
'Haha…' Artia let out an awkward laugh, as she realized her mistake.

It didn't take too long before her short awkward tone came to an end. When her awkward tone had come to an end, that's when she went and said,

"I apologize sweetheart. My thoughts were too occupied on your wonderful performance, that I forgot about it."

I could feel the apology of her being genuine, and to be honest, her reasoning was understandable. Simply, she was being too much of a proud mother that she forgot to work. I've heard and seen some parents do that, so, I kind of understand where she's coming from.

There's one thing I didn't understand however. What about the time when I was fighting against the Phoenix, or the time I was doing the deeds with the demon girls? I'm pretty sure that those events occurred through passing days… So, why, in all those days, didn't I receive anything from her?