The entire upper society is awed!

"So, how is it? Can you feel it?"

"It's true! I can feel my magic energy increasing by hundreds of units! My magic energy rivals that of a Grandmaster of magicians! This artifact has been with me for years, and I only wore it for it looks good, but it's only today that I realized its true worth. Thank you, honorable appraiser Joker. How can I ever repay you?"

Within the main hall of the artifact gallery, a middle-aged woman, wearing a revealing dress that showed her slender, hairless legs and portions of her breasts, found out that the earring she was wearing wasn't a mere earring but a piece of artifacts thanks to Joker, who calmly indulged himself in the view of her beauty.

An instant after she said those words, the gasps of the appraisers and the customer sounded in the hall, attracting Elliot's gaze, and he saw that everyone was looking at him, making him feel like he has become the center of attention, just what he wanted.