Mad Men On Both Sides

Kuroi looks at the scarred face of the Kenpachi. The wicked smile of the soul reaper captain stares deep into the young soul reaper's soul. The Kenpachi notices this and stops smiling.

"Are you scared of this boar guy? That's kind of pathetic," said Kenpachi.

"I'm not scared. I'm just surprised that you came," said Kuroi.

"Why are you surprised? Your father is always undermining Yamamoto," said Kenpachi.

"He only said that he would send Rukia and Renji. I had no idea you were coming," said Kuroi.

"I'll deal with these guys and I won't get my ass kicked," said Kenpachi.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Tesla.

Kenpachi turns around and looks at the giant bore-like Arrancar.

"Do you not intend to answer? Fine. Just disappear then!" said Tesla.

"Run, Tesla, you idiot!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

Tesla doesn't listen and tries to smash Kenpachi with his fist, but Kenpachi casually slashes the Arrancar into pieces.

"So, you're up next. Bring it," said Kenpachi.

"I didn't care about Tesla that much, but no one gets to kill my Fraccion but me! Prepare to die, soul reaper!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

Nnoitra charges at Kenpachi and tries to slash him, but Kenpachi easily blocks him with his Zanpakuto. Nnoitra jumps back and Kenpachi tries to cut him, but he can't. Nnoitra swings his giant blade and cuts the Kenpachi. Kenpachi doesn't relent and tries to slash Nnoitra again, but Nnoitra blocks it.

"Don't you get it? No one can cut through my blade," said Nnoitra.

"Let's test out that theory!" exclaimed Kenpachi.

Kenpachi cuts through Nnoitra's blade and slashes Nnoitra on the chest. Nnoitra jumps up and starts to swing his blade like a yoyo. He tries to attack Kenpachi from the air, but Kenpachi easily dodges the giant blade. He then grabs it and brings Nnoitra to the ground. Kenpachi proceeds to grab his blade and tries to stab him, but Nnoitra rolls out of the way.

"You dodged? You said that no one can cut you, but there are some places where you can be cut," said Kenpachi.

"Quit talking nonsense. It's just instinct to avoid enemy attacks. There's not a single place where I can be cut. Your sword can't cut me," said Nnoitra.

"I just cut you a few seconds ago. Do you have short-term memory or something?" said Kenpachi.

"Shut up! You just caught me off guard," said Nnoitra.

"How did I catch you off guard if we're fighting?" asked Kenpachi.

"Shut up!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

Nnoitra jumps into the air and tries to smash Kenpachi with his blade, but Kenpachi catches it.

"I've met many guys in the Soul Society who constantly said that I couldn't cut them, but I've never met someone's throat or eye that I couldn't cut!" exclaimed Kenpachi.

Kenpachi proceeds to stab Nnoitra's blindfold, but Nnoitra doesn't die.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you can't cut me!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

Nnoitra grabs his blade and stabs Kenpachi in the chest.

"You can't believe it, right? You thought that you could kill me by just stabbing me in the eye, right? If you were fighting someone else, they would be dead, but I'm different," said Nnoitra.

Nnoitra takes off his blindfold and reveals that he doesn't have a left eye.

"Because I don't have a left eye, your sword passed right through me. This is the best that you can do," said Nnoitra.

Kenpachi starts to smile and Nnoitra becomes confused.

"Why are you smiling?" asked Nnoitra.

"I got happy and a smile slipped out," said Kenpachi.

"You got happy? Why is that?" asked Nnoitra.

"It's no fun if you can't be cut or if you get cut and you won't even die. At the very least, I know that if I cut you again, you'll die. That's good enough for me. It's fun to try to cut you!" said Kenpachi.

"How many times do I have to tell you! You can't cut me!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

Kenpachi grabs his blade and slams it on Nnoitra's blade. Kenpachi tries to slam his blade against Nnoitra's, but Nnoitra blocks it with his left arm and his arm starts to bleed.

"Don't think that you can just cut me. It was a lucky shot," said Nnoitra.

"Shut up. You aren't that strong," said Kenpachi.

"You shut up you bastard! I'll defeat you right here and now," said Nnoitra.

"You will, will you? Bring it then," said Kenpachi.

Nnoitra charges at Kenpachi and tries to slash him, but Kenpachi casually cuts through his blade and slashes Nnoitra on the chest. Nnoitra jumps back and charges a cero. Nnoitra launches the cero and Kenpachi easily grabs it and diverts the attack.

"No way," said Nnoitra.

Nnoitra charges at Kenpachi once again and tries to slash him, but he ends up cutting Kenpachi's eyepatch in half. Kenpachi sees the opening and nearly cuts Nnoitra in half.

"Why did you take my eyepatch off? You nearly died because you made that stupid mistake," said Kenpachi.

"What even is that eyepatch of yours?" asked Nnoitra.

"It's a seal and it suppresses my spiritual pressure so I can enjoy my fights. You seem strong because you're still standing. Are you still alive or are you merely cheating death?" said Kenpachi.

"You must be stupid if you believe that I would die to someone like you! Pray, Santa Teresa!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

Nnoitra's spiritual pressure explodes as he enters his Resurreccion. He grows to more arms and his giant blade splits into four parts, held in each arm.

"What is it like to see an Espada's Resurreccion for the first time?" asked Nnoitra.

Kenpachi responds by giving Nnoitra a crazy-looking smile.

"That's a nice spiritual pressure. It has been a little while since I sensed something like this. It feels like your spiritual pressure is sharpening my blade," said Kenpachi.

"Then, try to cut me with that so-called sharpened blade of yours!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

"I will!" exclaimed Kenpachi excitedly.

Kenpachi charges at Nnoitra and tries to cut him, but Nnoitra easily blocks the attempted attack.

"What the hell?" asked Kenpachi.

"Is that your best shot?" asked Nnoitra.

Nnoitra uses one of his blades to slash Kenpachi's chest. He then kicks him away.

"You're not even twitching. Are you dead already? I guess I'll just deal with the leftovers," said Nnoitra.

"I don't think that it would be smart to turn your back on an opponent that you don't believe is dead!" exclaimed Kuroi.

"Shut up, soul reaper! I'll get to you later!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

Before Nnoitra can move, one of his arms is cut off. Nnoitra turns around and sees Kenpachi holding his severed arm.

"One down," said Kenpachi.

"You were pretending to be dead, you bastard," said Nnoitra.

"Shut up. I was thinking. With four arms, you could block my sword with one of them and that's no fun, so I thought about what I could do so you couldn't block me. I thought about one idea and it's a good one. I decided to cut your arms off one by one," said Kenpachi.

"Kenny, he won't be able to fight with no arms," said Yachiru.

"I guess I'll just leave him one arm," said Kenpachi.

"You're going to leave me one arm? Don't even bother. It's the last arm that you're going to cut off," said Nnoitra.

Nnoitra regrows his severed arm.

"You're going to be cut down by these four arms. You're not even going to cut off one because you're weaker than me," said Nnoitra.

"We'll see who's the weakest person here," said Kenpachi.

The blades of the soul reaper and the Espada clash. Nnoitra overpowers Kenpachi and sends him flying through a pillar.

"You're so light! You flew away just like an ant!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

Before Nnoitra continues to gloat, Kenpachi escapes the rubble and their blades clash once again.

"So, you aren't dead yet? Maybe this can help accelerate your death!" said Nnoitra.

Nnoitra grows another arm and sticks it through Kenpachi's chest.

"I told you that you wouldn't even cut one arm. You're just going to get cut down by these six arms of mine," said Nnoitra.

Kenpachi stumbles back and looks at the ground. Blood pours out of his mouth.

"It's over, soul reaper. Just give up," said Nnoitra.

Kenpachi responds by laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" asked Nnoitra.

"This is the best! I wouldn't have it any other way! Nothing's over! Now that I have a hole like you, we can finally fight on equal ground! Now, let's get this started, Espada!" exclaimed Kenpachi.

"It's your death wish!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

"I'm not going to die here," said Kenpachi.

"You're a madman," said Nnoitra.

"Many people call me crazy, but I just love to fight," said Kenpachi.

"I don't care if you're crazy or obsessed with fighting, you're still going to lose," said Nnoitra.

"Bring it," said Kenpachi.

Kenpachi tries to slash Nnoitra's chest, but Nnoitra dodges the blade and cuts Kenpachi on the shoulder. Kenpachi is barely affected by the attack and clashes with Nnoitra once again. Nnoitra jumps into the air and lands on a pillar. He uses his blades to cut a large chunk of the pillar off. Kenpachi sees the chunk of the pillar falling towards him and easily cuts it in half.

"I'm the strongest, stop trying and die!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

Nnoitra jumps down and slashes Kenpachi on the neck. Kenpachi just rubs his neck.

"If this fight continues just like this, I'll die and I don't feel like dying right now. I guess I'll try that kendo stuff out," said Kenpachi.

"What is that?" asked Nnoitra.

"Kendo is something the old man badgered me about when I first joined the Gotei 13. It just wasn't my style, so I didn't care to learn it. Did you know that a sword is stronger when it's swung with two hands instead of one?" said Kenpachi.

Nnoitra charges at Kenpachi.

"Something like that should be obvious!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

"No, it's not obvious. Don't you know how big the difference in power is?" said Kenpachi.

Kenpachi places both of his hands on his blade's hilt and brings it down on the charging Espada, nearly cutting him in half once again. The Espada falls to the ground but is somehow still alive.

"Wow. You're still alive. That's a shocker. Later," said Kenpachi.

Kenpachi turns around and starts to walk away.

"Hold it! This fight isn't over!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

"Are you stupid? I ended the fight once I started to walk away. Why would I want to kill someone who can't fight anymore?" said Kenpachi.

Nnoitra slowly gets up.

"I can still fight!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

Kenpachi doesn't turn around and just continues to walk away.

"Turn around and fight! Are you scared of me, soul reaper!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

Kenpachi doesn't respond and continues to walk away. Nnoitra starts to run towards the Kenpachi.

"We're not done here!" exclaimed Nnoitra.

Kenpachi stops walking and turns around.

"You're a pain in my ass. I guess that I have no choice," said Kenpachi.

The Quinto Espada jumps towards Kenpachi. Kenpachi casually lands the final blow on Nnoitra before he can reach the captain. The dead body of the Espada falls to the ground and reverts to his base form.

"That was helluva good time, Nnoitra," said Kenpachi.

Kenpachi turns and walks towards Orihime and Kuroi. He rips off his captain kimono and throws it on the ground.

"Good job, Kenpachi. Even though you should have finished the fight earlier, but you still killed him and his Fraccion, so I can't really-," said Kuroi.

Before Kuroi can finish speaking, Kenpachi steps on Orihime's Santen Kesshun, breaking it. He then grabs Kuroi by his collar and throws him behind him. Kuroi lands on his feet ten feet away.

"What the hell was that for!" exclaimed Kuroi angrily.

"Pick up your sword and take the girl and leave. Your job is done. We'll handle things from here," said Kenpachi.

"You need my help to defeat Aizen and the Espada!" exclaimed Kuroi.

"You're a substitute soul reaper and your job is to protect that town of yours. You saved your little girlfriend and defeated an Espada. You've done enough work. Let the captains of the Gotei 13 deal with the rest of the work. Girl, heal my wounds," said Kenpachi.

"Yes, sir!" exclaimed Orihime.

Before Orihime can reach the injured captain, another Espada appears in front of her.

"Sorry in advance. I don't like to do troublesome things like this. I'll just be borrowing her," said the Espada.

The two soul reapers react quickly and flash step towards the Espada. The Espada just flash steps away before the two soul reapers get close.

"They're gone. We had her, but a random guy took her away from us right when we were going to escape this stupid desert," said Kuroi.

"Are you just going to sit here and let her go or are you going to go and get her?" asked Kenpachi.

"Are you going to stop me?" asked Kuroi.

"Your mission was to save that girl and you haven't rescued her yet. Go get her then return to Karakura Town to fight Aizen and his Espada," said Kenpachi.

"Thanks. I won't let her out of my sight after I rescue her this time," said Kuroi.

"You're not going to save her alone," said Ichigo.

Kuroi and Kenpachi turn their heads and see Ichigo standing behind them.

"It took you long enough to get here, Ichigo," said Kuroi.