All Hail The King

Three hours have passed since Kuroi, Yuki, and Shino were notified about the death of Squad 1's lieutenant, Chojiro Sasakibe. As sadness and grief befalls the Soul Society, they can not just mope around because the Quincy has declared war. Now, Kuroi, Yuki, and Shino run up to the captain of Squad 7, Aoi Hono.

"So, you came. I thought that you didn't like funerals," said Aoi.

"I don't. I just had to come because a lieutenant was murdered. What happened?" said Kuroi.

"Sasakibe was murdered by Quincy," said Aoi.

"The Quincy are back huh? Why have they returned?" asked Kuroi.

"They declared war, so I guess that they want revenge," said Aoi.

"How was Lieutenant Sasakibe? I never talked to him before," said Kuroi.

"Sasakibe was a pretty chill guy. We were never close. I like to say that we were rivals, fighting for Yamamoto's seal of approval. He mastered his Bankai before me, but he has only used it once. . He was supposed to become a captain before me, but he chose to be by Yamamoto's side. Yamamoto saw him as a son. People like us will never understand Yamamoto's pain," said Aoi.

"If war is coming, will he be able to lead us to victory?" asked Kuroi.

"Maybe. I don't know because I have never seen him in this state," said Aoi.

"I was attacked by a Quincy a few hours ago. Maybe he was a distraction to prevent me from interfering," said Kuroi.

"Or they could be testing your strength to see what they could do to you to win the war," said Aoi.

"This war won't be an easy one will it?" asked Kuroi.

"No, it won't. Who are those guys behind you?" said Aoi.

"New soul reapers sent to protect Karakura Town. I'm going to train them to make them stronger," said Kuroi.

"That's cool. You have surely grown up," said Aoi.

"I just want to help others. There's nothing special to it," said Kuroi.

"Quiet. It's starting," said Aoi.

"Light the fire!" exclaimed Yamamoto.

A fire starts under Sasakibe as his dead body is cremated. His body turns to ash as his essence is burnt away and flows into the sky of the Soul Society.

"Rest in peace, Chojiro," said Aoi.

Two hours pass. The captains of the Gotei 13 now stand inside the Captain's Assembly Hall. The lieutenant of Squad 12, Akon, is finishing giving a report on the rebel army.

"And that is the end of my report on the rebel army's incursion," said Akon.

"Well done, Akon. You can step back," said Mayuri.

"Yes, sir," said Akon.

"This time, I'm temporarily calling them the rebel army, but they call themselves the Wandenreich. They are the cause of the disappearance of Hollows. These rebels aren't just regular people. They're Quincy that have somehow survived. I don't know how, but they have the ability to steal or at least block Bankais like Sasakibe said," said Mayuri.

"Enough. We have exchanged enough information. There is something else that I want from you. Where are their headquarters?" said Yamamoto.

"Unfortunately, we don't know," said Mayuri.

"I see. That means that we can't invade them. Their soldiers announced that they will fight us in five days, but how can we trust the words of cowards that killed one of our own with no notice? Make your preparations quickly! We won't let them make the first move again! You are dismissed!" said Yamamoto.

As the captains exit the assembly hall, Kuroi decides to stay and walks up to the old head captain.

"Captain Hono, why have you chosen to stay?" asked Yamamoto.

"Are you ok?" asked Kuroi.

"I'm fine," said Yamamoto.

"You're lying. I can see it in your eyes," said Kuroi.

"Why do you care all of a sudden?" asked Yamamoto.

"We're about to go to war with a clan that we once thought was extinct. Your lieutenant was murdered right in front of you. You're our leader. If you can't lead, we can't win," said Kuroi.

"Why should I take advice from a child?" asked Yamamoto.

"I'm not just a child. I am one of the strongest captains here. You need to stop being so arrogant and headstrong. That's why you failed to defeat him a thousand years ago," said Kuroi.

"You don't know what you're talking about," said Yamamoto.

"You fought a man named Yhwach, the king of the Quincies. You failed to defeat him all of those years ago and now he has returned to destroy us. You know that what I'm saying is right, but you refuse to admit it," said Kuroi.

"Get out, boy," said Yamamoto.

"Sasakibe died because you didn't kill Yhwach. The Quincy have returned because you failed to eradicate them. We have another blood war on our hands because of your failures," said Kuroi.

"Get out!" exclaimed Yamamoto.

"We only have five days left. Just be ready, head captain," said Kuroi.

Kuroi turns around and walks away as Yamamot looks at the ground, unconsciously agreeing with the young soul reaper. Kuroi exits the assembly hall and starts to walk towards the open Senkaimon.

"Where are you going?" asked Aoi.

Kuroi stops walking and turns to look at his father.

"I'm going to train in the World of the Living," said Kuroi.

"Why?" asked Aoi.

"I just like training at home. That's all," said Kuroi.

"Is it because of your small argument with Yamamoto?" asked Aoi.

"No, I never had a good relationship with him anyways. One argument won't affect if I want to stay here or not. I'll be back in five days," said Kuroi.

"What if they attack before then?" asked Aoi.

"I'll be here," said Kuroi.

Kuroi turns back around and walks through the Senkaimon. He walks for twenty minutes until he finally reaches the World of the Living. He lands on a building. He looks up and sees something falling towards him.

"Uuwaaaaaoooohhhhhh!" exclaimed Nelliel.

"Nel?" asked Kuroi.

"Super speed!" exclaimed Nelliel.

Nelliel rockets at top speed and flies into Kuroi's stomach, causing the captain to fall to the ground.

"Nel, what's wrong with you?" asked Kuroi.

"Help Nel, Kuroi. Hueco Mundo has been attacked," said Nelliel.

"Attacked by who?" asked Kuroi.

"Super speed!" exclaimed Pesshe.

Pesshe rockets down and crash lands onto the roof.

"So, you're here, too. Great," said Kuroi sarcastically.

"I was trying to sneak attack you, but you dodged it. You're so fast, Kuroi Hono," sai Pesshe.

"You yelled out super speed. A dude in a wheelchair could have dodged you," said Kuroi.

"We need your help. Heuco Mundo has been attacked," said Pesshe.

"She already told me that. I need to know who," said Kuroi.

"We don't know, but they're mean," said Nel.

"Were they wearing white uniforms?" asked Kuroi.

"Yeah, but their uniforms are probably messed up because of all of the sand," said Pesshe.

"So, that's where the Wandenreich is hiding. I'll make a couple calls. We need to get to Hueco Mundo immediately," said Kuroi.

Thirty minutes pass. Kuroi, Nelliel, Pesshe, Chad, Uryu, Tatsuki, Ichigo, and Orihime stand or sit in Kuroi's room.

"Sorry for asking you guys to come to my house so late at night, but we have things to do," said Kuroi.

"What things do we have to do?" asked Uryu.

"The Quincies are back and they have taken over Hueco Mundo. I thought that you should know this," said Kuroi.

"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Uryu.

"You are a Quincy. I thought that Yhwach would try to recruit as many Quincies as possible for the war," said Kuroi.

"I barely know anything about Yhwach. Why would he recruit me?" said Uryu.

"I don't know. You're strong and more numbers make it easier for the Quincies to win," said Kuroi.

"I don't know anything," said Uryu.

"Of course you don't," said Kuroi.

"If you two are done arguing, what are we going to do with the Quincies in Hueco Mundo?" asked Tatsuki.

"We're going to deal with them. Halibel was the person ruling Hueco Mundo after Aizen was thrown into Muken, but she was beaten and captured. Their other friend was captured as well," said Kuroi.

"What's the plan?" asked Chad.

"If Yhwach is in Hueco Mundo, we have a big chance to end this war before it even starts. This isn't just a rescue operation, this is a war prevention operation. If we don't defeat the Quincies tonight, I don't know what will happen in a few days. I don't have a plan at this moment, but once we get to Hueco Mundo, I'll create one," said Kuroi.

"I can't come on this mission. I'm sorry," said Uryu.

"I understand. You don't want to kill your own people, do you? I knew you would say that. The only reason that I called you was so you wouldn't be sulking if I didn't," said Kuroi.

"You," said Uryu irritatingly.

"Shall I handle your transportation to Hueco Mundo?" asked Kisuke.

Everyone in the room turns and looks at Kisuke sitting on the windowsill.

"Why are you sitting in my window?" asked Kuroi.

"I was taking a stroll and then I heard you guys talking about going to Hueco Mundo and decided to drop by," said Kisuke.

"How fast can you get us there?" asked Kuroi.

"Twenty minutes," said Kisuke.

"Let's go," said Kuroi.

Twenty minutes pass. The group exits the Garganta and lands silently on the white sand. They find a barrier and hide behind it.

"They haven't noticed us yet," said Chad.

"That's good, but this place looks like a graveyard," said Kuroi.

"No one is alive," said Orihime.

Kuroi moves his hand over Nelliel's eyes to prevent her from seeing her dead friends lying on the ground.

"Don't look, Nel," said Kuroi.

"Where are the Arrancar?" asked Ichigo.

"They are taken to their camp and either killed or inducted into their army," said Pesshe.

"Now, let's go save them," said Kuroi.

"Huh?" asked Pesshe.

"We came here to prevent a war. Meddling with their army can help. Let's move," said Kuroi.

Kuroi proceeds to flash step away while his friends run behind him, following him to the camp. A few minutes pass before they reach the camp and see three Arrancar, defeated by a Quincy standing before them.

"Oh, now it's a shinigami. We are having a lot of guests today," said the Quincy.

"That's impossible. He beat the Tres Bestia," said Nelliel.

"A shinigami with an Arrancar on his back? Now, this is curious, but I know who you are, Kuroi Hono," said the Quincy.

"I'm kind of a celebrity, so I'm not surprised that you know who I am," said Kuroi.

"Your information was given to me by his majesty. You are figured as a special war opportunity after all," said the Quincy.

Before Kuroi can respond, the Quincy soldiers encircle him. They aim their reishi bows at him and fire their reishi arrows. Kuroi tanks some of the arrows, but he still takes damage. He charges at the Quincy leading the operation.

"I thought you guys would be stronger than this. How will you destroy us if you can't even beat me?" said Kuroi.

"There are more of my kind that are way stronger than us," said the Quincy.

"I will have to see it to believe it," said Kuroi.

"Then, I guess I'll just show you," said the Quincy.

The Quincy unsheathes his blade. The symbol on his bracelet turns into a giant reishi bow and he fires a few arrows at the soul reaper. The arrows hit the soul reaper and create a huge explosion.

"Ahh. Hit the mark. What happened to you! Are you that weak!" said the Quincy.

"How weak do you believe I am?" asked Kuroi.

"Huh?" asked the Quincy.

"I thought that Quincy only used bows. Is that a Zanpakuto?" said Kuroi.

"Zanpakuto? Why would we use such primitive blades?" asked the Quincy.

"Kuroi!" exclaimed Orihime.

Kuroi turns around and sees his friends running towards him.

"Good. Take Nel and keep her safe," said Kuroi.

Kuroi throws Nel at Orihime and she catches the girl.

"If your blade isn't a Zanpakuto, then what is it?" asked Kuroi.

"It's just a blade that I can use to turn into a weapon with my reishi. There's nothing special about it," said the Quincy.

"If shooting arrows is all you can do, then you have lost," said Kuroi.

"I can do more than just shoot arrows," said the Quincy.

The Quincy takes off one of his white gloves and reveals a balck one with a weird symbol on it. His spiritual pressure explodes as his appearance changes. He grows angelic wings, gauntlets on both wrists, a sword coming out of his right hand, and boots.

"What is that?" asked Kuroi.

"Can you feel the pulsating power of the person that will destroy you?" asked the Quincy.

Before Kuroi can respond, the Quincy appears behind him and kicks him in the back of the head and sends him flying. Kuroi doesn't touch the ground until the Quincy appears above him.

"You're probably wondering what this power is. It's the Quincy's Vollstandig. It's not like a shinigami's Bankai or an Arrancar's resurreccion. It's better," said the Quincy.

"You say that it's better. It may be, but it definitely doesn't make you any better looking. If Uryu was to turn into that, I would kill him to put him out of his misery," said Kuroi.

"Don't make fun of his majesty's power," said the Quincy.

"Burn this world to ashes, Kuraymai Nokiribi," said Kuroi.

Kuroi's Zanpakuto enters its Shikai state and Kuroi kicks the Quincy in the stomach, sending him flying upward. Kuroi falls to the ground and quickly gets back up. He darts towards the Quincy at top speed.

"Do you believe that just because you can harm me that you can overpower his majesty's power!" exclaimed the Quincy.

"I don't care about Yhwach or whatever you bootlickers call him. I'm ending this war before it even starts," said Kuroi.

"You can not defeat his majesty's favorite captain. It's impossible," said the Quincy.

"No, it's impossible for you to come out of this fight with a win," said Kuroi.

As the Quincy prepares for an attack from the front, the young soul reaper outspeeds him and gets behind and charges his final attack. The Quincy feels a gust of wind and looks behind him and sees the young soul reaper behind him.

"Damn," thought the Quincy.

"Jigoku Piasa!" exclaimed Kuroi.