Chapter 59: Are you capable?

After getting the hydra into the bag there were no major problems, with my mind's eye I found no other problems, we made it all the way to the room where the dueling club members were waiting.

They were all hiding with their wands at the ready in case we entered the anyone but us, they had probably even thought about coming out to look for us after all it had been a long time since we had left the room.

"What happened out there?" asked Nahuen approaching us.

"We wiped everyone out or well, William wiped everyone out, he used the infrastructure of the pyramid to cause a collapse and bury everyone inside the pyramid."

Hearing the explanation everyone looked at William closely.

"What?" asked William as he noticed the stares on him "anyone would have done the same thing, you fight directly it was suicide."

"You're right Will, there was no way we would win if we fought head on" Anana knew their capabilities perfectly well and it was enough just to see the opponents to get an idea of the dangers they faced.

"Where is the treasure?" asked Anana, she looked around and could only see the room that was once filled with treasure completely empty "Even my room isn't as clean as this room."

"One of the club members had a bag with an undetectable expansion enchantment, we were able to put the entire treasure inside, once we return to Castelobruxo we can divide it among the participants" explained Nahuen calmly "we even found the treasure guarded by the hydra"

"That catches my attention, what is the treasure you are referring to?"

"A mask, but it's useless"

"What do you mean, useless?"

"it lost its special characteristics about four hundred years ago, I tried to make it react with magic but it was useless, it's completely ruined, now it's just a wooden mask, maybe if we sell it in the muggle market we can get some profit, but with the treasure found I think it's a waste"

Anana and Nahuen sighed at the same time, from the beginning coming to the pyramid was to find a special treasure with which they could become famous.

"Let's just go back to school" Anana said somewhat sadly and started to move leaving the rest behind.

The rest of the dueling club followed Anana, they all knew of their captain's intentions, it was unfortunate that things didn't go as he wanted, but at least they were able to secure the money needed for all the tuition and maybe something for the future after graduating.

"We were lucky" Nahuen said as they walked through the jungle with the rest of the club members "there were many enemies inside the pyramid, we were really lucky not to lose anyone."

"Yes..." Anana had a serious expression on her face.

"Something's bothering you What was it that happened while we were waiting?"

"Dark wizards, William said they were morphs."

"Followers of who do you know!" the expression on Nahuen's face was complicated, she had been surprised but avoided raising her voice, there was no need to upset the rest of the club, much less William "do you think he's right?"

Anana nodded "my father once told me about the morphs and what they looked like, even the details of their masks, it all matches"

"it could just be a coincidence, maybe they were imposters."

"William said the same thing and then buried them in the rubble, he didn't want to take the bodies out to confirm the identities. Right now all I want to do is get to the school, it's the only place where I'm sure we won't be harmed."

As they walked in the dark without any kind of light to avoid attracting attention hear in the distance the howl of a wolf.

"Is this a joke?" wondered Anana raising her eyes to the sky only to be met with a grandiose full moon "shit..."

"a werewolf?" asked one of the club members.

"worse, a werewolf" Ananna squeezed his hand and bit his lip "we have to get out of this place as fast as we can, it's not safe to be here and we can't fight the she-wolf."

William listened to Anana's words and followed closely behind the group while looking back every couple of steps

"Is it her?" asked Nahuen following his captain closely.

"What if it's her?" Anana looked at Nahuen "of course it's her, I could never forget the tone of her howl and believe me if we don't get out of this place in the next few minutes then we will be in big trouble, she is different from other lycanthropes, I think she could even be compared to Fenrir Greyback."

"In wildness or in strength?"

"do you think this is the right time for jokes, we have one of the fiercest creatures in the amazon biting our feet and you make jokes?"

"what do we do if she finds us?" this was a life or death question, so far Anana had only talked about escaping, she had never referred to the case in which she would catch them, Nahuen knew that his friend and captain was not happy to fight her, but now they need a leader willing to leave behind all kinds of feelings.

"I will face her... and if necessary then I will finish her off."

"You can't finish her off, if you do then it could turn into a crisis between many families and you know it, she may be a lycanthrope, but she's still important!" warned Nahuen knowing things could get out of control "you just have to stop her long enough for the weaker ones to escape without being bitten"

"I'm important too, even if Ana Guimaraes or Rita Araujo came after me it would be impossible for them to do anything to me, my father is one of the five most powerful wizards in the world, my last name is important too!"

"But I also know you like her and I doubt you could really finish her off, even if she were human, she's more skilled than you in magical duels, we both know that!"

Anana rubbed her hands over her face, she looked to the side "You really are annoying Nahuen. Let's just hurry back so we don't have to find out each other's ability."