Holi festival #

Before we start let me introduce the festival of "Holi".

" Holi" is a festival of colours. This auspicious festival is celebrated during the spring season with great joy. people wear white coloured clothes on this day. They play bright organic colours like red, green, orange etc. Various kinds of sweet prepared to marked this occasion. Holi celebration begins with the Holika dhahan rituals that are celebrated to honour the burning of Holika. people collect Wood and burn a bonfire and celebrated singing songs around it. Holi festival reminds the victory of good over evil."

In India, Holi is celebrated in March. usually, this festival comes before the final exam. Aatish went to the ruhi room to wish her. But she didn't want to come outside of the door.

Hey, ruhi comes outside I want to wish you.

No. aatish I don't.

But it's a festival of colours, come on Ruhi.

I am afraid of the colours which polished on the face.

ok. I would not wish you with colours. Now come outside.

first of all, make a promise that you never wish me with colours.

yes, I do.

ok. when she opened the door, she screamed, who are you?

( aatish covered his face with a funny mask)

Relax relax! it's, aatish.

Here's the sweet my neighbour made this and give it to me. so I took them here for you to wish.

taste it.

Ruhi! picked up one sweet and firstly she gives to him.

Aatish refused to take.

why? I am wishing you.

no... naah. I had already. you eat. Because I brought it for you.

amm. please be sitted. Ruhi made excuses.

Ruhi! this is for you.

what this?

A funny mask.

But why. Don't worry aatish I have not afraid of colours.

Satish looks at her as an innocent boy.

what? ...no not again.

let's go right.

of! why don't you understand she was not going to meet?

come on ruhi! Wear a mask and we are going.

They both went to anikshaa house. where they find that no one is there. The main gate was locked.

I told you aatish, leave her. Nothing going to happen. let's go!

when they moved, ruhi saw someone was inside the gate. Aatish wait! someone was inside.

Ruhi there is no one.

Aatish! I saw someone was peeping from inside.

I will check out. Hello, guard uncle. anyone is there? hello.

see! no one is inside.

let's go to my place, Satish said.


while they were going, they heard some noise from inside.

see I said, there is someone.

we can't get in, ruhi let's go!

Ruhi doubts that. Aatish was hiding something. Because I have a feeling that he is trying to divert me.

They moved from there. they both reached aatish house. where they having fun with neighbours and enjoying with colours.

After so many years, ruhi was very delighted in this festival. ok aatish I have to go.

wait! what about lunch?

no, I have to go!

wait ruhi, instead of alone. we will do lunch together. come.

Aatish, you know today I enjoyed it very much. I had to remember my old days. thank you aatish.!

oh, it's ok.

Tomorrow we will be there in college for the college meeting ok.

ok. now I have to go. Thanks for lunch.


when they both coming outside, aatish saw aarav. He was simply full of colours. But aarav didn't notice aatish.

aatish! are you there? what happened?

nothing you should leave ok. Ruhi didn't know about aarav.

is it your friend?

no. He is not my friend.

you are getting late right ruhi?

going going! don't tell me that. bye

Aatish holds up for a while and took a red colour to wish him.



aatish watched him, ...


Happy Holi...aatish wished him with colour.

Aarav became angry. what have you done?

don't be angry, because it is a festival of friendship. One more thing, this festival didn't demand any maturity certificate(haha).

bye.Happy Holi. Aatish ran away. Aarav is still angry at him.

Ruhi reached her room. she feels like something was missing in her life. She found she feels lonely. But she accepted the truth of her life. She again gets back to her studies. Aatish texted her," thanks Ruhi for being a part of the day". she felt happy replied to him, no I have to be thankful that you include me also in being a part of th8s festival because After my family...

Please, please! now don't start that family essay. My mistake I texted you. Tomorrow, in the library we will meet ok.

why not in class.?

well, I have to discuss some points on the syllabus.

ok. you can text me about your doubts tomorrow we will sort them out in the library.

Why? If we directly discussed there do have any problems?

No, but if we already prepared for that, it will be easy for us. it will consume less time. And please no more discussion for further topics. I have to prepare my projects for viva ok.

The next morning they meet at the library.

Show me aatish what's your difficulties?


yes, say...

well, I forgot to take it out because yesterday I was tired.

what? Are you out of your coverage area? you don't have any responsibility to convey to me that. You are wasting the time of both. listen, aatish you had lots of time to spend but I don't have a single minute to spend ok.


Ruhi listen to me!

Ruhi went from there. She gets very much angry on aatish.

Aatish was in the question of how to tell her the truth about what is behind...?

Aatish saw someone was peeping from outside.

He was getting scared. whose there? Please come out.

Hey! you boy, please don't shout. ( library assistance told him).

Aatish sits for a while in the library. He gets sick. After that, he went to his house. Aatish thought that he is doing something wrong with ruhi.

However, I also have to concentrate on my studies.