Chapter 37: End of first year (1)

After the talk with Dumbledore, William began to arrange everything for his trip, he did not have much information about Castelobruxo besides what they said in the books, he did not know anyone nor had familiarity with the area but he could not help but be excited, he felt it would be the best vacation of his life.

William's first stop was at the dorms where he arranged all his belongings in the trunk at the foot of his bed, he retrieved from there several of the books he had ordered from the library and a few other things.

"William" the voice called from behind gaining the white-haired man's attention.

"Potter and Weasley" William named calmly but without much interest in the duo, now that the matter of the philosopher's stone had been settled and he had gotten his ticket to travel to Castelobruxo he didn't need them, besides they wouldn't be of much help in the future nor the important events, William's plans didn't contemplate the duo or trio if they counted Hermione.

"Hermione and Neville told us what happened, we were wrong" Ron spoke quietly without looking William in the eye, he swallowed hard more than once "I also found a potion next to me when I woke up, Hermione told me it was yours"

"Yes, I couldn't let one of my classmates die in a forbidden room, I had to use a potion"

"Neville told us about that, but the truth is..." Ron wrung his hands nervously, the words wouldn't leave his mouth but William knew what the little red head wanted to say, but then out of nowhere Fred and George appeared out of nowhere putting their arms around Ron's shoulders.

"Our little brother wants to say thank you" Fred said smiling towards William.

"he's very grateful for your help" George held out his hand towards William and shook it twice

"Harry is thankful too" Fred also shook William's hand

"and so are we" both twins said at the same time, it was the first time William exchanged words with the twins, they were popular within Gryffindor but William had no need to strike up conversations with them

"I'm George."

"and I'm Fred"

"A pleasure" they both said at the same time, they patted William's shoulders and went back to their business as if nothing had happened.

"They're like that" said Ron seeing the expression on William's face "the truth is that I wanted to thank you for your help"

"Me too" Harry interjected "you helped me in the last room against Voldemort, you really aren't like the Slytherin's, Hagrid was right" Harry extended his hand towards William

The moment William saw the hand extended towards his side he had the urge to laugh but in the end he just shook the hand of the boy everyone called a hero, he didn't want to be on bad terms with Harry Potter, truth be told he wouldn't be too useful an asset but at times it's good to have him on your side at least to keep a low profile.

"Well, now that everything is settled I have to leave you, I still have a lot of things to do before I leave Hogwarts and I think you also have things to do before you go home" All the students were arranging their belongings to go home, Harry and Ron guessed that William was doing the same so they didn't let him continue on his way.

William's feet led him to the common room and from there to the library where Madame Pince was standing "William" she said looking at the white-haired man steadily

"I brought them with me" said William pulling out several books from his bag "they're all there, I'm not taking them home"

"if I were to go to your house there would be no problem, but taking them with you all the way to Castelobruxo would cause problems" said madame Pince

"Do you know that too?" asked William in surprise.

"practically all the teachers know about it, the director communicated it a short time ago" replied Madame Pince "I suppose you will have your reasons to go to that side of the world, I just hope you won't spend your time locked up in a library, with my library it is more than enough".

William let out a small chuckle at Madame Pince's words, but the witch librarian's words were wise, he had to make the most of his time in Castelobruxo, he would have to be like a sponge to learn everything.

Next stop was Hagrid's hut, everything was just as William remembered except for Fluffy who was now tied with a thick chain to a tree.

"William!" exclaimed Hagrid happily appearing from the side of the hut, he was getting ready to see the students off at the train station, job every year for the half-giant "I heard the news from Professor Dumbledore, you're going to Brazil"

"yes, Castelobruxo is my stop, there are more species of creatures there to study and there are also many plants that on this side of the world are not possible to access"

"An excellent idea, you will learn a lot in Castelobruxo, I am sure you will come back with many stories."

"Before I leave I decided to stop by and return Norberta, she saved my life while I was fighting Quirrell" William took the bag from his waist and handed it into Hagrid's hands "what will happen to Fluffy?"

At William's question, Hagrid couldn't help but shake his head "Professor Dumbledore expressed that he couldn't stay at Hogwarts, now that there is nothing to protect in the castle he will probably be sent all the way to Athens, but I'm worried"

William smiled when he heard the last comment "let me guess, Fluffy is shy and you're afraid the other three headed dogs will beat him up"


"I can take him with me all the way to Castelobruxo" William looked at Hagrid.

"it's impossible, Professor Dumbledore already arranged the trip for Fluffy, there's nothing to be done, besides I don't want to get you in trouble."

"Well, I guess there's no other way" William understood Hagrid's situation, he spent the time talking to the half-giant before returning to his own business.