A whole family bucket!!

As I looked in front of me, I couldn't help but notice the thick layer of dust that hung in the air. It was like a fine mist, coating everything in a hazy gray sheen. The sun, normally a bright and shining orb in the sky, was reduced to a dim orange ball, barely visible through the haze. 

'This is definitely not good…' Was my thought as I focused my attention to the  lookalike in front of me. Her attention was no longer focused on her enemies. She had let her guard down, thinking that the giants were already defeated. But I knew that there was still danger lurking in the dusty air.

I had already scanned the area, and my eyes had already caught sight of movement in the haze. There was something there, something that shouldn't be moving. It was the colossal giant that was still alive. The only one that had survived the explosions  and that is now stalking us through the dusty air.