The commander came close to the princess and said that you are the only one who is asking me questions otherwise no one dares to say.

"if i did anything wrong ,please apologize me and permit to out from there "princess.

The princess goes to the prince's palace to thank the prince for what he has done for her kingdom.

She reached the palace, two men stopped her outside the palace door but she hypnotized them and went inside the palace.

The prince was sitting on his throne and wanted to meet the girl who went inside without permission and dared to speak directly to the prince.

The princess thanks the prince and the king.

The commander is also present there when the princess expresses to the king the grant of mercy for her kingdom.

"I am very grateful to the king and prince" princess.

"Who are you, you can explain it first and why are you giving a special thank you for us." Prince.

"I am a former princess of this kingdom and my name is Rosy. Once when I was playing with butterflies in the palace garden, a great disaster including demons attacked us and my mother was also killed by them, my mother saved me by hiding me in a flower, and after 8 years when I was able to break the walls of the flower then I came out of that flower" Princess.

"Hey girl, are you kidding with us, you'll know what the punishment for lying is" Prince.

The king doubts the girl and asks her to explain her claim.

But afraid can be clearly seen on the face of the commander.

"Of course my lord she's lying" commander.

"it's okay arya, let her prove herself" King.

"I have a birthmark on my palm that symbolizes the royal flower family." Princess.

"A clever smile on the face of the king and he descends from his throne to the princess to see that birthmark."

"please unfold your palm i wanna see that mark"King.

But when the king confirmed that she was indeed the kingdom's earlier princess, he ordered the soldiers to put her in prison.


"what I did wrong? or i killed someone. " Princess.

Commander brought food for her in prison.

"It's neither your fault nor you are the culprit" commander.

"How can you believe that a lone prince and some of his soldiers were capable of killing those demons?" commander.

"What do you want to say?" Princess

"Sometimes what we see is not real and looks like something real in fake faces." Commander.

"The monsters came there to kill you, you alone are the heir to the flower kingdom, are they really gone, consider this." commander.

"I don't know what you're saying but I don't know why I'm in this prison." Princess.

The next day the king apologizes to the princess and takes her to the palace.

The prince tried to be close to the princess but the princess mostly ignored him.

One day the king invited her to his rest room.

"princess ever did your mother discuss with you about the green diamond." King

"no my lord she never discussed any type of diamond actually first time i heard it from you." Princess.

After that day the king often asked her the same question but every time he got the same answer.


"mom i don't know where you are but i'm still waiting for you" looking at the flowers and she is thinking .

"I am glad to see you healthy and safe." commander.

she tilts her head back and she literally thanks him.

"everything changed now my kingdom my family the palace where i was playing." Princess.

"But the one thing, princess that can never change is the fake smile on your face." commander.

the princess is staring at his face with her tuned eyes feel deep in him.

"How do you know so many things about me Commander" she thinking without blinking her eyes.