
They emerged from the bushes, the two of them seemed prepared for the lack of a better word.

"June, Straid? What are you guys doing here?" A cheerful smirk stretches across Straid's face, June seemed, determined? Nervous? Or a mix of the two?

"June seemed concerned you see, and I could not stay away from when a friend would mix herself into stuff like this, also you said it yourself Chrys, I would need experience. Oh and before you ask about Theresa, no she will not be joining us, I believe she still needs some days to process this whole thing, oh no make that weeks... Perhaps months" Is he serious?

*Sigh* "Guys, this is big, way bigger than any variety of Vannluohg, I would never ask anyone to get involved in this one" June seemed to tense up somehow, her fists were slightly clenched, what was up with that? Straid didn't seem to be faced whatsoever.

"How dangerous are we talking Chrys?"

"Enough so its very presence killed an entire congregation of people, maybe without even touching them, and also it might still be here, go home" Her slender hands had again gripped around mine, and she was squeezing them tightly, such warmth in her hands.

"NO!" Her cry seemed so desperate, why? Straid seemed to have lost his previous composure.

"June, maybe we should just go"

"NO! don't... Just don't"

"Who's there!"

There was no time to think but it seemed, like instinct was enough, Straid's cold hands pushed us both inside the open back door and slid it shut quickly, yet silently. He was standing there, almost frozen with his left ear glued to the old wooden door, his breath subdued to the lowest whisper. June was so close, I could hear it, her rapid heartbeat, and her heated breath so close to my face, her face, screaming red like her hair, her eyes glossy, her lips... Cute. My chest? A throbbing feeling? Since when had I ever carried a feeling like this? Outside confused steps could be heard, rustling in bushes, and small streams of lights flickering beneath the door, they were searching with flashlights it would seem, and by the minutes their steps faded back to their original post. At last, we could sorta breathe out.

*Sigh* "I think they've gone now, June let's go" June shook her head in refusal, hear red locks swinging from side to side like fire against darkness.

"I will not leave, and I hope to god you stay too Straid, what type of people would we be if we walked out on this while knowing it all, choosing to stay ignorant and on the sidelines... It is as bad as enabling the tragedy's ourselves" So sincere.

"June, it is not about that" June turned my way our eyes locking.

"Too bad, we are staying"

The way to the ceremonial hall was short but awfully dark and narrow, it constantly forced the three of us to walk on line, like prisoners moving towards the sharp edge of the guillotine, like fishes in strange waters, like pilgrims walking the line of life and death, fame and oblivion. My heart was pumping intensely, as would I imagine their hearts was as well. My hand was feeling the cold sensation of the rock wall I used to lead us, scratch the other comparisons, we were truly pilgrims, pilgrims traversing into the kingdom of the blind, as well as deaf, the silence of the air was even muffling our steps, and the sound of our breaths was lost in the void ahead, was it perhaps thrilling? I had been on the watch for so long, and now I was close to an actual change, and what more, I wasn't alone, perhaps I was meant to be? Maybe I should just turn around and lead them back, back to the world, or at least the image of it that was lost? The stone stopped, a door? Well, it would be as it would end, no matter what happens. Have we really reached the point of no return?

The ceremonial hall was not too grand, it possessed beauty, simple and pleasing, red carpets decorating the marble floor draped with white and gold, hadn't it been for the body markers, one could have easily forgotten the purpose of the visit, yeah these holy men knew their art.

"Chrys, do you feel anything?" Shaking, now that Straid were so close, ah no matter.

"Give me some time, are you guys okay?" They were surprised by that? Well, I guess I did not show too much human compassion at our last meeting. June was tipping a bit lightly on her toes, shes nervous huh?

"I'm okay Chrys, just let us know when something's up okay?" That smile, was it forced? Yeah, she was definitely nervous. Straid was no better.

"I will let you guys know okay. But of course, you guys are free to go if it is too much" They seemed a bit shook up by this, well I guess that's for the better.

"We would never! We don't just back down as we are determined to do something, right Straid?"

"Oh of course we don't, I guess..." Well if it was not before, it definitely was now, the point of no return.

The vibration in the air is even, perhaps too much so, applying a calming pressure to your senses, no I must keep searching, wait, no, nothing. A light buzz, a whisper, a tale of godly choices and holy sacrifices, the signature is diffidently that of a holy place, but there's something more, a hum, like a million microscopic beaks, singing in unison, and with it, a signature, deep, rising from the abyss, lights illuminating the dark room of my mind's eye, glowing tendrils from the abyss. "Get ready it is coming" it was definitely big, why did it remind me of something? What was it?

"What's coming? Do you know?" A tune? Where had I heard this choir before? No, it could not be, this choir.

"Chrys?!" A thousand angels singing, it was no mistaking it. It was one of them, the original ones. I should have known, this is it.

"It is the lights of the abyss, one of the seven great ones that defiled this world, Deustarmer".