Xiayen didn't understand how things would really work, hence why, she decided to let the one in command have the say. That one in command being me of course, hehehe.
You see… The reason why Xiayen didn't understand, was because she knew that a male and a female's cultivation organs don't have the same functionalities. Because, just like I had mentioned to her before, it is a male and a female cultivation organ that works well together. So, her question was, if a male cultivation organ would happily embrace another male cultivation organ, just like it would happily embrace a female cultivation organ.
A question that truly made her too confused...
"Hehehe…" Upon hearing Xiayen's confused words, and after reading her body language that told me that I should take the lead…
I began to instruct her like a master that I was…
Without telling her what tricks I used, my special lubricant and all those special items appeared on the bed.
Xiayen couldn't even utter a word, because right after I had removed those items out of my storage ring, I gave her my lofty commands. Obviously, she was too busy to say anything!
The only items that I had removed from my storage ring, was the Ultra virgin oil and two Yin Yang M-plus pills. Other than that, I didn't need anything more.
I wasn't planning to stay on bed for many hours, because Laili would be coming with some important information soon. Neither was I trying to increase our pleasure, also because of the previous reason, and because there was no need to be careful about Leslie. Pain or not, she'll do whatever I tell her to. Hehehe…
"That hole of hers… Smear enough oil in it with one, two, and finally, three of your fingers."
After my special items had made their appearance, I made sure to instruct Xiayen well...
Xiayen was able to follow my instructions very well, and I was left there with a glorious sight that set my little brother to the sky like a rising flag. Should I sing a song of honor for it, perhaps? Hehehe…
Sorry, I'm just too exited right now. Like… The hot and steamy view in front of me, which is the spectacle of Xiayen sticking her fingers inside Leslie, as if she's cleaning a small and little cup. Also, Leslie releasing a cute little and feminine moan every time Xiayen turned her fingers.
Those two were front of me. Leslie on all her fours on the bed, and her face facing me. Xiayen, who was sitting on her knees, messaging Leslie from behind…
While Xiayen massaged Leslie, Leslie would subconsciously move her own body to savor Xiayen's fingers, and every time Leslie moved, a warm puff after her sweet moan would touch my face. My face was in fact very close to hers, so, her moving back and forth in front of me while breathing out loud, seriously turned me on.
"Put my PP inside that hole now instead of your fingers." Clearly, I couldn't wait any longer.
The sweaty smell of Leslie's body that smelled similar to fresh citrus, the face that she gave off while slightly biting on her bottom lip, and that figure of hers that I wanted to hug so bad because of its cuteness and perfection exposure.
"Mmm~ So, big…" Leslie did not expect that something better than three fingers would've gone inside of her.
"It's throbbing…" She muttered again, and this time, a bit of saliva could be seen dripping from her mouth.
"Bring it in deeper. I know you know how to…" I muttered those words to Leslie, as I placed my hands on her hips in order to guide her a little.
"Mm~ It's... It's going all in. How long is it?"
Because of Leslie's petite body, my now seven inch wiener was very big for her to comprehend. Her walls were getting tighter because of her confusion, and I was sure that the more tighter they became, the more surprised she was at the feeling of my wiener inside of her.
I was able to tell tell, because of the looks on her face, and her walls tightening even more, every time she got surprised.
Slowly, I moved Leslie away from my wiener, and when I felt that it was only my tip that was getting enclosed, I quickly pushed my hips upwards. As a result, my wiener got back in to the comfortable tight zone.
Surely, the Ultra virgin oil did its job, or else I may have not been able to push my way in that fast.
"Ahhhh~" A long moan was released from Leslie's mouth as her body trembled.
Leslie was no longer on her fours, but was sitting with her head facing upwards, and her back a little arched. Her hands had formed into a fist as she squeezed, which the reason for, is because I was simply going in even deeper when she decided to sit up due to her shock of pleasure.
At this very moment, she was standing on her knees, and fully taking a seat on my D. Her closed fists were beside her thighs, and her upper body was still arched at a ninety five degrees. Her tongue was out as she let out her long lasting moan, and her face, it was facing the ceiling, looking to find heaven.
This sight in front of me…
It was truly a blessing…
One that I rarely got to see on earth…
*Spurt* *Spurt*
Not even a few seconds later, while Leslie was still busy letting out her moan, I could feel a few warm drips falling on the lower side of my abdomen. The part of her robes that covered her crotch was now a bit wet, and I was able to see some slight movements from the robe as well.
A certain liquid was dripping from her robe, down to me…
"Haa~" Leslie let out a joyous breath after she had finished her long moan. She no longer looked up, but brought her head down to look at me with a loving look instead.
"What was that? It felt so good…" She muttered as she let out her exhausted breaths.
Her heart rate must have been going wild, hence why, the reason for her exhausted breaths...