Where it all began

I was the average upon the average. A guy who had recently left college, and is now working as a cashier. At least, I didn't truly hate my job, and found it quite pleasant seeing how many people enjoyed a nice coffee in the morning. It was still depressing however, as my past goals were beyond such standard.

At least a dam sports car! Was what I would often think of at night, as I scrolled the internet in search for something to entertain me, only to find something that would make me loath my life even more.

To fix that hole that I was missing in life, I started following recent trends that looked very fun and healthy. From working out, to making online friends… After a year or two, I had a nice body, which went very well with my pretty face. Surely, that attracted some customers into asking for my number, and even some guys, which I didn't mind. After all, that showed that my looks did really improve.

However, that void inside my chest was still feeling empty. I was missing something, I was missing luxury.

That's when I decided, as a joke, that I would try to buy something that was cheap and worthless, but something that might increase in price through time.

It was a jade necklace, but it was a very rare one, because it didn't have the common design or carving of a dragon. It had the carving of a perfect and accurate looking PP, which was quite similar to the shape of mine. Not too big, slightly bend, and well trimmed.

Not that that mattered, but I found it funny anyways. Even before buying it, I couldn't help imagining what my friends on social media would say after I post a screenshot of me having bought such a strange item. What's funnier is that I took the instant delivery deal. Ha! I couldn't believe that the item was so close to me. Was it fate perhaps? Fate to own a PP shaped necklace? Hahaha, I doubt that.

Chuckling again, even when I was brushing my teeth, I couldn't wait for the next day, to see what the item would look like in front of me. With that thought in my head, I spit out all that whites in my mouth, and went for a sleep on my bed.

The next day arrived, and there was still around ten hours before my delivery had arrived. It was a twenty four hours wait time after all, but it didn't matter to me, as it was a fine Wednesday, which means that I'll have to go to work. Work was as the usual. Clients came, they ordered, and I received their money. It was ideal. When I got home, it was a surprise for me to see that the item arrived much earlier than I had expected. I thought that it might have been a wrong package, but when I opened the big cardboard box, the tiny necklace was indeed there, inside a nice small Chinese wooden jewelry chest.

Ha! Imagine storing something with the shape of this thing in such a special chest! I thought, as I opened the small chest to admire the beautiful white jade of a "Little brother".

I was already inside my gaming room, and had my phone ready to make a nice clip of the necklace to post on social media. However, the moment my camera focused on the necklace, my phone screen started lagging and glitching. Is this some paranormal sh*t?! I thought to myself, as the lagging on the camera looked exactly like the statics that I would see on a camera whenever a ghost appears, in the horror game that I usually play. However, there was nothing I could do to test out if I was simply paranoid, since my phone was the only camera that I had with me.

I sighed, but I didn't care, and simply wore the necklace to see if it would look cool or embarrassing if I were to wear it in public. I figured that I could simply post a picture the next day with someone else's phone, because I knew that making a picture of it had to be possible. After all, how did the seller make a photo of the necklace? It couldn't be digital art, right? Right…?

Coming into realization, I subconsciously touched the jade with my hand, as I lifted it up a little, and looked at it in uncertainty and fear. It can't be, right? I denied my paranoid feelings, knowing that souls are just a cool myth.

"Sh*t!" I shouted in fear, surprised that the necklace had suddenly faded out of existence. It was gone! Gone from my very own hand! How? Is this really a cursed necklace?! What the f*ck did I buy?!

Panicked thoughts kept rushing inside my head. It was the first time I saw something so paranormal and believable right in front of my eyes. I've read a lot of stories, watched a lot of movies, and played a lot of games. I knew damn right that if the supernatural is all real, which seems to be, based on what just happened… I knew that I am damn f*cked! I am in danger!

How many times had I seen a plot develop in this way? More than a dozen times!

I knew that the situation was very dire, and even if I didn't have quite the best life, I still wanted to live after everything I've worked so hard for. School, my job, and the damn sexy body of mine.

*Cough* *Cough* Okay, maybe that's a little bit too exaggerated. Still, I did not want to die.

I knew for sure, that that night, was one of the worst sleepless nights I had. I didn't sleep for an entire night, afraid that I'd get killed, and when the next day arrived, I was certain that I went to work with heavy eye bags and a stressed look. However, that stressed looked of mine changed when every female co-workers of mine started talking sweet and sexually to me even when I looked horrible. There would occasionally be a few clients that have a crush on me, but that day, every girl and women that came to me, winked at me in a weird way.

Even the underaged ones!

Perhaps… Perhaps the necklace is a chaotic but good ending to the story of my life…