A large conglomerate of flame appears in front of Kuroi's hand. Kuroi launches the kido spell and it hits the Cero Espada and burns him to ashes. The strongest Espada no longer exists. The only thing that is left of him is a large amount of ash on the desert floor.

"I thought that he would last a couple Haiens. I must have overestimated his strength," said Kuroi.

"At least we beat him. Now, how do we get out of here?" said Ichigo.

"Maybe I can help," said the captain.

"Mayuri, I knew I sensed you an hour ago," said Kuroi.

Kuroi and Ichigo turn around and see Mayuri standing next to a giant wagon.

"A soul reaper that has become a Hollow addressing me by my first name? That's kind of disrespectful, but I'll let it slide," said Mayuri.

"You're being lenient today. Does it have something to do with that wagon?" said Kuroi.

"Indeed. I am in a good mood because I obtained some valuable spoils of war. At the same place where I obtained these spoils, I analyzed the structure of the Garganta," said Mayuri.

"How did you analyze the Garganta so fast?" asked Ichigo.

"What are these spoils of war that you acquired?" asked Kuroi.

"I'll answer your questions another time. I don't have time right now to have a Q&A. All you guys need to know is that the Garganta is semi-permanent. It will get you back to the World of the Living," said Mayuri.

"How do you know that? Did you even test it?" asked Kuroi.

"No, but you two will be my first two test subjects. Nemu, make preparations to send these two soul reapers to the World of the Living," said Mayuri.

"We can't go yet. We still need to be healed. We just fought back-to-back battles," said Kuroi.

"There is no need for concern. I'll be coming with you," said Unohana.

Kuroi turns his head and sees the captain and her lieutenant standing on top of a broken pillar. They hop off the broken pillar and land on the ground.

"Captain Unohana, thank you for volunteering to help us. Your help will be very helpful," said Kuroi.

"There's no need to thank me," said Unohana.

"Why are you being so nice to her?" asked Ichigo.

"She was the first Kenpachi," said Kuroi.

"She was? She doesn't look like a killer," said Ichigo.

"The Gotei 13 was very different a thousand years ago," said Kuroi.

"Volunteering to be a test subject? That's a very capricious thing for you to do, captain. Not at all, Captain Kurotsuchi. I have confidence in your abilities. Besides, if you fail, Kisuke would surely have fun laughing at you," said Unohana.

"Watch what you say, woman. If I can control the Garganta, I can close it halfway through," said Mayuri.

"As I would expect from you, Mayuri. Isane, stay here and help find the others," said Unohana.

"Yes, sir!" exclaimed Isane.

"Let's go, Kuroi and Ichigo," said Unohana.

"What about Kenpachi, Renji, and the others. We can't just leave them here," said Ichigo.

"You two are the only people not under Kyoka Suigetsu that are powerful enough to stand a chance against Aizen. They need you two to come as quickly as possible. You have to save us all," said Unohana.

"Then, let's get going. Aizen won't be sticking around for long," said Kuroi.

A few seconds pass before the Garganta opens.

"I'm not going to explain about the inside. Just keep on running forward until you reach the World of the Living. If you fall, you'll end up in a place where you will never be able to escape from," said Mayuri.

"We've been through the Garganta before. We don't need an in-depth explanation," said Kuroi.

"Then, you can get going," said Mayuri.

"Kisuke told us about the Garganta when he was up high. You guys really are similar," said Kuroi.

"Shut up you, swine!" exclaimed Mayuri.

Before Mayuri can continue to berate the young soul reaper, the three soul reapers enter the Garganta. They land on the floor of the void and start to run on it.

"Can I ask you two a question?" asked Unohana.

"What is it, captain?" asked Kuroi.

"You two confronted Aizen on Sokyoku Hill, right? How did it go?" asked Unohana.

"I did a little damage to him. Even though he could block my Bankai with only three fingers, my Jigoku Piasas and my Hollow mask were helpful," said Kuroi.

"I couldn't do anything to him, but this time I'll destroy him," said Ichigo.

"May I take the lead, if you don't mind?" asked Unohana.

"If you're worrying about our reiatsu consumptions, we'll be-," said Ichigo.

"Of course you can, Captain Unohana. Ladies first," interrupted Kuroi.

"Thank you. You're so respectful," said Unohana.

Unohana runs in front of the two soul reapers.

"Are you scared of her or something?" asked Ichigo.

"No. She's just more powerful than both of us. A thousand years ago, she used to be a murderous criminal. Even though she's changed, she still gives people the look if they misbehave. I don't feel like being her next victim," said Kuroi.

"What are you guys talking about back there?" asked Unohana.

"Oh we were just talking about how we're not at full power," said Kuroi.

"You're not?" asked Unohana.

"After we got obliterated by Ulquiorra, Orihime started to heal us. Usually when Orihime heals us, our shihakushos return back to normal. After she healed us this time, our Shihakushos stayed the same. Then, it felt like half of my power was gone. Even with this Hollow form, I still feel incomplete," said Kuroi.

"I will help you recover your spiritual pressure as we run through the Garganta. You need to be at full power if you want to defeat Aizen," said Unohana.

"Thank you," said Kuroi.

"You're very welcome," said Unohana.

Ten minutes pass. The exit to the Garganta becomes larger and larger as they get closer and closer.

"Mask up, Ichigo. We have work to do," said Kuroi.

"Already on it," said Ichigo.

Ichigo puts his hand on his face and his new Hollow mask appears on it. The two soul reapers jump through the exit and see Aizen. Before Aizen can react, Kuroi and Ichigo use their new combo and launch it at the leader of the Espada. It hits the traitor and damages him a lot. The Gran Rey Cero and Getsuga Tensho combo also severely damages the environment around them. As the smoke clears, Aizen stands before them. His upper attire is destroyed and many bloody scratches and bruises lay on his chest and back.

"That actually hurt somewhat. You guys have gotten stronger than back at Sokyoku Hill. I'm proud," said Aizen.

"You survived that. I didn't know that holding back would give you a chance to survive," said Kuroi.

"Oh. So, you believed that you've surpassed me. That's very cocky of you," said Aizen.

"That's like the teapot calling the kettle black. You're the cockiest person that I've ever seen," said Kuroi.

"I can provide results. It's not arrogance. It's just factual statements," said Aizen.

"When we defeat you, we'll be able to wipe that arrogant smirk off your face," said Ichigo.

"We all know that won't happen," said Aizen.

"If you want to test our theory, let's start fighting," said Kuroi.

"No," said Aoi.

Kuroi looks down and sees his father's hand on his blade.

"Dad, why can't I fight him?" asked Kuroi.

"It's because we can deal with him," said Aoi.

Kuroi turns his head and sees most of the captains of the Gotei 13, some of their lieutenants, and the Visoreds.

"You don't have to face him alone. Aizen has wronged us all. We'll fight him together. We're all soul reapers here. Some of us may have Hollow powers or just shinigami powers, but we all have one goal. We need to defeat him together," said Aoi.

"So, I'm not being sidelined?" asked Kuroi.

"No, but just don't get in our way," said Aoi.

"Fine," said Kuroi.

"So, are we all going to take him on at one time or are we slowly going to pressure him?" asked Ichigo.

"We'll just have to find out!" exclaimed Toshiro.

Toshiro darts towards Aizen. Toshiro's blade collides with Aizen's.

"Coming at me without a second thought, Toshiro? Such a daring move," said Aizen.

"If we want to defeat you, someone has to attack you first. I'm surprised that you didn't use Kyoka Suigetsu yet," said Toshiro.

"I should be the one who's surprised. You decided to attack me first," said Aizen.

Shunsui tries to slash Aizen, but he gets blocked by a Kido shield.

"And Captain Kyoraku nearly hit me," said Aizen.

"Are you trying to say that this is unfair, Aizen?" asked Shunsui.

"No, I'm just saying that this may be fun," said Aizen.

"It would be easier to defeat him if everyone went full power from the start," said Kuroi.

"I guess it wouldn't be honorable," said Ichigo.

"We're jumping him, so there's no honor to begin with," said Kuroi.

"Kuroi, Ichigo, I want to offer my gratitude. If you guys didn't attack Aizen, I would have been cut down. Thank you," said Sajin.

"You're welcome," said Kuroi.

"Sajin, we're up next. Let's go," said Aoi.

"Yes, sir," said Sajin.

Sajina and Aoi dart towards Aizen.

"Why didn't you bring Orihime with you? We would be able to go at him at full power if you brought her, but I'll let you off the hook for this. Plus, your resurreccion is pretty cool," said Shinji.

"Thanks, I guess," said Kuroi.

"Lisa, Rose, Love, let's go," said Shinji.

The Visoreds dart towards Aizen.

"Are you just going to sit there and stare at us fighting him or are you going to help?" asked Soi Fon.

"You want us to help? I thought that we lowly substitute soul reapers shouldn't interfere in the work of the Gotei 13," said Kuroi.

"Your sarcasm is not needed here. This is a battlefield, not a comedy club. We came here to fight to live. For you to live. For everyone to live. When there's an opening for you two to attack, take it. Do not fall behind," said Soi Fon.

Soi Fon flash steps towards Aizen.

"Wait up, captain!" exclaimed Omaeda.

Omaeda darts towards Aizen.

"Soi Fon's right. We can't just sit here and watch. Let's hop in," said Kuroi.

"Not so fast. You can't go after the final boss until you take down his henchmen," said Gin.

Kuroi and Ichigo quickly turn around after hearing the snake's voice.

"I thought that someone should have already dealt with you, Gin, but I guess that we will have to take you and Aizen down," said Kuroi.

"Lord Aizen was right. You are a cocky fellow," said Gin.

"Like you have any right to talk. You won't even open your eyes to look at us when we fight," said Ichigo.

"It's just a habit. Are you judging my personal decisions?" said Gin.

"Creepy people deserve to be judged," said Kuroi.

"Do you know how long my Shinso can extend?" asked Gin.

"I don't know and I don't care," said Kuroi.

"It's about 100 swords long. That's why it was called a Hyapponzashi when I was a little lad," said Gin.

"I still don't care," said Kuroi.

"Do you know how fair its Bankai extends?" asked Gin.

"Hello? Do you not hear me? I don't care about your Zanpakuto's abilities," said Kuroi.

"You're ruining the fun. Oh well. I guess that I'll explain it in the ways that humans like yourselves. My Bankai can extend 13 km," said Gin.

"That's actually pretty long," said Ichigo.

"I know right, so I'll show you both how long it truly is and I won't hold back. Bankai: Kamishini No Yari!" said Gin.

Gin's blade extends to 13 km as it enters its Bankai state. Gin spins around and cuts most of the buildings in half. Kuroi and Ichigo barely avoid getting decapitated by the Bankai.

"I told you it was long," said Gin.

"You could have phrased that better, but you weren't lying. I'm glad that we aren't in the real Karakura Town or I would be pissed off," said Kuroi.

"Maybe this time, you'll try to block it instead of ducking," said Gin.

Gin swings his blade towards the two soul reapers and Kuroi grabs the blade with his hand.

"Now, Ichigo," said Kuroi.

"Alright," said Ichigo.

Ichigo ducks under the blade and flash steps towards Gin. Gin tries to swing his blade, but Kuroi tightens his grip. Ichigo gets closer to the snake and holds his blade above his head.

"Getsuga Tensho!" exclaimed Ichigo.

Ichigo brings his blade down and hits the snake with a full-powered Getsuga Tensho. As the smoke clears, Gins still stands, but he has a large head and stomach wound.

"That was stronger than I expected. I guess I should end this before things get messy, so let's fight the old-fashioned way," said Gin.

Gin charges at Kuroi and Ichigo. The blades of the two soul reapers and the snake quickly collide multiple times.

"Even though I'm moving at top speed, you guys are still able to keep up. You guys are tough," said Gin.

"We just refuse to lose," said Ichigo.

"Oh really? Then, take this," said Gin.

Gin jumps back and his blade extends to its max length. Kuroi and Ichigo are barely able to dodge the extending blade. Kuroi and Ichigo flash step towards Gin. Gin tries to swing his long blade at them, but they are able to dodge the blade. Ichigo appears behind Gin and Kuroi appears in front of him. Kuroi charges up a Gran Rey Cero and Ichigo charges up a Getsuga Tensho.

"Gran Rey Getsuga Tensho!" exclaimed the two soul reapers.

The combination of attacks nearly destroys the snake as he finally opens his eyes to see nothing but red and black. The attack creates a large explosion and nearly kills the snake. He falls to the ground, not being able to stand, but he surprisingly starts to laugh.

"What's so funny? You lost," said Kuroi.

"I wasn't trying to beat you. I was a distraction to prevent you from interfering with Lord Aizen's fights," said Gin.

"Fights? He was just fighting the Gotei 13," said Kuroi.

"Keyword is was. He knew that you two would become strong enough in an all-out fight to beat him, so he ordered me to distract you two while he dealt with everyone else. Did you notice how the spiritual pressures of the Gotei 13, even Yamamoto's and your father's, vanished? Did you notice how the temperature increased? Did you notice how there was a giant explosion a couple miles away? You probably thought all of that damage was from our fight. Our fight was so intense that you didn't notice that Lord Aizen dealt with all of your friends and had just been watching us for the last ten minutes," said Gin.

"You're lying, you creepy snake," said Ichigo.

"Am I? Just look up," said Gin.

Kuroi looks up and sees Aizen look at them from the comfort of the clear sky. His signature smile lays on his face. Kuroi immediately darts towards the smiling menace.

"Aizen!" exclaimed Kuroi.

"Welcome back to reality, young one," said Aizen.