William stood at the big table crestfallen for quite some time thinking about what his future would be like from now on and wondering how bad his luck was to get to that point, even the Sorting Hat boycotted his plan for success.
Now not only would he be under the reproachful gaze of his grandfather and siblings when he returned home but also the Slytherin students who happened at that moment to be looking at him from across the room with contempt, would denigrate him throughout his schooling.
Not to forget the Gryffindors themselves, while their motto says they are brave and very honorable that doesn't mean they are friendly to the son of a Death Eater, basically he was a snake in lion territory. All of the above could be verified by looking at William right now, no one said anything to him, the students avoided looking at him and those around him moved a few inches as if he was some kind of pest.
The truth William didn't understand why the hat had made that choice, every time he thought about it he came to the same conclusion, the death he had in his previous life. It was certainly a brave thing to do but the words that should be used would be those of insanity after all he lost his life in his stupid heroic act.
"Sigh..." Sighed William scratching his head full of annoyance, he stopped rambling in his mind and chose to eat something so he wouldn't suffer through the night, then he could deal with all the problems that would come, worst case scenario he will just have to go alone everywhere.
It's not like in his previous life he had many friends either, it wouldn't be any different in this world, on the other hand he had to remember to be away from Harry Potter and his friends.
When dinner was over everyone was organized by their respective prefects to enter their houses, in the case of William, Harry, Ron, Neville and Hermione they were all directed by Percy Weasley.
"During the morning you will have a class then you can go to lunch, remember to get to your classes on time, the professors are not as friendly as they look, specifically potions professor Severus Snape, I recommend not to make him angry."
They passed by the stairs that changed direction as they were reminded by Percy how often these stairs changed time, William put his attention on the amount of pictures all over the place and how these were moving.
"It's like they're alive..." muttered Will looking at a portrait of several people on a car as these same people welcomed him to the school.
Arriving in the hallway was the ghost that was omitted from the movie versions, Peeves the mischievous ghost, Wiliam was prepared for the moment due to the fact that he had his mind's eye active and could sense him even when this one was invisible, most of the freshmen were hit by the canes with the exception of William.
Percy threatened the ghost saying that he would bring the bloodthirsty baron, angry Peeves decides to retreat but not before throwing all the canes at Neville but thanks to William's quick reaction the boy was able to avoid the blow.
"th-thank you" Neville said fearfully looking at the canes where he was before.
"It's nothing" William hid his hands again under his cloak.
Percy had to apologize for Peeves' action and advised all the students to avoid the ghost as much as possible but on no account to make him angry otherwise they might suffer quite a lot.
Once they finished their walk they were in front of the painting of the fat lady, William had to get closer to hear the password otherwise he didn't know if he would be able to enter the common room in the future, according to his deduction it was almost impossible for another Gryffindor student to give it to him.
Behind the painting of the fat lady was the common room, filled with large cupboards, tables, and a large blackboard where students could find news, announcements, loss notices among other things. A large window overlooked the outside grounds of the castle, and a large fireplace was attached to one wall. In conclusion, the Gryffindor common room is a very comforting place where students gather to study, celebrate or just relax.
Percy gathered all the students in the center of the common room "Alright everyone this is the common room, the dormitories are on the second floor, the boys will sleep on the left side and the girls on the right side. When you are upstairs you will notice that all your belongings are in the trunks at the foot of your beds."
Having finished the first tour everyone dispersed to their rooms, William was one of the first to go upstairs and was quickly able to find the location of his bed, it was far from the stairs practically at the end of the hall, seeing its location William even thought that this was Dumbledore's work but he quickly put those stupid thoughts out of his head, it would be stupid to think that such a great wizard would worry about an insignificant first year, an extra in Harry Potter's life, the best thing to do was to choose to go to bed to rest.