Benjamin's cruel end!

Why the hell was he still alive and appearing absolutely fine?

The fact that the magic contract hadn't worked against Elliot even though he had ripped apart his limbs, crippling him, shocked Benjamin. However, there was 7 part confusion on his face and only 3 part shock. He wasn't able to understand why he was asking about their plan even though he had already told him everything?! Had Elliot gone crazy?

Benjamin convulsed, not only because of the terrific pain assaulting his senses but also because of Elliot's gaze. He was looking at him like he was staring at his prey, a living meal that he was going to devour.

Why was he looking at him like that?!

Elliot answered him in the very next moment.

Before Benjamin could even realize it, Elliot ripped apart his filth that had harmed many. He did it at the speed of the light, and blood sprayed on the ravaged surface of the cliff.