Mysterious door....... ohhhh the past holding some incredible moments......

"The day I was ill and walking around the beautiful lotus heart flower and I found that the green colored diamond had fallen on the lotus leaves, I don't know how but suddenly the diamond disappeared, I tried to find it but it wasn't just a diamond, it was something incredible."

"But few days later my mother-in-law gave me a white diamond, it was very powerful and it had the power to control the whole world without any restrictions, my mother-in-law was afraid to give it to her son though he could misuse it , so she gave it to me and when my son Lan Neel was born our prophets declared that in future he would be the best warrior and a perfect king and I decided to put this diamond in my son's heart. I am proud of my decision today."

"Excuse me queen can you tell me something. I know Prince Neel is your son and you have to share it all with him but I am also here you have to keep all these things a secret."

"Mother, is it right to share all these things to her in this mysterious place."

"Fire Fairy Do you really know nothing or did you try to fool us too?"

"i really don't know what you are talking about"

The queen smiles and leads them out the mysterious door.

Prince Neil and the princess both look confused. What did the queen mean?

The king sent the courtier to call the queen.....

"I'm leaving now but I'll tell you sometime then maybe it will be late."

Fire fairy-"do you know what she meant"

Prince Neel- "you don't know what she's talking about?"



"are you really so innocent or try to be innocent princess."

"Of course I'm not so innocent that you know very well Neel."

"Let's go to the balcony, I want to see what this world looks like from your palace."

"do you wanna throw me out there and it's your plan to kill me."

"I wish I could do that but sorry prince i haven't got the order to kill you yet."

"do you really hate me princess."

So what did you decide, when will you hand me the white diamond?

"Maybe you forgot you won't get a white diamond until you beat me."

"And you are also forgetting that you also have to give green diamond."

"but i can deceive you prince."

"When did you feel that I trusted you? Who will cheat and who will defeat who will decide the future. leave it to the future."Ms. fire fairy.

"i'm leaving now hope we meet soon." prince neel.

"okay princess" nice to meet you .

Prince Neel goes to his room.

"princess, i really don't want to fight you"

"But our paths are completely different. only one of us will win."
