squirrel cracks nuts

The old man is really someone that you can not look up to. Not only is he a man that can not stay true to his words, he is also a man that is too violent and stupid.

Okay, maybe I'm wrong about the last part…

What if he's actually powerful?

Does he have a trumpcard perhaps?

Pfff! No way! That can't be, right? I mean… I've researched and calculated everything I need already. There's no way that there's a way more powerful human than me, at this moment. I'm eighty percent sure of it…

If perhaps, there is a more powerful human than me though, it's definitely not the old man.

I mean, look at him!

Right now, he's acting like he's taking a poopoo or something. He's slightly crouching, he has his hands clasped together, and his face showed veins.

"Excuse me, but is you taking a dump equivalent to you stopping me from leaving this sect?" I taunted the old man. Actually, no. I was in fact asking a genuine question.