Back to the first starting point

So, here I am… Back in the town of Avegus. The town that I had first entered after arriving in this world, and the town that I had spent thirty days in.

You can say that this town is special to me, because it's only in this place, where I have stayed the longest. Like, seriously... It's only been around two weeks since I had entered the sect. Half the amount of time that I had spent in this little town that is almost as big as a city.

"It's good to be back… Don't you think so, Xiayen?"

That's right. I brought Xiayen and Leslie along with me, which is a decision of mine that Laili wasn't able to refuse, due to me being the leader. I could simply choose who I wanted and who I didn't want. If Laili was a guy, I'm pretty sure that I would've rejected her attendance, simply because of how annoying she is and can be.