Chapter 96: The Return to Reality

Finally, the issue with Greyback was settled. Although there was a possibility that he might return in the future due to Voldemort, William still had plenty of time to improve. The next time they met, the werewolf would definitely not be a match for him.

A few days had passed since the incident. William had been assisting Professor Sprout with the care of the plants, sharing the knowledge he had gathered at Castelobruxo and also obtaining ingredients for his potions.

In classes with Snape, things maintained their usual tension. Snape did not approve of students making changes to the recipes he taught in class, but William continued to do things his way.

Transfiguration, Charms, and History of Magic classes were even easier for William, who, thanks to the "Mind's Eye," was always one step ahead in progress.

But the problem always lay in one class: Defense Against the Dark Arts. Lockhart hadn't brought in live species since the incident with the Cornish Pixies, and although the duel club matter had taken his classes in another direction, it didn't prevent him from sometimes reverting to his usual way of teaching.

"Today, I'm going to tell one of my favorite stories. It's a great experience that demonstrated my bravery and saved a small town. Does anyone know which story I'm referring to?" asked Lockhart in front of the class, looking attentively at all his students.

A small witch among the students raised her hand. "The battle against the Wagga Wagga werewolf."

"Hermione, I should have known that one of my best students would know it even with that small description."

Hermione blushed slightly, but Lockhart paid no further attention to her and continued with his 'class.'

"Harry, come here," he pointed at Harry, forcing the boy to come forward. "You will be my assistant in this story. You will play the role of the fierce Wagga Wagga."

Harry didn't know what to do and looked at his friends, but they just gave him thumbs up. William, watching from the back rows, could only sigh. At this point, they needed to humor Lockhart. After all, they needed his help to get into the restricted section and obtain the book with the Polyjuice Potion recipe.

"Yes..." Harry took a few steps forward and then kept a safe distance from Lockhart.

"Very well," Lockhart began narrating his story from the moment he arrived at the troubled town, embellishing every point and making the townspeople seem like they were in complete desperation.

"Howl loudly, Harry, that's it..." Harry began to howl, causing some laughter among the students. Even William couldn't contain himself at this point. Seeing the boy having to play the fool for another fool was an incredible spectacle.

Lockhart then raised his hand. "And at that moment, believe everything I say, I leaped like this." He propelled himself forward and placed a hand on Harry, pushing him to the ground. "Throwing him to the ground like this, with one hand, and I managed to pin him down. With the other hand, I placed my wand at his throat and, gathering the remaining strength I had, performed the difficult Homorphus Charm. He let out a pitiful whimper at that moment, come on, Harry... with more force... good, and then the fur disappeared... the fangs shrank and... he turned back into a man. Simple and effective." He blew on his wand as if it were a gun. "And another town that will always remember me as the hero who freed them from the monthly terror of werewolf attacks."

The applause and cheers filled the classroom. The girls clapped the hardest, while Harry quickly returned to his seat, not wanting Lockhart to ask him for anything else.

Lockhart, on the other hand, kept a smile on his face and looked at William. "But even though my story of heroism is at a level that many wizards could not live to tell, here in this classroom is another person who fought face-to-face with a werewolf, right, Mr. Rosier?"


Everyone in the classroom looked at the white-haired boy. They had heard the story. William had spoken a little about his experience, and The Daily Prophet had made a full report of the battle, but there was nothing like hearing the story from the person involved in the incident. In truth, everyone was curious.

"Please share your noble experience with us," Lockhart extended his hand towards William, inviting him to come forward.

William, from the back of the class, slowly stood up, looking at Lockhart. The truth was, he didn't want to recount his story, especially not in front of this 'professor,' but at this point, he couldn't just walk away.

When William stood in front of all the students, Lockhart took his own seat. "Do you need Harry to assist you?"

Harry hid slightly. Fortunately, William simply shook his head and drew his wand.

"I think this magic will be useful at this moment," he said quietly, moving his wand and causing a light blue vapor to emerge from it, slowly filling the classroom. It began to rise up the walls and reach the ceiling. The students unconsciously moved away from the walls.

The smoke slowly began to take shape. Hermione was undoubtedly the first to notice where they were. "The Amazon rainforest..." she said, and then she understood. The way William was going to tell the story was nothing more and nothing less than by showing them his own experience.

"That... that is... it..." Ron's stammering made everyone look where he was pointing with his finger. In the corner of the classroom to the right was the person who had appeared in the newspapers a few days ago and also in the newspapers at the end of the holidays: the werewolf Fenrir Greyback.

Even Lockhart couldn't avoid feeling the bloodlust emanating from Greyback's eyes, but Hermione noticed something else on the opposite side of the classroom: the members of the duel club, especially William, who had taken his wand to fight against the threat.