plan.

"Now, rise from the dead my invaders"

The life energy of the dungeon bends to my will and green illuminates room, the lifeless bodies of the world's enemies are all broken in two on the floor, but ten black cocoons surround their bodies, green veins pulsate and make the cocoons tremble.

In my ears I hear the scream of the dead and the bark of a dog, the hair on my body shivers, the world is telling me this is wrong, but I continue, the black pods receive a small amount of light.

The sound of the bodies inside moving startles me, the moans they make makes me sure I am doing the right thing, but the sound of the babies' cries makes me question whether I did the right thing.

Time passes and the green becomes deeper as well as the black, the imposed white almost disappears but remains firm, the five colors in my arms light up and become the brightest thing in the room.

The cocoons become solid and give the appearance of being eggs and slowly they begin to crack and the first to come out is the skeleton, his body is now black as night and the fire in his eyes is blue as water.

He looks at himself, and then looks at me, he seems to have understood something because he kneels down and waits, the next to come out is the spider, its body seems to have grown a little and now there are spines coming out of its back, as well as a red skull drawn on its body.

Next is the goblin, his skin has turned brown like mine once was, black tattoos decorate his chest, shoulders and his eyes have turned brown, he does the same as the skeleton and kneels in wait.

With a deep howl the wolf appears, his fur is white as snow and his eyes yellow as gold, he seems excited about something, but still lowers his head as he waits.

Next came the slime, its body is completely transparent and a single eye floats inside its body, the eye is completely white with the iris containing three colors, blue, red and brown.

The last to appear was an unknown creature, it should be human, but its body looks more like a hybrid between ant and human, strange, its shell is purple and it resembles an ant, soldier.

The last three eggs break at the same time, and from them come three babies, one with purple skin with horns on his forehead and a pair of bat wings, a black dragon with white pigments on his scales, and the last one is an unknown creature, with a square body, six eyes, a pair of butterfly wings, and tentacles waving on the lower part of his body.

The green light that illuminated the room faded and once again the dark engulfed the room, but this time there were flares, lasers of light, strange balls emitting luminescence, and even a lightning bolt swirled and spun around my body.

The spider raised its head and stepped forward and spoke.

"Name us master."