The Day of Reckoning

Twelve days have passed since Aizen was mysteriously murdered by an unknown assailant. Shaken by the news of the murder, the Seireitei has practically been on lockdown for the past two weeks. Even though there was a murder of a captain, this doesn't stop the Rukia Rescue Squad from training. It's the day of her scheduled execution and it's the day of the important mission. Currently, Kenpachi and Kuroi clash in the open fields of the Soul Society. The collision of their blades creates shockwaves in the tall grass.

"You've gotten stronger than yesterday. You may force me to use both hands," said Kenpachi.

"Stop gloating before I give you another scar," said Kuroi.

Their blades collide once again, creating another shockwave. Kuroi's strikes become faster and faster as he tries to break through Kenpachi's unbeatable defense. As their blades collide once again, Kuroi uses his physical strength to push Kenpachi's blade closer and closer to his chest. Kuroi holds his blade up and tries to charge a Jigoku Piensa, but he stops once he hears his father's voice.

"Hey!" exclaimed Aoi.

Kenpachi and Kuroi turn around and see Captain Hono standing twenty feet away from them.

"Why are you here?" asked Kuroi.

"Rukia is going to be executed in an hour. You guys can finish your spar later. Get ready," said Aoi.

"So, do you want us to-," said Kuroi.

"Shhh. We can talk later. We don't want other people to listen in on our private conversations," said Aoi.

"Ok, father," said Kuroi.

Aoi turns around and flash steps away from the field of grass. He continues to flash step until he reaches a forest. He walks through it for a few minutes until he stops. He turns his head and looks at a tree.

"Come on out, Soi Fon. Spying on peoples' private conversations is very rude," said Aoi.

Soi Fon hops out of the tree and lands next to the tree Aoi was looking at.

"What are you planning?" asked Soi Fon.

"Planning? I'm just making sure my son gets strong enough to surpass me and become the new captain of Squad 7. It's a father's dream for their son to continue their legacy," said Aoi.

"Don't lie. You've been training Lieutenant Abarai as well," said Soi Fon.

"What's wrong with training other soul reapers? We all have to be strong to protect the Soul Society," said Aoi.

"You're also training other people who are friends with Rukia Kuchiki. Are you trying to save her?" said Soi Fon.

"No. We came to see her one more time before she's killed. If we wanted to save her, she would have been gone already," said Aoi.

"Whatever. If you try to betray the Soul Society, I won't hesitate to kill you," said Soi Fon.

"You may be the fastest of us all, but you don't have the power to defeat me," said Aoi.

The two captains glare at each other until Soi Fon decides to start to walk away.

"See you at the execution," said Aoi.

Soi Fon doesn't respond and just continues to walk away. Aoi places his hand under his chin.

"She's onto us, but she's too weak and too late to stop us," thought Aoi.

An hour passes. Aoi now stands next to his fellow Shunsui Kyoraku. He looks at Soi Fon once again. Soi Fon just glares back.

"She seems more pissy than usual," said Shunsui.

"She's been spying on us for the last two weeks," said Aoi.

"She has?" asked Shunsui.

"I sensed her spiritual pressure for just a second while she was spying on us. That's why I decided to start training Renji in Yoruichi's training ground. I can't allow her to stop us," said Aoi.

"Where's Jushiro?" asked Shunsui.

"He'll be here. He has to grab something," said Aoi.

"How are we going to beat Yamamoto?" asked Shunsui.

"I don't know. We may all have to use our Bankais at the same time if we want to stand a chance against his. It's the real reason why we've been training as well," said Aoi.

"The man of the hour is here," said Shunsui.

Aoi turns his head and sees Byakuya Kuchiki walking towards them. As Byakuya walks past him, Aoi gives him a small glare. Byakuya isn't affected by this glare and continues to walk past him.

"It's pretty cold that he would allow his sister to be executed," said Shunsui.

"Ever since Hisana died, he cares more about justice than doing the right thing," said Aoi.

"Do you have any last words, Rukia Kuchiki?" asked Yamamoto.

Aoi turns his head and sees Yamamoto and his lieutenant standing in front of the execution stand.

"No," said Rukia.

"Fine. Release the seal of the Sokyoku," said Yamamoto.

The seal of the Sokyoku starts to release. The execution stand rises into the sky. Rukia is brought into the air by three reishi squares and positioned right in front of the execution stand. A large conglomerate of fire appears in front of the execution stand and turns into the shape of a phoenix.

"This is the true form of the spearhead of the Sokyoku and the executioner of the grand penalty. The grand penalty ends when the Sokyoku pierces the criminal's body," said Yamamoto.

The Sokyoku darts at Rukia at high speeds. As Rukia prepares to die, Rukia closes her eyes. A few seconds pass, but she's somehow still alive. Rukia slowly opens her eyes and sees Kuroi blocking the Sokyoku from piercing her body.

"Kuroi," said Rukia.

"I'm sorry that I'm a little late. I like to make extravagant entrances," said Kuroi.

"How are we going to get out of here?" asked Rukia.

"My dad can help us with that," said Kuroi.

Aoi stares at his son blocking the Sokyoku without using his Bankai.

"It looks like Kuroi made it in time! Let's move!' exclaimed Jushiro.

Shunsui and Aoi turn their heads and look at Jushiro running towards them with a shield in his hands. Shunsui and Kuroi join him and run towards the Sokyoku. Soi Fon notices this and acts quickly.

"Stop them! They're trying to destroy the Sokyoku!" exclaimed Soi Fon.

Even though Soi Fon screams, they are too late to stop the three rogue captains. Shunsui and Aoi pull out their Zanpakutos and slam them on the ground while Jushiro slams the Shihouin clan shield on the ground. The combination attack destroys the Sokyoku.

"They completed their part. Now, let's free you," said Kuroi.

Kuroi hops onto the execution pole. He holds his Zanpakuto up and slams it on the pole, destroying it. Before Rukia can fall, Kuroi grabs her and holds her in between his bicep.

"What's the escape plan?" asked Rukia.

"Renji's down there. He will be your escort," said Kuroi.

Rukia looks down and sees Renji standing ten feet away from the execution pole.

"Renji came to help," said Rukia.

"Yeah. He cares for his friends," said Kuroi.

"How will I get down there?" asked Rukia.

"Remember when you punched me for no reason," said Kuroi.

"Are you holding a grudge?" asked Rukia.

"Renji, catch!" exclaimed Kuroi.

"Huh?" asked Rukia.

Kuroi picks up Rukia and throws her like a football. Renji acts quickly and catches Rukia before she falls to the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you, you fool!" exclaimed Renji.

"Shut up and get her to safety!" exclaimed Kuroi.

Renji turns around and starts to run with Rukia in his hands. The lieutenants are shocked by Renji's betrayal.

"Why are you fools just sitting here! Go get them!" exclaimed Soi Fon.

The lieutenants hear the annoyed captain's and start to run after Renji and Rukia. Before they can get close, Kuroi lands in front of them.

"Get out of our way!" exclaimed Omaeda.

"Make me move," said Kuroi.

"Fine! Splash, Gegetsuburi!" exclaimed Omaeda.

"Run, Itegumo!" exclaimed Isane.

"Float, Gonryoumaru!" exclaimed Chojiro.

The lieutenants' Zanpakutos enter their Shikai states, but this doesn't fear Kuroi. He takes out his Zanpakuto and places it on the ground. He punches Omaeda in the stomach and smacks him away. He charges at Chojiro and kicks him in the knee before uppercutting him. He slowly walks towards Isane.

"Just give up. You can't beat someone of my caliber," said Kuroi.

Even though she can't win, Isane charges Kuroi. Kuroi simply flicks her forehead and she's sent flying. Before he can think about his next action, he senses Byakuya's spiritual pressure. He grabs his Zanpakuto and clashes with Byakuya.

"I'm surprised that you want to fight me, Captain Kuchiki. I know that you sensed that I've gotten way stronger since our last fight. I don't need Ichigo's help," said Kuroi.

"You have gotten stronger, but you won't win. I will kill you, Kuroi Hono. Then, I will kill Rukia myself," said Byakuya.

"I won't let you touch her," said Kuroi.

The two combatants jump back. They flash step towards each other and clash multiple times, breaking the ground beneath them with each clash.

"You said that you were going to kill me and Rukia. You have no chance to beat me unless you use your Bankai, so use it," said Kuroi.

"Don't forget your place, brat. It's a thousand years too early for you to die by my Bankai. Scatter, Senbonzakura," said Byakuya.

Byakuya's blade turns into hundreds of flower petals and rockets towards Kuroi.

"Burn this world to ashes, Kurayami Nokiribi," said Kuroi.

Kuroi's Zanpakuto enters its Shikai state. He brings his blade up and brings it down. His Zanpakuto releases a hell-piercing slash, destroying the flower petals with ease. Byakuya is shocked by the output of power.

"That was just me using a small amount of power. I have trained with Kenpachi for two weeks. He has helped me learn how to lower my spiritual pressure to my opponent's so my fights will be more entertaining. Now, use your Bankai," said Kuroi.

"Fine. Since you strongly desire it, I will use my Bankai. The only reason that I used my Bankai on you and your friend was that your combined strength nearly surpassed mine. Now, you can enjoy the Bankai while you die," said Byakuya.

Byakuya drops his sword and it phases through the ground. Multiple large swords appear around Byakuya and Kuroi.

"Senbonzakura Kageyoshi," said Byakuya.

The large swords transform into thousands of flower petals and dart towards Kuroi. Kuroi quickly flash steps away from Byakuya's Bankai.

"First Ember: Kuchiku," said Kuroi.

Kuroi stops moving and allows himself to be engulfed by the Bankai. He can incinerate most of the flower petals, but some of the petals still hit him. The flower petals that hit him leave minor scratches.

"I don't know why I was excited for you to use your Bankai. It's pretty weak even against my Shikai. How would you fare against my second release?" said Kuroi.

"You act like you have achieved Bankai," said Byakuya.

Kuroi starts to laugh at the assumption.

"I have and it surpasses yours tenfold," said Kuroi.

"What did you say?" asked Byakuya.

"Are you deaf? I've gained Bankai in only three days and I've spent the last two weeks mastering it. There's no chance for you to win," said Kuroi.

"That's impossible," said Byakuya.

"I guess that you have to see it with your own eyes. Don't worry. This will be a great show," said Kuroi.

Kuroi's spiritual pressure explodes as he moves his blade from his side to the right in front of him.

"Bankai!" exclaimed Kuroi.

A large beam of spiritual pressure rockets towards Byakuya who is stunned by this display of power. As the dust clears, Kuroi's appearance and Zanpakuto have changed. His shihakusho has become more skin-tight except for the lower part. The top part of his shihakusho flows in the wind like a cape. The shihakusho seems to be covered in his Zanpakuto's black flame. His Zanpakuto has changed into one that resembles a pitch-black claymore sword that emanates black flame.

"My Bankai is called Dankesu no Kishi," said Kuroi.

"Your Bankai is so small, but you act so smug and arrogant. Does pride mean nothing to you?" said Byakuya.

"Pride means nothing if you allow your sister to be killed for saving lives," said Kuroi.

"Fine. I will carve the definition of pride on your corpse," said Byakuya.

Byakuya's flower petals appear behind him, but before Byakuya can use his Bankai, Kuroi seems to disappear. Before Byakuya can react, he looks down and sees Kuroi with his blade to his throat.

"How are you so fast?" asked Byakuya.

"I'm out of your league," said Kuroi.

Kuroi removes his blade from Byakuya's neck and steps back. He then appears behind Byakuya so fast that Byakuya still sees his afterimage.

"Are you just going to stand there?" asked Byakuya.

"I'm behind you," said Kuroi.

Byakuya is shocked once again by his speed and turns around, trying to slash Kuroi, but he seemingly disappears once again. He appears behind Byakuya once again.

"Will you be able to hit me? Maybe I will have to hold back," said Kuroi.

Before Byakuya can turn back around, Kuroi cuts him on the back multiple times. Byakuya is unable to think before Kuroi appears in front of him and kicks him. Byakuya flies back and nearly falls off the cliff before he catches himself.

"When Ichigo and I used a combination attack on you, you were severely injured by the attack. Let's see if you can deal with one Jigoku Piensa while I'm in Bankai," said Kuroi.

Kuroi raises his blade and charges his special attack.

"This fight is getting nowhere. Let's finish this. Shukei Hakuteiken," said Byakuya.

Byakuya's blades surround him and become one sword. Its aura looks like a bird. After a minute passes, the two soul reapers charge at each other. Their final attacks clash, destroying the cliff and most of the hill. The smoke clears and reveals Byakuya barely being able to stand. His blade falls out of his hand because he's too weak to hold it.

"You have forced me to drop my blade. You win this fight, Kuroi Hono," said Byakuya.

Byakuya falls to the ground and immediately falls unconscious. Kuroi looks over his body and sees a medium-sized gash on his stomach.

"I won. I won!" said Kuroi.

Kuroi puts his blade in the air and starts to jump for joy after his complete domination of the leader of the Kuchiki clan.

"Should I help my father? No, I would just get in his way. Kenpachi doesn't need my help. Yoruichi can easily deal with Soi Fon. I'll check on Rukia and Renji. Yes, that's what I will do," said Kuroi.

Kuroi quickly turns around and prepares to flash step away until his forehead collides with Orihime's. He falls to the ground in a little pain.

"Oww!" exclaimed Kuroi.

"My bad. I was just not paying attention," said Orihime.

"How long have you been standing there?" asked Kuroi.

"Since you started jumping for joy," said Orihime.

Kuroi rubs his head in embarrassment.

"You saw it?" asked Kuroi.

"Yeah, and it made me jump for joy as well. We all worked so hard to save Rukai and we're so close to succeeding thanks to you," said Orihime.

"Don't flatter me. We all are key pieces to this victory. You should thank everyone else. I was arrogant throughout my entire battle with him. If I was weaker, I would've certainly died. Do you wanna-," said Kuroi.

Kuroi stops speaking when he hears Isane's voice appear in his head.

"I don't know if anyone can hear this, but we have an emergency right now. Aizen is alive. He faked his death and severely injured Lieutenant Hinamori and defeated Captain Hitsugaya. He's going after Rukia for an unknown reason. We have to stop him," said Isane.

Kuroi's eyes widen and immediately flash steps towards Rukai and Renji.

"Kuroi, wait!" exclaimed Orihime.

Kuroi doesn't listen and continues to speed towards Rukia and Renji.

"Rukia, I will save you. I refuse to allow Aizen to win!" thought Kuroi.