Lucy's short, sharp cry woke Elliot up from his stupor, making him realize that he was naked in front of a poor young girl. He became flustered as he was experiencing such an incident for the first time in his life. A person with some experience would hurry to cover himself. However, in his mind, the matter of importance was to clarify the situation to Lucy.
"Lucy, it isn't like what you think!" Elliot immediately and strongly expressed. The look on his face said it all. 'Hey girl, the reason why I am wearing the suit I was born with is all because of an accident, not my choice. You got to believe me!'
"Oh, okay," Lucy said, agreeing with his words, her lips and eyes turning to complete circles. However, the look on her face said, "Then, what is it—the reason why you're naked in front of a girl? Isn't that something only exhibitionist and perverts would do?"