The elders were actually surprised that I asked the most unpopular elder for her to be my teacher. After all, they thought that I was a shy person who didn't like to interact with other people. Well, they were dead wrong. Maybe it's partly true, but I'm certain that it's just that I don't like interacting with old men everyday, and show them my little brother. I mean like… This is a world where cultivators use their PP to cultivate! I'd rather see a charming girl's PP in front of me, than an old hag's. That's right! I'm innocent, and it's just my opinion and preference! I don't know if there's a chance for a cultivation demonstration to happen, but I absolutely do not want an old man flexing his D in front of me, to help me guide mine! Heck no!
Anyway, the elders were truly surprised that I chose Leilei as my temporary master. It's obvious as to why they were surprised. I bet it's probably because she's a smarts and a nerd, which the elders don't expect many people will talk to because of their lack of knowledge and intelligence. But who knows? Maybe I'm wrong. I don't care what others think, because she is just the one I want right now. Yes, yes I love geeks. They're so fun to talk to when you can keep up with them, and ohohoho… Did I mention how interesting their role play and teasing them could be…? The're great! And also, I haven't seen anyone better than her yet, so yeah...That's my opinion of course. Everyone is different, hehe.
Xianner? Nah, Xianner's trash, and I'll probably only tear her as an act of revenge. Her mommy milkies aren't bad after all. Kekeke… Uh-uhm! Why am I always so stuck up inside my mind? Nobody wants to hear my damn opinion, okay?! Stop talking to yourself!' I said to myself again, in annoyance. Inside my mind of course. I'm not psychotic, trust me. But yeah… The reason why I'm complaining about myself is because someone is actually talking to me right now, and I'm just being too lazy to reply because of my thoughts being too important for me.
*Sigh* "Yes. I am very certain. I've got this feeling that I'm actually just like her, you see, elder Xuan." I replied to the old man who kept calling my name to interrupt me from my thoughts.
"I see. Birds of the same feather always stick together… If that is your wish, we will happily accept it as long as elder Leilei does, which she did."
"Uh-uhm!" Elder Mawa tried to grab everyone's attention. "Since we're at it, I welcome elder Leilei to have her say!" Mawa notified the audience of Leilei presence, and right after, he made a gesture for her to come to him and stand where he used to be.
"Hello!" Leilei greeted everyone cheerfully. "I am elder Leilei, and I partake in the profession of apothecary. If any of you need some pills are ointments to cultivate or recover your wounds, you can try to visit me. Try obviously, because I am not always available. So, once you buy, make sure to stock up!" Leilei's entire speech sounded cheerful, and honestly, I thought I was watching an ad for a second.
Welp, there she goes, leaving her spot to walk towards me and stand beside me. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, but that one guy that led the exam is an adviser. Yeah… His name is Kanli I think. I'm not too sure, hehe.
"Are these all the elders of the sect?" I decided to ask Leilei, who was so close to me that I didn't even need to look at her while I asked. Her figure was already visible from the corner of my eyes, and I'm sure that she could hear me from such a distance. Also, looking at her when she was this close. Yeah… That is kind of unnecessary and kind of creepy.
"There is one more, but she rarely leaves her place. Oh! There we go. Elder Kanli is talking about her." Leilei indicated me to listen to the elder, who was giving the details about the last details.
"Won't be coming." I was too late to hear what the elder said previously, but that didn't matter. The man wasn't done with his words however, so I continued listening. "If you need to buy a weapon, an armor piece or pieces, or any type of equipment or tool that you might need for your quests, she will be the one that you can go to. Just like every elder, her very own mountain's location is marked on your map. If you read behind your map you'll get enough information, which you need to find your own place of stay. Welcome to the sect everyone, and good luck on your journey to immortality! We sincerely hope that you can make our sect proud!"
When elder Kanli was finished with his explanation, everyone diligently read the back of the map, before they parted their ways. Their new homes is where they needed to go to, as they had to choose one to their liking before another could. It was quite the exciting experience for them for sure, and I could easily see it on their expression. They must be excited to go on an adventure already or something… It's just like going to high school for the first time. Oh, how I can still remember that time. The disappointment that crept in so soon. I don't think it's going to be like this in a cultivation sect though. I mean like… Adventure! Epic battles! We'll see about that later…
"So… Am I staying with you then?" A slight grin appeared on my face as I asked Leilei.
"What? No! Although I really wish to, you're still an outer disciple and still lacking in knowledge. I still have to teach you, which I'll probably do occasionally, as I am busy most of the time. Good luck on your cultivation journey, kay? Bye bye." Leilei replied to my question, which left me quite a bit disappointed if I'm being honest.
There, in the distance, I can see her hopping away with her sword. Damn, she is quite fast…