Is she too hot for me?

"Haha, is that fear that I sense, daughter? It's only a little bird. You're a God, and have the assistance of fifty Chaos crystals. Your power is unimaginable in this mortal realm. Well, of course, a Phoenix is something of a celestial, but, lucky you, that little girl in front of you is but an avatar that can only carry enough authority."

In case you haven't noticed yet, this fight against the phoenix kins, isn't only faced by me. I am being assisted by the powers of gods.

Actually… The powers of the gods is technically my own power, so, does that mean that I was facing the mini army of phoenix kins on my own? Hmm…

"Don't forget that she is half a celestial. She is a rightful Queen of Minds, therefore, she is not just an avatar. She's capable of mirroring the Phoenix's authority enough to destroy this planet. Like our charming fella here, she is like a God that is not restricted by the Realm of Gods."

'Wait Wait Wait! I can destroy this planet? I'm that strong?!'

