Not the brightest day

'Where… Where am I?' I pondered after I had made the effort to open my sleepy eyes.

Based on the brightness of my surroundings, I was able to tell that it was sometime early in the morning. In front of me was Xiayen, and the both of us were actually peacefully lying with our arms and our head on the table.

The table being the one from the only restaurant within the sect, which was the type of table that had short legs and quite the huge surface that is necessary for the people that want to order a lot of dishes.

Honestly... Why am I even talking about a table right now?


Well, anyway… Xiayen was still asleep, and she was actually holding my hand at the moment.

How cute… It makes me wonder what had happened last night for us to fall asleep over here.

Oh, right… It must have been that pink liquor that me and Xiayen both split our money for to buy.

Although it was a split, I actually didn't even tell Xiayen the truth about the total amount of crystals that I had with me. Hehehe… While Xiayen used half her total crystals, I only used a tenth. She actually payed sixty PP crystals for the drink, while I only payed twenty! Hahaha! Don't worry though… I'll pay her back someday.

Keyword, someday. Hehehe...

So… What do you think I should do…? If I go on a mission, It'll mean that I would also have to do the quests of killing Phoenix-blood disciples, simply, because the good rewards are mostly only attainable from the quests that require me to go outside of the sect.

Hmm… Should I just stay with Xiayen then… I could try and find a way to cultivate with her, I guess. I am not in the mood to spill some blood anyway...

*Sigh* I sighed and was about to squeeze Xiayen's hand in order wake her up. However, right as my thumbs were about to squeeze the skin of her hand, a sudden disturbance occured.


It wasn't just any disturbance. It was the disturbance of a terrifying explosion that I had heard coming from one of the mountains of the sect. I guess the sound did wake up Xiayen for me, so that's kind of a good thing. However... Waking up Xiayen wasn't much of a problem as an explosion within the sect!

Because... What if it's related to me?! And... Even if it's not, my day will still be ruined! Well... There will be some drama at least. Talk about some action...

"What was that just now?" I wondered as I forcefully pulled Xiayen along with me to rush outside of the restaurant and see the source of the explosion. Forcefully, because we were still holding hands, and because Xiayen was still sleepy, even after the terrifying sound of the explosion.

Together, with an entire crowd around us, we all looked towards the west where the mountain of examination is supposed to be. There, a bright fire was burning in the location where the mountain used to be at. The mountain was destroyed, and only a small part that was slightly higher than the ground level, was left.

Since it was still early in the morning, the sun had also barely risen, which made the fire as bright as the rising sun. The difference though, was that this sun was not in the east, but in the west...

While I stood in place, shocked by the devastation a few miles in front of me, many disciples were already expressing their opinions amongst themselves.

What was happening? That I did not know, and that was the same for many of the disciples around me. The disaster was too far away from me after all, and only after squinting my eyes, was I able to see a very tiny silhouette floating in the air.

"Is this normal in the sect?" I proceeded to ask Xiayen when I took notice of the silhouettes, since the discussions that the others had, all lead to a summary of 'What's happening' and 'I don't know'. Many people didn't know what was going on after all, since it was still early in the morning. Either they were still asleep, or too busy with making preparation for the day.


All of a sudden, the yell of a woman echoed throughout the entire area. The noise came from the location of the disaster, and although it was loud, it wasn't too painful for the ear. I of course didn't know if it would be louder for the people closer to the disaster, but what I did know, was that I was safe from getting my eardrums damaged.

"What the f*ck was that power?!" I yelled out loud after the passing of the loud noise that was so loud, that it was even seen by the eye.

The question that I had asked Xiayen before the loud noise was already forgotten, and on every disciple, I could see a face full of fear.

"I don't know! But let's hope the Elders can fix the problem!" Xiayen yelled her answer to me, since she was a bit deaf, just like everyone were at the moment.

Whatever Xiayen said just now, I had completely agreed to it, because she was indeed correct about hoping for the elders to fix the problem. Because if they didn't, I'm certain that every disciples within the sect are going to die. I mean like… Did you hear how powerful that yell was just now?! If someone can yell out that loud, just imagine how hard they would be able to clap them cheeks!

Within the bunch of disciples that are certainly going to die if sh*t gets messed up, of course I was included! Just watch! I bet the problem is going to be because of something that I did!

Wait... What if my luck is actually that good that foreshadowing something will actually make it happen...? Should I think about escaping or something, right now, then? I mean like, I'll definitely die if those elders can't resolve the problem. It's either all of the sect's disciples, or only me…
