A hate crime!

'Hmm… What does the system mean with radar…?' I thought as I stared at the warning text from the system. Well… I guess we'll know what the system means by that, one day.

Anyway, I guess it's time to leave the sect. Quite soon, aye? But who cares, more EXP! I mean like, the quest rank is now normal. So, I should be able to handle it fairly easily. Right…?

Okay, maybe I was wrong… Ahh! Never mind. I was definitely wrong to think that everything will be okay!

A flaming chicken, it's chasing me! Who would've thought that a bird would guard a few flowers?! They eat worms don't they?! So why is one chasing me right now?!

"Ahh! Please mister chicken Cough Cough I mean miss… Please don't gatekeep your flowers! We're all a part of one family aren't we?! Sharing is caring, and it's our flowers, remember?! Don't you know that we come from the same family? Come on! Stop chasing after me!"

I was yelling desperately, but the chicken was too furious to listen to me. Or maybe she was simply too dumb… I mean, it's a chicken. What should I even expect from it? Food? Haha, wait… As I ran, I suddenly came up with an idea. Because the chicken's body is made out of fire, doesn't that mean that it can't enter water? Was what I had asked myself before I came up with the idea to lure it towards a place with enough water. I have a map for damned sakes, so of course I used it to its potential. With the map, I was able to locate a nice shallow river of water, while I ran half blinded, due to the map's interface covering my entire sight.

"Please be safe, please be safe!" I begged, before I made my way inside the shallow river.

The level of the water reached my knees, which I was glad of, because if it was any deeper, I wouldn't be able to notice any dangerous water creatures lurking within the depth of the water. It was just a few small and harmless fishes for now, and the flaming chicken that was smart enough to not follow me to the river.

Obviously, I wouldn't just leave things like that and give up the quest. Now that I have a weapon all around me, I will make sure that the chicken suffers my wrath! Muhahaha! Water bending, seventh technique of the sixth realm!

*Spurt* *Spurt*

With the two fists of mine halfway below the water, I launched two far reaching sprays of water towards the chicken. Surely, she was screwed and foolish enough to chase me towards my areal of advantage. It's over now, as the chicken was fated to become cold.

"Water bending, gatling gunner technique!"

*Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt*

There was no way that I would let the chicken escape, and in no way would I also show her mercy! She must die for her cruel crimes!

*Pshh* The flames died down, and the chicken was longer there where it was. The only thing that was left behind, was an orange glowing feather.

What is this? I wondered, after I left the river to inspect the feather that the chicken had left behind.

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! The feather was flaming hot, but what was strange was that it disappeared the moment I had touched it. Feeling the burning sensation now in my palm instead of my fingers, I turned my hand to see a orange flaming mark of a bird in my palm.

*Wiener!* The annoying sound of the system suddenly sounded inside my head.


Mark of the fiery phoenix discovered >


'Heh?! Wait wait wait… Is this some magical thing?! Like, Can I do pyromancy things now??' I was kind of excited, and had to know what such a mark held. With great haste, I decided to expand the notification to see what the mark was all about.


Mark of the fiery phoenix discovered >

A message of a phoenix kind, delivered to all its various kins.

- A curse, and surely not a blessing.

- Host has a very bad reputation with the phoenix family.

- Any flaming bird or beings with the force of the phoenix will be hostile against host.


'Oh sh*t… I've messed up.' I realized when I saw the terrifying words that the system displayed to me.

From what I can understand, I have a feud with an entire family line already within this world… How?! I just killed one damn bird in act of self defense! How the f*ck am I supposed to pick up those firefly lilies then? Are you telling me that everyone who tried to pick up those flowers, are an enemy of the phoenix family?? This is absurd!

I still don't get it though, and I feel so unsatisfied! I just killed one, no, I just threw water at her! One bird, and every kind, every family member! What the f*ck?!

*Sigh* Let's get the lilies before reinforcement arrives or something. I definitely won't be able to complete my quest if that were to happen…

Okay, so, is it okay for me to touch these flowers with my bare hands? Will all the flowers wither in the future if I do that? Haaa! The logic in this world makes me so frustrated!

What if… Yeah, I guess I can do that. The lily plant is very small, and probably almost as tall as the length of my palm. Its width is smaller than my di- I mean finger. So yeah, my plan should work. The plan to dig up the hot soil, and to bring the flowers still intact to the soil. That way, the flower won't get touched, nor would it get harmed. A perfect strategy, which a perfect mind as mine can only think of! Ha!

Since there were five lily plants growing very close to each other, I decided to grab them a whole. The soil that carried its roots was only two hands full, so it wasn't really a problem bringing them back to the sect. Surely, having my hands in front of me that made it seem as if I was begging, was quite the tiring thing to do while walking.