
Although I was holding my breath in, I couldn't be too sure if the gas would seep into my body through the pores of mine. Also, I've probably breathed in a bit of the gas already, but, maybe it only gets affective after I breath in a large quantity of it. Although I can't be too sure, I can always be too careful. That's why, I continued to hold my breath in.

Now that I think about it… Do I even need to breath, when I'm clearly immortal? I think I do honestly, because my lungs do feel the same after I hold my breath in for too long. Unfortunate…

Welp! The white mist around me was slowly fading away, and the dark environment was slowly returning as a result. It totally seemed as if I had cleared all of the problematic threats already, however, little did I know that the problem was only beginning to erupt.
