Chapter 17 The Dragon Pearl's Adventures (2)

After the trio were put into a cell together, they began planning.

"Should we just break out? I have a skill that lets me temporarily summon an envoy of my god. They're strong enough to bust us out if needed."

Colton clung to the bars of the cell, peering out into the corridor outside the cell.

"Maybe we should listen to what they have to say to us first. Maybe there was a misunderstanding or we really did something wrong? After all, we aren't people from here. Maybe we accidentally did something against their laws?"

Midas spoke his thoughts.

After all, even though he was a dragon now, he still abided by the laws of humans because he had to take care of his businesses to keep earning money. If he did something illegal and was caught for it, he could potentially lose his money.

Although he would admit, being in prison was really not a pleasant experience. He was used to using goods that were at least of a decent quality, but now, he was seated on an uncomfortable wooden chair without any cushions of any kind and was barely hanging on via a few rusty screws.

Nagisa raised his hands like the good student he was from where he was sitting in the back corner of the cell. In his hands was a small notebook he had been using as both a diary and travel log.

"I have an idea! This is Ferrick's Port, which is near where Ming said they'd be waiting for us. They're an illusionist, right? So if we want to leave without causing a large ruckus, we can just ask them to help us!"

Midas shook his head though.

"I think we should still wait. If they really arrested us because we did something wrong and we escape, we would probably be marked as fugitives, which would make it hard for us when we try to go to other ports."

Before they could continue discussing, a group of soldiers entered the corridor and marched to their cell. The leader, the rotund man from before, stepped forward with a disdainful sneer.

"What gibberish are you foreign trash whispering about over here?"

Previously, they had been speaking in their old world's common language, so no one else would've understood them even if they had screamed it at the top of their lungs, but they still didn't like being insulted for it.

Colton and Nagisa were not the type to swear at others, though Colton only didn't swear so as to not ruin his handsome image. But Midas didn't care too much about his noble image, it just came with the outfit, so he happily took the metaphorical mic. He switched to speaking the human language so the soldiers and their leader could understand his words.

"I would be happy to tell you, but I'm afraid our worthless and trashy words might pollute your ears. Although, by the way you don't seem like you'd listen anyways, your ears are probably already filled with garbage."


The man turned red with anger, like he had gotten sunburned or turned into a lobster.

"Do you know who I work for?"

The man tried to play his ace card, but Midas had a reverse card up his sleeve.

"No, do you know who I am?"

Midas stood up in all his over 2 meters glory, towing over the soldiers. Even through there were metal bars separating them, the soldiers felt a strong sense of intimidation coming from him. They weren't sure if it was just their imagination, but just for a second, they seemed to imagine a fierce predator staring at them.

"I am Midas Phrygia, son of Gordian Phrygia ruler of the Golden Empire, and previous heir to the throne. And just because I left behind the crown to go on a faraway journey to explore this world does not mean that any little soldier I come across has the right to trample upon my dignity."

While Midas was confronting the rude soldier, Colton silently made his way over to Nagisa.

"Midas was a crown prince? I thought we didn't have any monarchies in our old world anymore?"

"Well we didn't. But Midas was supposed to be the heir to his father's company, Golden Empire, which was large enough to be called a business empire, making his father the 'emperor' of the company. That's why he's so business savvy. So he's not actually lying about anything."

Luckily, before there was time for the conflict to grow, another man arrived in the corridor and hurriedly rushed over to open the cell door.

The man was thin and lanky, almost reaching Midas's height. He wore clothes that seemed nondescript but upon closer examination were high quality. He also bore a ring with the crest of the city lord.

"What are you buffoons doing? I said to politely invite Sir Midas to visit, not arrest him and throw him in prison! Take these fools down to the underground cells for punishment!"

The last sentence was directed at the three black armored knights following the man who immediately sprung into action upon hearing his words.

The man who appeared to be the city lord bowed towards Midas, a mixture of worry and respect on his face.

"I sincerely apologize for my subordinates actions. I did not realize that they would misunderstand my words so severely. I merely wished to invite you to my castle to discuss business when I was informed by one of your subordinates that you would be visiting my port."

Midas laughed it off. He could feel the city lord's sincerity and respect when he was speaking.

"Don't worry about it. I don't hold grudges. Which of my subordinates did you meet, I wonder?"

He remembered before he had left with Nagisa on their journey, he had left his company in the capable hands of his direct subordinates. He had mentioned a few ideas for them to implement, including making deals with some port cities for an easier transportation of goods, so he wasn't too surprised to hear they had reached this port.

"Well, it's probably better if we go elsewhere. A prison is not a good place for business discussions."


Midas, Nagisa, and Colton all happily followed the city lord out of the prison.