The force behind his attack was so great that the terrorist flew to the benches.
Immediately after, the body of the magic grandmaster expanded to ten times its size. Then, he exploded, causing a mess of hot blood, shards of bones, and squishy pieces of organs to rain down on the people nearby.
"You shouldn't have said those words if you didn't want to be disrespectful."
The red-haired man said in a calm voice after taking the life of the terrorist, trying to delude the crowd from knowing that the man he killed was in fact a member of the serpentine devil. If it was to be known, then the entire city would fell into a panic. Parents might just forcefully take their children out of the academy. The citizens would start living in constant feat, and much more. All of which could lead to problems for the magician association that already has its hands full.
That's why he lied through his teeth.
The magic grandmaster died right in front of their eyes.