Finally the dragon

In a tree two people are waiting, both have long ears and the number zero tattooed on their foreheads, their clothes are camouflaged by their surroundings and they are completely silent, even their breathing seems to be non-existent.

As they wait, a third one appears, a man with a ponytail and bangs covering his eyes.

"Chief, the hunter's deer is back"

"The deer? As for the hunter?"

The man shakes his head from left to right indicating his absence, understanding this the zero on his forehead emits a slight glow and soon after disappears.

"The deer has a word engraved on its skin, I believe it was the one who attacked it and put an end to the scouting unit"

"Come on, tell us who is our enemy"

The man became impatient and for a moment broke the silence of the place.

"Calm down Zero"

"Orez don't ask me to calm down at this moment, my son was killed, the humans have an impenetrable defense with those infernal walls and still have that disgusting goblin kidnapping women!"

"It was him sir"

With a hateful expression he points his dagger at his comrade's neck.

"Him? The damn Goblin ?"

Nervous, the man raises his hands up and continues speaking as fast as he can.

"Yes sir, the word written on the deer is Goblin, sir"

Squeezing dagger even tighter Zero speaks to his companion who is completely overjoyed at the news.

"Orez, do you know what that means?"

"Sure Zero, we have a reason now, it's time to eradicate that perverted insect"

The blade in Zero's hand is thrown and hits a bush not far from the tree, a cry of pain is emitted and a body falls to the ground, a human.

"Yes, let's inform the queen"


Finally we made it down to the dragon, it took longer than expected, but we made it, with me only Ari and Layla came down, they both have good mobility when it comes to climbing so I brought them.

Draco also came down since the moment he saw the dragon a message arrived simultaneously for both of us.

(The minion Draco has met the requirements for receiving a genetic inheritance)

Standing here in front of the dragon we can't even breathe, although dead the dragon has no wounds on his body, so it seems that he can just open his eyes at any second.

The pressure emitted by his dead body is such that I feel like I could faint at any second, Draco on the other hand is bright eyed, and with his pink tongue he licks the non-existent lips of his mouth.

"Greedy, I mean, master allow me to receive the genetic inheritance"

(The minion Draco wishes to receive the inheritance)

(Do you allow: Yes-No)

Looking quickly between the screen and the dragon cub I don't even think twice and touch yes and immediately before my eyes the impossible happens, the dragon's eyes open and its red iris focuses on us.

"Дракон никому не подчиняется."

And with these words I feel a piece of my soul breaking, his voice is like a cry of despair, it frightens and bothers me, my legs won't stop shaking, but even so I keep standing, my draconic heart is beating like a madman.

Draco is going through the same ordeal, he looks even worse than me and in the middle of all this a screen appears before my eyes.

(Created emergency quest: Resist the ordeal of inheritance)

(Info: The primordial dragon wishes to pass on his heritage to the future generation, but he believes that dragons should be at the top of the food chain, so he is testing their spirit and mind)

(Reward: A title)

My brain feels like it is going to melt and leak out my ears from the amount of pain I am feeling, a crashing sound is heard and Draco falls to the ground, but still retains his consciousness.

(The Mental Resistance skill was used due to the critical state of the host)

Immediately all my pain became milder, my head lighter and I could breathe properly, the strength returned to my body and I began to move towards the eye that was many times larger than me.

Noticing this the iris that looks like a purple flame focuses completely on me, but this doesn't stop my advance and step after step I get closer, my body feels that there is an invisible pressure pressing on it, but this doesn't shake me.

Sensing my determination my draconic heart responds to the remaining will of the dragon and opposes it and gives me even more strength and with a blink of an eye I have managed to stand before the dragon, close enough to be able to touch if I stretch out an arm.

"Очень хорошо"

The eye closes once more and everything disappears, all pain and pressure and with a deep breath I inhale all the air I can to recover my state of mind, but the world does not give me a second of peace and the underground cavern begins to shake and the dead body begins to glow radiantly.

(You have completed the emergency quest: Resist the ordeal of inheritance)

(Reward: The Chosen One of Solus)


(Name: The Chosen One of Solus)

(Info: The one who received the inheritance from Solus)

(Effect: Activates the Dragon Sun bloodline in the user)

My blood began to heat up in a way I have never felt before, not even in the baptism of the holy body the heat is so hot that steam began to come out of my body, beside me Draco seems to have received something similar, since his body emits the same steam as mine.

He cries out in pain and throws himself from side to side or maybe it is the shaking of the cave, I can't tell, my vision is foggy due to all the steam, the liquid in my body is fading as well, I feel my lips dry as I run my tongue against them.


I ask for water, but I don't know if I've been heard by anyone, due to the dizziness I fall down sitting up and put my hands on my knees, I can see that my skin is hard and gravelly due to the lack of fluids, but I'm not dying.

I feel it, it's different than before, I don't feel the cold of death or the kiss from the other world, my mind is still, although I can't see more than two meters in front of me the frosted glow of Solus' body disturbs me a little so I close my eyes and just feel the change in my body.

My blood feels like boiling magma flowing through my veins, an extreme and painful but bearable heat as the heat in my body numbs my senses, the energies in my body become fierce.

I can even see the angel and the demon drinking this new energy, feeding and growing as well as the tree inside me, I see it withering and dying and a small sapling coming out of the ground.

The child finally gains freedom as his cross breaks apart and the hill he was on expands and flattens out to become a plain surrounded by a black, gassy river and the sun sets high in the sky and illuminates as much of the plain as it can.

When I open my eyes again everything has stabilized, but somehow everything seems different, or maybe it is I who have changed?