
"I know…" I answered the desperate sounding Laili in a way that sounded very cool. Her loyal ass didn't want me to look cool, so, I had to figure out something, didn't I?

"Huh? Then why aren't you listening to them!"

Sigh… She couldn't understand the reasoning behind my actions. Obviously, because she was the type to follow an alpha diligently, while I'm not. She'll never understand what it means to stand at the apex, which, honestly, I adore.

Why do I adore such a character of hers?


You see… if I become the one that she would diligently follow…


Let's just say that she'll be quite an excellent subordinate to have.

"Like I said. It's a syndicate that I'm joining, isn't it? Other than the ritual, tests like these and the ones from the gray haired lady, are completely unnecessary. Don't think I'm stupid like you are, Laili. I know this so called test is another out of the ordinary test that stems from only one of the leaders. I've already chosen my indirect master. So, why should I do as this silver haired lady pleases? Could it be that the gray haired lady has no interest in me anymore?"

My eyes continued to stare at the four figures in front of me, as I uttered such a question of mine. I could only stare at all of the hooded figures and the silver haired lady amongst them, simply because I didn't know which one of them was the gray haired lady that I was referring to.

For a few seconds, there was nothing but silence, again. This time, the reason was a good one though, because my words were having an affect. The leaders were silent, which could only mean that they were convinced enough to ponder about my words.

Not even ten seconds later though, just when I thought everyone agreed, I noticed that the silver haired lady was going to make a move on me. The reason why, must be because she was offended, which I can guarantee she was, based on the furious look that I saw her giving me.

Thankfully, an arm had managed to stop her before things were about to escalate into the worse.

"Stop. He's right. There's no need for you to test him. It's my fault in the first place. I was too incompassionate." Were the words of the figure that had stopped the silver haired lady.

"My dearest yet to be student. I apologize for my lack of being a good mommy for you. Come here. This sister of mine will not hurt you." The figure's words were now targeted towards me.

In order to assure me that everything was okay, she went on to remove her disguise to show me that it was really her, before opening her arms wide to allow me into her embrace.

Like a son that hasn't had a mom for ages, I ran into her embrace without any extra thoughts in my head. My mind was somewhere else, and so was my eyes. Yes… Although it isn't too big, it was there, and it was good enough for me to really yearn a rest in between her arms. An E cup is what I'm guessing, but what was important at that very moment, was her beautiful and heart warming appearance that attracted me into her embrace. It wasn't any kind of magic. It was just her mommy like appearance that made me feel doted to her. Just a few minutes within her embrace. That's all that I needed…

Such kind of warmth. That's what I felt and longed for, inside my heart…

"Mommy…" I muttered as I cuddled myself closer to her heart, within her embrace. She of course, is a bit taller than I am…

Cough Cough

But that doesn't matter, so let's continue on the subject of me hugging this warm and comfy body.

So… While muttering such a word, I put on the effort to turn my head to see the expression of the silver head lady. Not going to lie, it wouldn't be bad to be embraced by these two, but unfortunately, it seems that it will be difficult to tame the silver haired lady. After all, she is more of a queen who dominates heaven and hell.

That is why, I can only tease her for the moment. Anything more, and I might just die or become a slave. Because, based on her looks and the aura that she's giving me. Well… I'm fully certain that she's a top figure within this world. She'll surely dominate me easily, which I definitely do not want.

Anyway. As a way to tease her, I playfully stuck my tongue out. Yes, playfully. Everything that I've been doing in these few minutes, was just for the act of having fun. That is one of the main goals in my life after all. To live my life as I did in my last years on earth, and to be even better than I was on earth.

Yep. I do not have any mommy issues!

Of course, the gray haired lady's graceful beauty still gave me a comfortable sense of warmth, but, that doesn't mean that I saw her as an actual mother. Nooo! Why would I even stare at her chest like that if I saw her as a mother figure! Exactly! I only saw her like that kind of mommy, because she fully deserves it.

I mean, look at her!

Although she has a very smooth skin that makes her look young. She looks very mature, and has the grace of mother nature. Her golden eyes, her thin lips-

'Are those elven ears!' I was quick to let out surprised words inside my mind, due to me actually, in fact, being really really surprised.

I was just sticking my tongue out, and was about to check the difference between the face of the gray and the silver haired lady. Now that I am very close to the gray haired lady, which I believe is the actual reason, I came to discover that she has pointy long ears. Ears that go upwards, with the tip slightly hanging downwards.

What a sight to behold!

I'm guessing that it's actually the kind of ears that demons have though. Aren't elves a part of the demonic forces?
