Hoping against hope 2

one day aatish decided to follow Mr Roy after college. but he didn't want to tell ruhi and aniksha. aatish was also in a confusing state of mind. he was now in a strong content about Mr Roy. The next morning aatish was in hospital he met with dad and afterwards he moved to the college. when he reached the college he saw Mr Roy and ruhi was talking in a parking area. but something strange. Ruhi only listening to sir. sir was talking like he giving a warning to ruhi. when aatish reached close to them the sir depart from there. Ruhi what was sir saying? aatish asked. nothing, my grades were becoming low that's why sir was warning me. sure ruhi? yes, aatish. ok ."let's go for class," aatish asked. Ruhi was not comfortable with aatish she told aatish, amm I remember some work I was thinking to finished it first. ok, I was going to the library. Ruhi said to aatish. ok, Ruhi . I was in class after your work would be finished I met you there. the whole lectures were over but ruhi didn't join the class.

aatish worried about ruhi, he searched for her in the library also but she was not there. aatish saw Mr Roy was taking out his car from the parking area. aatish rushed towards him. aatish was starting to follow him. but aatish bike didn't have so much speed to grab the Mr Roy sir.

aatish moved towards ruhi's room. knock @! knock @! but no reply from inside. Ruhi! ruhi !

aatish here!

aatish was in question ruhi was not at room also where she was?

aatish immediately made a call to aniksha. but aniksha wasn't receiving calls.

aatish had a headache. what was going on?

the next day in college aatish now targeted Mr Roy. he was again followed him. when aatish followed him he found ruhi was on the roadside standing alone. Mr Roy stopped his car and ruhi entered the car. now aatsysish u. the shocked. aatish has continually followed them. at last, they reached Mr Roy's house. aatish was standing outside the gate where both entered the house. aatish was waiting there only for ruhi. but aatish got tired I he returned home. but ruhi didn't come outside. aatish was regularly followed both but at last, it's in vain for him. aatish got tired from both. when he tries to meet ruhi in college, she gives cold shoulder to aatish. but where was aniksha? aatish whispered. she was not coming to college and even not receiving the call.

in the evening ruhi reached her room, she locked the door and sat on the floor beside her bed.

someone was giving her a glass of water. looking so tired.

thank you! ruhi replied. at a time she spilt the water.

whose there? ruhi asked. please come out. I said please come out, ruhi shouted. the person was in the kitchen. the person didn't reply.

ruhi again asked please come out.

ruhi get scared and saying.." sir I promised you I would not tell anyone about you ." sir I promised you.....Ruhi!!!!@ the person came out by taking her name. the person was no other one aatish itself.

what were you saying ruhi? aatish asked. which promised ? which person or sir?

why were you scared?

Ruhi told aatish, go away from here.

no! I wouldn't, replied aatish, first, you have to tell what was going on.? where was aniksha?

I don't know where was she. Ruhi replied

Ruhi tells me the truth. otherwise, I would complaint..no no. !! ruhi replied in fear.

I would tell you but right now it's not safe this time. tomorrow I would meet you in a place where no one comes. please go! ruhi told him. if anyone saw us together it would become an issue. tomorrow I promised.

aatish said ok I was going now. but remember I would wait for you. ok,

aatish moved on. when aatish leaves the room ruhi was getting afraid. she wasn't deciding what to do?

The next day she was packing her bags to move from the room. when she opened the door, she found aatish was waiting for her.

where could I drop you, ma'am? aatish asked ruhi ( in a serious way). at last, ruhi had no other option. she revealed the matter.

listen aatish, first of all, you have to make me promise that you didn't tell anyone. please promised me otherwise my grades and my image would be destroyed. how ruhi? aatish asked her. I was saying you had promised me for this .ruhi told aatish. I couldn't promise blindly, because the thing was wrong then it has to be revealed but ....@@@ then let it go I don't want to tell. Ruhi, I promised you but whatever help you need from my side I was ready.

Aatish, this was the matter about Mr Roy sir. Remember that party, I told you something about the girl.. yes! yes'! I remembered. on next morning we found Mr Roy was there, talking with her parents and giving money to them.

but why? what was the connection between them? aatish asked ruhi. from that day aniksha was also wanted to know the truth. On that day in the canteen, you know aniksha told you to kidnapped the girl. but the day after tomorrow, the girl was kidnapped. by whom? aatish shocked. don't know who kidnapped her. after that aniksha found Mr Roy sir was getting much closer to her parents. well, from that day I stopped aniksha from getting involved in the matter. but I didn't stop myself. so I started following Mr Roy sir. I wanted to found what is the connection between them ?. unexpectedly, sir caught me.

Mr Roy gave me the warning to stay away from this but I asked him frankly. what was he said? aatish asked ruhi. nothing. The next morning he came to my room he wanted to know where was the couple. I told him sir I didn't know where they have gone. The moment where sir was getting emotional. He told me whenever they come please let me know. while they leave aniksha was coming towards my room sir was get into my room and told me to tell her to go away. from that day I don't know about aniksha. what kind of friend you were ruhi? aatish said loudly. your friend was in no contact with you and you were saying I didn't know. aatish you don't know what kind of situation was this ruhi replied.

please ruhi, I didn't expect fou this type of behaviour aatish said to ruhi

whatever you want to say I would accept it. I was doing this thing because of aniksha. I won't want a bit because of me sir was torturing to aniksha. so I was in no contact with aniksha. if I had not been doing this then aniksha wouldn't be able to give any exam. because MrRoy already made promised with if I was get involved in this or tell someone about him he would torture aniksha. so I was also making distance with you aatish. what was this big and drastic matter that in between you and Mr Roy sir, listen aatish, the girl has been kidnapped she is the daughter of Mr Roy sir Mr...

aatish shocked while hearing the words of ruhi...

what? what did you say? I...I.....Ruhi what did you say....? aatish stammered.

yes, she was the daughter of Mr Roy sir.

"movie time..when some old memories were blurred the actor/ actress rewind the situation. here was the same situation where ruhi revealed the story and aatish was like giving a reaction. the trade was going on "...

Mr.roy was married earlier whenhewasin college he loved a girl and after graduation, he gets married to that girl. when sir was transferred in this town. He was newly married. He loved Mrs roy from bottom of his heart. after 2years Mrs roy was pregnant. His life was full of positive colours .all the treatment was going with safety. there were no complications in pregnancy. sir and Mrs Roy were very much overwhelmed. The day where Mrs Roy was going to give birth to their new offspring. after delivery, the doctor was found the child was abnormal. Doctors tested the child with lots of treatment but in vain. the child died. at last Mr, Roy decided to adopt this kind of special child. they both thought that if our child was like this we couldn't leave her. They both give her lots of care, happiness Whatever she wants they provided. Day by day passed. shirin was 18 years old they appointed a maid cums caretaker for her. Because we both were working so Mrs Roy didn't manage the things properly. The caretaker was very much careful about shirin. she loved shirin from bottom of her heart.

one day when Mrs Roy was coming home she met with an accident. she died on the spot. when Mr Roy heard the news there mental state of mind was become sick. He had been never giving any attention to shirin. the day passed away but Mr Roy never married again. shirin was also making distance from Mr Roy. at last Mr roy told to care taker to take her with you. because now I was not able to manage myself. after so much discussion between them caretaker convinced and took the shirin with her.

sir told me I met her regularly with lots of gifts that she liked. I also provide money to that couple. but when she heard that she was kidnapped the sir was tensed. They told me before a week the couple was complaining to me about shirin that her aggressive nature and they couldn't manage her now. sir was requesting them to give some Time he took the shirin with him but when he reached the girl was kidnapped.

Aatish this was the matter about sir. He was afraid when someone knows this about him all were teased him or whatever personality he build in college would be spoiled. That's why they torturing me. ruhi before a week you were also going to Mr Roy house why? aatish asked doubtfully. well, I asked Roy if they want any help from me I would be there. In the house of Mr Roy there was that caretaker also who was giving each and all information to us. Here was all the truth about him .ruhi requested to aatish don't tell to anyone.

ok, I promised. aatish promised to ruhi .

but where was aniksha? both reply to each other.

now the question again aroused where was aniksha?

" The Sarcastic heart ".Do we know how the emotional pain was? specifically, it was connected with our offspring. we all did every possible thing to keep our offspring away from difficult situations. Though Mr.roy was not the real father of that girl the pain he was suffering was terrible. The soulmate who left him in middle life. The pain of halfway love was terrible.