The True Enemy

Five minutes have passed since Renji caught Rukia and started to run at top speed. Even with battles and destruction occurring all around him, he continues to run like his life depends on it. He runs through the streets of the Seireitei until he looks forward and sees Kaname standing in his way.

"Captain Tousen, why are you here?" asked Renji.

Captain Tousen doesn't respond and just lifts his hand. The scarf wrapped around his arm starts to wrap around Renji and Rukia.

"What the hell is going on?" asked Renji.

No one answers Renji's question before both he and Rukia are forcibly transported to Sokyoku Hill. Renji looks around and sees that they are no longer where they used to be.

"Welcome, Lieutenant Abarai. Put down Rukia and step aside," said Aizen.

"I knew you were still alive. I won't let you take Rukia," said Renji.

"I understand why you refuse to hand her over. You guys are good friends after all," said Aizen.

Aizen pulls out his Zanpakuto.

"Leave your arms here and step aside," said Aizen.

Aizen immediately flash steps towards Renji and tries to cut off his arms, but Renji surprisingly dodges the attack. Renji still ends up with a large cut on his right arm though.

"I'm impressed that you have become strong enough to dodge my attack. I'm so proud of you, but I wish that you weren't so stubborn. It's quite difficult to control one's strength while stepping on an ant without killing it. Because I was your former commanding officer, I can't bear to see you die," said Aizen.

"Renji," said Rukia.

"Shut up, Rukia. I can deal with this. You said that "Because I was your former commanding officer, I can't bear to see you die." Then, why did you nearly kill Lieutenant Hinamori. I heard Isane's Tenteikura," said Renji.

"So, that was the powerful tremor of spiritual pressure that I sensed. Renji, you should be glad that I did that. She couldn't live without me. I guess my brainwashing was just too good. I didn't want to kill such a nice girl, so I wanted Captain Hitsugaya or Lieutenant Kira to do it, but the plan didn't go well. So, I had to do it myself," said Aizen.

"I see now. Captain Hono was right that you were just a puppet master who manipulated puppets to do your dirty work. I don't know what your intentions are, but I won't let you have Rukia. I would rather die than give her to you," said Renji.

"I didn't want to see you die, but you stand in my way, so you will have to die," said Aizen.

"Roar, Zabimaru!" exclaimed Renji.

Renji's Zanpakuto enters its Shikai state and it extends itself towards Aizen. Aizen casually holds his Zanpakuto up and blocks the attack.

"Your Shikai is strong, but it won't delay the inevitable. Not one bit," said Aizen.

"I don't care!" exclaimed Renji.

Renji jumps back and tries to attack Aizen once again, but Aizen just grabs his extended Zanpakuto.

"Among the three people I had to deal with, you were the hardest to deal with, Lieutenant Abarai," said Aizen.

Aizen casually cuts Renji's Zanpakuto to shreds. He then flash steps towards Renji and slices him in the back. Renji kneels on the ground in pain.

"When I first saw you three, I thought that I could use you. That's why I let you into the Fifth Division. Then, I let the most useful ones be the subordinates of Gin and me. I kicked you immediately when I found out that you would be the most problematic one. It looks like my instincts were correct. So, I will say this one more time. Give me Rukia and move aside," said Aizen.

"Please wait, Captain Aizen! I-," said Rukia.

"I said shut up, Rukia. I'll never let her go, you bastard," said Renji.

"If that is your final answer, then that's unfortunate. Goodbye, Renji," said Aizen.

Aizen holds his blade in the air and tries to bring it down on Renji's head, but something blocks him. Aizen looks down and sees Kuroi's blade blocking his.

"Renji, you have been training with my father for the last two weeks. What is his favorite line?" said Kuroi.

"You don't stop fighting until you die," said Renji.

"Then, why are you just sitting down and accepting your fate? I told you to protect Rukia with your life, but you're just giving it away because you believe that you can't win. The Renji that I know would die before he admits defeat. So, get up and run. I'll deal with Aizen," said Kuroi.

"But, he's too powerful for you to take down. He'll just kill you," said Renji.

"Do you think that I care if I die? We came here to save Rukia and defeat him. Sacrifices will need to be made to succeed. Run, Renji. Run and take her back to the World of the Living. Then, you can come help me. That's an order," said Kuroi.

"But-," said Renji.

"I said go!" exclaimed Kuroi.

Renji starts to run, but he can only limp as fast as he can.

"You're pretty confident if you believe that you can defeat the three of us," said Aizen.

"Three of you? All I see is two traitors and a blind guy. It's more like a two v one," said Kuroi.

"If you want to play hero, you will die just like one," said Aizen.

"I have trained too hard to lose to you. I have friends that are counting on me to protect them and defeat you. That's all that I need to win," said Kuroi.

"Let's finish this, boy," said Aizen.

Kuroi immediately flash steps behind Aizen and his subordinates and jumps into the air with his blade above his head.

"Jigoku Piasa!" exclaimed Kuroi.

Kuroi releases a full-powered hell cutter and it hits Aizen's squad head-on. The attack destroys majority of Sokyoku Hill. The smoke clears and reveals that Aizen and Gin were barely scratched by the attack. Kaname is barely able to stand.

"That was a good attack, Kuroi. Your Bankai is pretty powerful, but you're not strong enough," said Aizen.

Kuroi flash steps towards Aizen. He tries to slice off Aizen's head, but Aizen blocks his attack with three fingers. Aizen slices the stomach of Kuroi, intending to slice off his whole lower body, but Kuroi is more powerful than he seems.

"Oh my! I was aiming to cut off everything from your stomach down, but I guess my swing was too shallow," said Aizen.

"You just underestimate my power," said Kuroi.

"I do, do I? How about this?" asked Aizen.

Aizen flash steps behind Kuroi and slices his back. He then flash steps in front of Kuroi and slices his chest. Kuroi falls to the ground but tries to get back up, but Aizen places his foot on his back and steps on him, forcing him to lay on the ground.

"Now, where is Renji?" asked Aizen.

Kuroi grabs Aizen's foot.

"I'm not done, so stay here and fight," said Kuroi.

"I would rather not," said Aizen.

Aizen kicks Kuroi in the face multiple times until he lets go. Then, Aizen flash steps towards Renji and slices him on his back, forcing him to fall and drop Rukia. Rukai tries to stand and run, but for some reason, she can't. Is it fear or is it the power of an evil mastermind. Kuroi sees Aizen get closer and closer to his friend. He tries to stand, but his body is too weak to move.

"Stop moving, Kuroi. You aren't strong enough to fight Aizen," said Seishin.

Kuroi closes and opens his eyes. He sees that he is now in his inner world.

"Seishin, why are you talking to me right now?" asked Kuroi.

"You want to save Rukia right?" asked Seishin.

"The answer is no. I won't let you take over my body again. You almost made me kill someone last time," said Kuroi.

"We won't take over your body this time. We want to help you defeat Aizen," said Seishin.

"How? He's too strong," said Kuroi.

"We can make you as strong as him. We will lend you our power if you decide to team up with us," said Seishin.

"Will there be any funny business?" asked Kuroi.

"Just this once, we won't take over your body without your permission," said Seishin.

"Fine. I'll work with you," said Kuroi.

Good. Now, take my hand," said Seishin.

Kuroi grabs Seishin's hand and returns to the real world. His spiritual pressure explodes and Aizen turns around. The same Hollow mask appears on Kuroi's face and he quickly stands up. He then flash steps towards Aizen and jumps into the air. He holds his blade above his head and prepares his special attack.

"Jigoku Piasa!" exclaimed Kuroi.

Kuroi brings his blade down on Aizen and releases a full power Hollow-infused hell cutter. The rest of Sokyoku Hill is destroyed. As the smoke clears, Aizen stands with a medium-sized gash on his back. Instead of being angry, Aizen continues to smile.

"You've gotten stronger than I expected, but you're starting to annoy me," said Aizen.

"I'm getting in your head. That means that I have a chance to win," said Kuroi.

"You may have tapped into your Hollow powers, but you're still nowhere near my level," said Aizen.

Aizen speed blitzes Kuroi and punches his Hollow mask, breaking it with ease. Kuroi flies back and lands on the ground. He tries to get back up to continue to fight, but Aizen grabs him and headbutts him, seemingly knocking him unconscious. Aizen turns around and flash steps towards Rukia.

"Now, Rukia stand up," said Aizen.

"I can't," said Rukia.

"I see. Your body became limp because of my spiritual pressure," said Aizen.

Aizen grabs Rukia by her collar and forces her to stand up.

"If you were standing, it would make my job easier, but don't worry about it. I can make this work," said Aizen.

"Don't touch her with your dirty hands," said Kuroi.

Aizen turns his head and sees Kuroi slowly trying to push his body to move.

"You're still conscious, Kuroi. You must have inherited your father's tenacity," said Aizen.

"I won't let you win," said Kuroi.

"You must hate that your strength doesn't equal your perseverance. You should stop this recklessness. The only thing that holds your body together is your spine. No matter how hard you try, you won't get up. You may have the spirit, but that doesn't mean that you can do the impossible. Just lay there and watch as your plan crumbles to pieces," said Aizen.

"You knew every part of our plan didn't you?" asked Kuroi.

"Yes," said Aizen.

"Dammit. I knew we should have tried harder to conceal our true motives," said Kuroi.

"It was a decent plan. It would have worked if you guys were more powerful," said Aizen.

"Why do you want Rukia? Why would someone as strong as you want her?" asked Kuroi.

"It's nearly impossible for a soul reaper to surpass his or her limits. The only way for a soul reaper to surpass their limits is to become a soul reaper-Hollow hybrid. You and your father are two powerful versions of this hybrid. When the boundary between Hollow and soul reaper is broken, you can create a new existence capable of reaching new heights. I have created many Hollows that could fuse with soul reapers, hide their spiritual pressures, and make Zanpakutos disappear, but they were all trash. Me and many other scientists were unable to make any breakthroughs except for Kisuke Urahara. He created a substance that could break the boundary between Hollow and soul reaper. The name of this substance is Hogyoku. The Hogyoku is very dangerous and Kisuke knew this, so he tried to destroy it, but even he couldn't destroy his creation. So, he decided to place it inside a person's soul. You're a smart boy, so you should know who's soul he chose to place the Hogyoku in," said Aizen.

"Rukia," said Kuroi.

"Bingo. You answered correctly. He decided to put it inside your dear friend, Rukia Kuchiki. You shouldn't be shocked Rukia. You should already know that Kisuke is pretty shady. He gave you the Gigai, so you could lose all of your spiritual power. He wanted to change you from a soul reaper to a human, so he could hide the Hogyoku forever. When you were discovered a couple months later, I immediately went to Central 46 and-," said Aizen.

"Getsuga Tensho!" exclaimed Ichigo.

Aizen turns his head and sees Ichigo launching a Bankai-powered Getsuga Tensho at him. Aizen dodges the attack, but the attack hits the ground where he's standing and destroys it.

"Ichigo, I'm glad that you came to my storytime, but you weren't invited," said Aizen.

"I don't like books very much, so I rather fight," said Ichigo.

"I don't want to fight, so let's end this quickly," said Aizen.

Black energy forms in Aizen's hand. Aizen speed blitzes Ichigo and stands right in front of him.

"Hado Number 90: Kurohitsugi," said Aizen.

The black energy leaps from Aizen's hand and wraps around Ichigo, creating a large black box. Dozens of black energy spears appear around the box and impale Ichigo. A few seconds pass before the black box disappears and the unconscious body of Ichigo lands on the ground.

"Ichigo!" exclaimed Kuroi and Rukia.

"Relax. He isn't dead I think. Now then, back to my story. When we discovered Rukia, I murdered all of Central 46. Then, I used Kyoka Suigetsu to cast an illusion of the council having a meeting alive and well. No one noticed because nobody outside of the members of the Central 46 could enter the meeting room. The three of us took turns inside of the conference room to play the roles of Central 46, so we could achieve our goals. To ensure your capture, I ordered the sixth division to come get you, but Renji and Byakuya were beaten, so I came and got you. I immediately ordered the destruction of your gigai to keep you from becoming human. To evaporate your soul so I could get the Hogyoku, I ordered for you to be executed by the Sokyoku. If the Sokyoku plan failed, I would need a backup plan, so I went to the Great Hall of Records. I carefully researched everything that Kisuke did and I found the extraction procedure," said Aizen.

Aizen pulls a vial-shaped device out of his shihakusho. He clicks the button on it and the skin on his right hand wraps back. Six spikes appear from the ground. He puts his hand through Rukia's chest and pulls out the Hogyoku.

"Rukia!" exclaimed Kuroi.

"She's not dead. The recipient of this technique isn't harmed, so she's fine, but not for long. She is no use for me anymore. Gin, kill her," said Aizen.

"As you wish," said Gin.

Gin pulls out his Zanpakuto.

"Shoot her, Shinsou," said Gin.

Gin's Zanpakuto enters its Shikai state and extends towards Rukia. Kuroi tries to get up and save his friend, but he's unable to move.

"Rukia, move!" exclaimed Kuroi.

Rukia is unable to dodge, but someone prevents the blade from stabbing her. Rukia looks up and sees a nearly dead Byakuya with Gin's blade in his stomach.

"Brother, why did you save me?" asked Rukia.

Byakuya doesn't respond before falling over and losing consciousness once again.

"Brother!" exclaimed Rukia.

Gin retracts his blade and tries to stab Rukia, but he feels a blade on his throat.

"Don't move, please," said Rangiku.

"Captain Aizen, she got me. I can't do anything," said Gin.

"Wait, wh-," said Aizen.

Aizen is unable to finish his statement before he feels a blade to his throat and a blade to his stomach.

"What a nostalgic face, Yoruichi Shihouin," said Aizen.

"Don't move," said Yoruichi.

"Unless you want to lose your head," said Soi Fon.

"You lose," said Yoruichi.

"What did you say?" asked Aizen.

"Don't you get it? You're surrounded," said Yoruichi.

Aizen looks around the battlefield and sees the entire Gotei 13 surrounding him.

"It's over, Aizen. Your reign of terror on the Soul Society has finally come to an end," said Aoi.

Aizen starts to laugh.

"What's so funny?" asked Yoruichi.

"Lady Yoruichi, move!" exclaimed Soi Fon.

Yoruichi and Soi Fon jump off of Aizen before a beam of light encompasses him. They both look up and see a portal with Menos Grande in it. Two more beams of light come down and encompass Gin and Kaname. The three traitors start to float.

"Trying to run? Let's-," said Tetsuzaemon.

"No!" exclaimed Yamamoto.

"Commander, why?" asked Tetsuzaemon.

"That beam of light is called negacion. The Menos use it to rescue their comrades. Once that light is cast, the area inside the light becomes a completely separate dimension and impenetrable from the outside. Once he entered the light, he escaped our reach," said Yamamoto.

"Aizen, you may escape from us now, but we will find and stop you," said Aoi.

"Captain Hono, you may be smart and strong, but when I reach the throne and end the vacancy of the Soul King, you won't stand a chance. Goodbye soul reapers and goodbye Kuroi. Your development is very interesting," said Aizen.