The King of Eden

In the royal hall during the banquet, the king takes the initiative to speak to his saint, to his left is the queen and to his right is his general, at the far end facing the king is the woman who was quoted.

"Moira tell me, when will the allied reinforcements arrive ?"

"I don't know my king, the adventurers say they will defend the city in case of an invasion and the dwarven kingdom in the northern mountains say they are coming as fast as possible in their winged chariots"

The king picks up his fork and sticks it on the table, his eyebrows are drawn together, his ill mood is apparent, the queen shrinks into her corner, and touches the left side of his neck.

In a cold tone he continues.

"Moira, listen well, I don't care about these useless facts, use your ability granted by the god of light and tell me the exact date!"

The saint who had her head down to eat stands up, looks the king in the eye and places her fork and knife beside her plate, without showing any expression she answers him.

"As you well know I can only offer an oracle of light a couple of times a month, like last month where I told you the exact date as well as the forces that would attack you, there are still four moons to go before I can use the ability once again"

The man's fury only grew and the grip on his fork became even stronger, but it soon softens, as does his expression and a gentle smile appears in place of the angry face.

"Yes it is true, but don't forget, you came to me as a commoner and it was me who crowned you a saint, not the church, so I just want you to pay me back"

Moira sits back down and eats, the room has become silent in a cold way, the queen who shivers with nervousness even in a warm place and the general who dare not speak without being called face each other and seem to understand each other.

"Say Warlley, how many days do we still hold this siege ?"

Seeing that his name has been called the man stands up, gives a salute with his hand clasped to his chest and his torso bent in ninety degrees, only after seeing the king's hand raised does he begin to speak.

"Sir I believe there is no way the elves can destroy our defenses, the first wall, the Mary wall holds the greatest defense, sturdy and long lasting, as well as being enchanted by the wizard king of the west"

"And if the wall falls, my general ? Could I torture your wife and children ? I heard that your eldest daughter is already of marriageable age, you know that my horse is in breeding season so..."

The man gets a terrified expression, but soon softens, fear overrides his anger and he kneels down and places his forehead on the ground and pleads.

"Sir, I don't know how long our forces will be able to hold out, it is true that the wall is impenetrable, but our men are exhausted, fighting without sleep or rest is leaving them..."

"Enough Warlley, I do not want to hear excuses, the kingdom of eden holds the title of impenetrable shield, we protect a legacy of excellence and power, my son will soon return from the order of the sun and your services will no longer be needed. Keep the wall up until then and I will do no harm to your family members."

The man holds back his tears with all his strength, the humiliation cannot be collected so the hatred takes root in the deepest point of his chest, it is such that he bites his lower lip until it bleeds just to keep himself sane.

"That's it, now get out"

With his forearm covering his mouth he leaves the hall, his free fist tight and his steps heavy, but he doesn't forget to salute his king before passing through the door, even if he doesn't see it.

"Grace tell how my younger sons are doing in their respective prep schools"

The woman lifts and kisses the man's left hand immediately after he kneels and raises it above his head before replying.

"My lord the children conceived by concubine one, seven and thirteen, hold the highest grades in their respective schools, while the children of the second, ninth and twentieth follow in second, the rest of the children are ordinary"

"Maria Grace, daughter of the renowned Maria family, is telling me that the son of her lineage is second ? Behind some third-rate noble ?"

The woman who is still kneeling and holding the man's hand, visibly trembles, and the king feels it, he brutally lets go of the woman's hand and with the corner of his hand slaps his wife's white skin.

"You can't bear a decent child and yet you are a coward, you can't even face the consequences of your mediocrity, you need to be punished"

The woman whose face is red and dripping blood from her nose turns away as she crawls across the floor, she can't even deny or ask for help, this is the kind of mentality that has been imposed on her.

The man seeing that the woman is running away sketches a sadistic smile and walks slowly to her side, when he reaches the woman he lifts her up pulling her by her hair, their eyes meet for a small second and tears come down from Grace's eyes.

Then the man begins to drag her across the castle floor as he leads her into a dark, dank room filled with objects for torture.

Moira who is now alone in the room exhales deeply, all frustration is put out along with her air and she lies down on the table, her expression contains a mixture of anger and contempt.

A small ball of light appears on Moira's shoulder and speaks into her ear.

"Moira now is the time, come on"

"Narcissus are you sure about this ?"

The ball of light swings down and up, its small white and yellow wings flap quickly and the light illuminating its body disappears, revealing a miniature human that wears no clothes, only yellow petals that cover from its waist to its knees.

His hair is white and the color of his eyes yellow, his skin is a little orange and his ears are pointed, his body is not muscular but slender.

"Believe in the fairy of new beginnings, you must find the tree held hostage by this kingdom and set it free, only then will you be free indeed"

The woman takes off her black overcoat and reveals a shapely figure wearing black clothes, she takes from her pocket a sash and covers her face, her hair she cuts with a kitchen knife and starts to move, running silently and quickly she leaves the hall.