The bond of three( met with technology)

Ruhi takes them into flashback!

Let me take you both to the flashback. Ruhi asked them.

Which flashback are you taking us?

The flashback will give you a correct thinking power. Where were you mistaken in your plan?

Yes! Right! I want clarification. How were you could be so sharp that you know the plan of us?

Aatish, I think you know about yourself that you act like a mature boy but, personally, as I wished to know that your mind is still now like daddy's boy. Don't get me wrong, aatish. I am only showing the way that you are. You didn't tell me but, as I told you, that I fitted a microphone. It's a helpful device. As I know, it is wrong but not all the time. Because in a short period you people get very close to me so, I think why? The people who always get irritated from me so, how could be they became so close?

Aatish, because of your mistake this accident happened.

Because of me? What do you want to say?

You know it aatish, what I wanted to say?

Does it mean you are saying that it's all because of me?

No! Aatish, I am not saying it's all because of you. But I am saying the reason that you made it all is because of it.

You are on the phone, aatish. Before the call, you misbehaved with your dad. When did he call for help? Still, you were busy on your call. Am I right aatish.

Aatish takes him into flashback.

My father was unconsciously fallen from the terraced. I heard the noise and rushed towards him.

Are you serious, aatish? You made a story that no one will blame you. Which kind of bond that you had with your dad? That time you are mistaken. When are you at home? And, also with him and if your phone is in your hand. Then, why don't you call the ambulance?

Aatish again turned to flashback,

The neighbour's called the ambulance.

When did I see your phone its not even had a single crash or not even a bloodstain? Why so? Did you wash it? Because of the situation that I saw you when I reached to hospital for depositing the money, You were not able to talk a single word so how can you get the time to wash your phone. Aatish, answer me. I know you have a money problem but you are down your level. You betrayed me for the money. How can you do this aatish?

Aatish seems guilty.

Please, ruhi doesn't take me wrong. It's all about being top in college to being successful or whatever the shining words that I want from the studies. But in the middle of the session, you took a turn. We are struggling with each other, and you came between us.

Ruhi, so what aatish you have chosen wrong way for me. I always give my full efforts to you whenever you want help I always stand for you and you have done this mess with me. After all, my parents told me to beware of human beings because they are not trustworthy. You know, guys when you are started planning for me, I used to concentrate on my studies because my father told me


so, I was not changing but I change the game that belonged to you. Why did you have the necessity of the plan? If you ask me for this so I can put myself down. I don't have parents but I know the importance of them. If you had parents then don't let them feel guilty about you. It's very tough for them to face shameful things that belong to you. I don't have any private or public attitude towards you. But feeling very shameful about our friendship. we are not meant to be for the showpiece, we are for the real world.

You had the support of your parents, but you didn't recognise the world when you get to take the step outside of your comfort zone. Your world is not the inside of the house that you get a free service. Guys take a step towards the world. You realize the real thing that made you speechless and gives you a fantastic way to create your destiny. The creation that you made is called you're handmade world. When you know the real value of your work, you will support the inner voice that will give you strength for positive energy and power to help others. There are lots of people who think only about their profit and nothing else. Sorry to say, but the example is in front of you. ( Ruhi put her eyes at aniksha)

Aatish understands the mistake he has done with ruhi.

Aniksha, I don't believe in you that guys blame me that I had done this.

No, ruhi, but you are a part of this it all because of you. Why was nervous about the grades? Don't you have any confidence power?

Ruhi, listen to me. I was feeling insecure that it.

But why? Aniksha, there was no need to worry about your grades. You know, aatish lost the grades because of you. I understand the father's love for their teenagers but it is not the right thing that your dad did. He didn't save the future of his daughter he regains bad karma in his account.

Aniksha, I want to share one thing. Whatever your dad did it's his priority for the daughter. But aatish, in between the plan you lost the most wonderful relationship of love with your dad. Now, how can you gain him? How are you going to be deal with life? Aniksha and I didn't remain for you. But the full loss is you in this matter, what would I say, a plan.

Guys, today is our last meeting.

Aatish and Aniksha seem disappointed.

No, no. Don't take the give me those looks, it doesn't attract me. After this meeting, I don't want to see you in my life.