
Kuroi closes his eyes and when he opens them, he's back in his room. He looks at his body and he's covered in sweat. He slowly gets out of his bed and walks to his window. He sees that it's morning and lets out a loud yawn.

"That must have been all a dream. I can't lie though. That trip was insightful and helpful. Plus, grown-up Seishin isn't that bad-looking. If she was still alive, she would make one good girlfriend," said Kuroi.

He walks over to the clock on his desk and sees that it's three minutes before his first class of the day starts.

"It's 7:58 already! How long was that field trip? It doesn't matter. I gotta get out of here quick," said Kuroi.

Two and a half hours pass. Kuroi reaches his homeroom classroom and quickly opens it. He quickly walks over to his friends.

"Phew. I made it just in time. Orihime, what time is it?" said Kuroi.

Orihime practically jumps out of her seat when she hears her friend's voice.

"10:43," said Orihime.

Kuroi facepalms.

"I knew I should have just flash stepped here," thought Kuroi.

"What happened to you?" asked Tatsuki.

"I woke up late. My job doesn't give me a lot of time to sleep," said Kuroi.

"Why do you keep the job then?" asked Tatsuki.

"I like to help people. I can't just give up because it messes up my schedule," said Kuroi.

Kuroi walks away and takes a seat at his desk.

"So Mizuiro, what class do we have next?" asked Kuroi.

"Social Studies," said Mizuiro.

"Ms. Ochi likes me, so she won't bother me a lot about not doing the homework," said Kuroi.

"Did you hear what happened to the Kurosaki Clinic last night?" asked Mizuiro.

"A truck ran into it and drove off. I heard about it on my way to school," said Kuroi.

"That surprised me. Stuff like that doesn't happen a lot in this town," said Mizuiro.

"Nothing happens in this town," said Kuroi.

"Are you Hono-Kun?" asked Rukia.

Kuroi turns head to see the soul reaper that he met the other day.

"Oh, hey Rukia. Are you missing the file that boss gave us last night?" said Kuroi.

"Umm," said Rukia.

"Go with it," said Kuroi softly.

"Yeah. Boss is going to kill me if he finds out that I lost it," said Rukia.

"Sure," said Kuroi.

"And can you allow me to see your textbook? I don't think Ichigo here has enough textbooks for me to catch up," said Rukia.

"Sure," said Kuroi.

"Can we talk in a more private location? I don't want to embarrass myself in front of my new classmates," said Rukia.

"Ok," said Kuroi.

Kuroi, Ichigo, and Rukia walk out of the classroom. They walk through the school until they find a remote place far away from the other students.

"Why are you here, Rukia? Can't you just find somewhere to crash until Hollows pop up?" asked Kuroi.

"I would if somebody didn't take all of my powers away from me," said Rukia.

"It's not like I wanted to. It just happened," said Ichigo.

"I can't return to the Soul Society or beat Hollows without my powers, so I'm forced to stay in this gigai," said Rukia.

"That still doesn't explain why you're here at our school," said Kuroi.

"He took my powers and he will use them and do my job while I can't," said Rukia.

"I refuse. You only told me that you would give me some of your powers to save my family. I didn't sign up to become a superhero. I'm a nice guy and all, but I'm not that nice," said Ichigo.

Ichigo starts to walk away. Rukia pulls out a Gokon Tekko from her pocket and places it on her hand. Kuroi sees this and looks at his friend.

"Ichigo, I advise you to run. It doesn't look like she will give up," said Kuroi.

"What are you-" said Ichigo.

Ichigo is unable to finish his statement before Rukia slaps his soul out of his body.

"Why am I outside of my body? Why is my body on the ground? What's happening?" asked Ichigo.

"Relax. You're just in your soul form. You can't use your soul reaper powers while in your body," said Kuroi.

Rukia turns to look at Kuroi.

"Do you wanna come?" asked Rukia.

"Sure. School's boring anyway," said Kuroi.

Rukia punches Kuroi's soul out of his body.

"Oww. Why couldn't you just gently rip my soul out?" said Kuroi.

"That's for being rude a couple days ago," said Rukia.

"I was just making sure you were a good guy," said Kuroi.

"Whatever. Just follow me," said Rukia.

The three soul reapers run for five minutes until they reach a public park.

"Why are we here?" asked Ichigo.

"It will be here anytime now," said Rukia.

"What will be here?" asked Ichigo.

"Are there any spirits around here?" asked Rukia.

"There's a five-year-old boy who usually plays around here at 12," said Kuroi.

"Is he your friend?" asked Rukia.

"I don't make friends with spirits anymore," said Kuroi.

"Well, that kid will be attacked by a Hollow at any moment now," said Rukia.

Kuroi places his hand on Ichigo's shoulder.

"You're going to deal with this one. I promise that my emotions won't get in the way this time," said Kuroi.

"Speak of the devil. Here it comes," said Rukia.

The three soul reapers look and see a spider-like Hollow chasing a boy in the park.

"Alright," said Ichigo.

Before Ichigo can save the spirit, Rukia grabs him, preventing him from moving.

"Don't save him," said Rukia.

"What are you talking about! I can't just let an innocent spirit get eaten by a Hollow! I won't let him end up like Seishin!" exclaimed Ichigo.

"You can't save just one spirit because you see him! If you want to save him, you have to want to save all spirits no matter what!" exclaimed Rukia.

"Rukia's right. You can't save some and not save all. That's not what being a soul reaper is about. Are you willing to protect all spirits?" said Kuroi.

"Yes," said Ichigo.

"Now, go save him," said Rukia.

Rukia releases Ichigo and he charges at the Hollow. He cuts off its leg and it flips over. He then pierces the Hollow's head and kills it.

"Rukia, I'll do your job for you," said Ichigo.

Rukia and Kuroi smile.

"You've made a good choice," said Rukia.

"I hope that I have," said Ichigo.

Five hours pass. Rukia, Ichigo, and Kuroi now stand inside of a park. Ichigo and Kuroi both hold wooden blades in their hands.

"You have to swing quickly, but your strikes have to be strong. You won't be able to hit me if you strike me slowly. Come at me again," said Kuroi.

Ichigo charges at Kuroi and tries to hit him with his blade, but Kuroi just kicks him away.

"The wooden sword in your hands isn't your giant Zanpakuto. You don't have to raise your blade in the air. Your moves are too easy to see. Get up and try again, " said Kuroi.

Ichigo points at Rukia.

"I'll start trying when she starts to help," said Ichigo.

"She's learning the human speaking patterns. Let her study," said Kuroi.

"If we have to work hard, she should too," said Ichigo.

Ichigo walks towards Rukia.

"I know, sister. Everything is hidden in this box, right? In this jade box, passed down from our mother. Give me the box, Sister Marianne! No, we mustn't open it, Francois! No!" said Rukia.

"What are you doing!" exclaimed Ichigo.

Rukia jumps when she hears her substitute's voice.

"What's wrong with you! I was studying modern speech!" exclaimed Rukia.

"Studying? You were reading a horror manga! You get to entertain yourself while I have to take boring kendo lessons!" said Ichigo.

"Boring? My kendo lessons are efficient and helpful!" said Kuroi.

"I'm not learning anything!" exclaimed Ichigo.

"You lie! Your chance of hitting me is slowly increasing!" exclaimed Kuroi.

"Can you guys stop arguing and bothering me!" exclaimed Rukia.

"Shut up!" exclaimed Ichigo and Kuroi.

"Hi, Kuroi!" exclaimed Orihime.

"Wah!" exclaimed Kuroi.

Kuroi turns around and sees his orange-haired friend standing behind him.

"Oh, hey Orihime. Why are you here?" said Kuroi.

"I was doing a little dinner shopping. I bought onions, butter, bananas, and gelatin," said Orihime.

"What are you planning to make?" asked Kuroi.

"Pizza!" exclaimed Orihime.

"I don't know how that would be possible, but you will probably like it," said Kuroi.

"What are you doing here?" asked Orihime.

"Working on my kendo skills. What's wrong with your arm?" said Kuroi.

"I was hit," said Orihime.

"With a car! Are you alright?" said Kuroi.

"I'm fine. I went out last night to get something to drink and then bam, the car hit me. I've been getting hit a lot lately," said Orihime.

"You should be more concerned. You can't just smile it off," said Kuroi.

"I zone out a lot, so it's technically my fault," said Orihime.

"Then, stop doing that. You'll end up dying if you don't start paying attention while you're crossing the street," said Kuroi.

"I will," said Orihime.

Kuroi looks at her leg and sees a black mark on it.

"Did that also come from the car hitting you last night?" asked Kuroi.

"Yeah. My leg hurts more than my arm," said Orihime.

"You should rest and allow it to heal. Maybe you shouldn't cook tonight," said Kuroi.

Orihime looks at her watch and starts to run for the stairs.

"Where are you going! You're injured!" exclaimed Kuroi.

"I have to make it back home! Laugh Hour is almost on!" exclaimed Orihime.

"Do you want me to take you home?" asked Kuroi.

"I can walk home by myself," said Orihime.

"Ok. Just pay attention while you're crossing the street," said Kuroi.

"I will!" exclaimed Orihime.

Orihime runs up the stairs. Rukia walks up to Kuroi.

"Are you close with that Orihime girl?" asked Rukia.

"We're friends, but that's practically it. I saved her from some bullies and we've been friends ever since," said Kuroi.

"It's obvious that she likes you," said Rukia.

"I know. I'm just focusing on being a soul reaper for now," said Kuroi.

"Does she have any family?" asked Rukia.

"She had family. Her parents abandoned her and her older brother when he turned 18. Her older brother died three years ago in a car accident. Why do you want to know this stuff? Are you interested in her?" asked Kuroi.

"No. I just wanted to know," said Rukia.

Kuroi looks at the evening sun.

"We should get going. The sun will go down any moment," said Kuroi.

"Great. This was useless anyways," said Ichigo.

"Be patient. We will get to the fun stuff later," said Kuroi.

"Hopefully that day will come quickly," said Ichigo.

"Time flies, so that day will be here before you know it," said Kuroi.

"Whatever," said Ichigo.

Kuroi places his hand on his chin and starts to think.

"Even though Orihime is an airhead, it doesn't make sense why she would get hit by all of those cars. Something has to be up, but I don't know what," thought Kuroi.