Plane of minds

Because the two elders wanted to resist my telekinetic force with their body, I thought, 'What if I mess up with their mind?'.

I mean… I have the ability to connect and manipulate the mind. So, obviously, I figured that doing something as breaking the mind is completely possible for me to achieve.

Possible, but not certain. That's why, I kind of also figured that while I'm trying to break their mind, I can also use them as test subjects to test my assumptions on. They are my enemies, which means that I don't have to worry about them dying. Also, the mind of theirs are weaker than mine due to their gender, which means that they were basically the perfect subjects for me to test on. Hehe...

I wasn't too sure about their will though. From what I know, a strong will is exactly what one needs to resist the tricks of the mind.

'Both men and women of this world can have a strong will…