Spore Removal Surgery

After he had cleaned up the powder on his body in the mountain stream, Gaia could finally start dealing with the parts of the neck that had already been infected.

"Gaia, let us help you." William walked over, wanting to help Gaia with his injuries.

"NO! This pathogen is extremely infectious. Even if you're wearing protective gear, there is still a risk of infection. I'll do it myself," Gaia said expressionlessly.

He had lost all feeling in his neck, which was obviously a very serious symptom. There was no time left for him to waste talking to William and the others.

"If you want to help me, just prepare the tools for me," Gaia continued.

"Alright, let us know if you need anything," said Douglas worriedly.

"Okay." Gaia nodded.


After William and the others had gone far away, Gaia began to deal with the spores that were acting as parasites on his neck.

According to Attuned to Nature, Gaia was very clear about how to deal with these spores.

As long as all the spores were removed after the local anesthesia was applied, it would be fine.

That was the main goal of the surgery.

Although Gaia had mentally prepared himself, he was still shocked when he first removed the bandage around his neck.

The skin on his neck had completely rotted, revealing exposed muscles. Yellowish-green pus oozed out of the muscles.

The scariest part was that the muscles were covered with small white bumps. There was a small black dot on it, just like a blackhead filled to the brim.

If a person with trypophobia saw this, they would probably die of fear on the spot.

These were spores that were about to mature.

They were very fragile. Once they were cut open, a large amount of powder would leak out, easily causing the infection to spread.

This was also the reason why Gaia did not let William and the others interfere.

Gaia was also extremely scared, but after hearing the voices of the spores, the fear in his heart dissipated a lot.

He began to carry out the spore removal surgery in a methodological manner.

The first step was to build a makeshift operating table.

Douglas and the others had already completed this step for Gaia.

Due to the uniqueness of planet Mushu, the logistics department had specially equipped them with a portable first-aid operating table before they set off.

This was a one-time-use tool. It was folded using a composite compression technique. It could be as small as a matchbox, but when it returned to its original form, it would be as big as an actual medical operating table. Therefore, this technique could only be used once. Once it returned to its original size, it could not be compressed back again.

The first-aid operating table was equipped with various surgical tools. Gaia did not need to worry about acquiring them at all.

The most important thing was that there was a medical robotic arm on the first-aid operating table. This was the key to Gaia being able to carry out the surgery independently.

Once Gaia gave himself a local anesthetic, he could use the robotic arm to perform the operation on himself.

Douglas had already calibrated the robotic arm for him, so Gaia could proceed to the second step.

The second step was the injection of the local anesthetic.

"Kris anesthetic, 70cc, intravenous injection," Gaia instructed in a low voice.

As soon as he said this, the robotic arm did not immediately inject the anesthetic for him.

Instead, it issued a red warning on the display screen, followed by a small number 10 that was counting down.

It clearly meant that if Gaia did not change his decision after ten seconds, it would proceed with the task.

"Do you need to increase the dosage?" A line of large words appeared on the display screen.


With Gaia's body mass, he would only be anesthetized for about twenty minutes with a 70cc dose. It would be extremely difficult to perform such a precise surgery within such a short period of time.

The surgery to remove the spores was different from a normal surgery where they only needed to remove the key parts causing the issues.

This surgery required all the spores to be removed at once. Otherwise, the spores would have already spread out by the time they injected the anesthetic again for the second surgery.

That was why the display was indicating whether the anesthetic dosage needed to be increased.

The reason why Gaia insisted on this low dosage was that he had learned from the spores that if were provoked, they would move deep into the host's body after twenty minutes.

After Gaia was anesthetized, the spores would immediately have a defensive reflex and start spreading deeper into Gaia's body.

In other words, if Gaia failed to complete the operation within these 20 minutes, the operation would have already failed.


After Gaia finished speaking, the display screen showed a notification confirming that the surgery would continue.

The medical robotic arm took out a bottle of anesthetic from the refrigerator and filled the syringe. Then, it quickly injected Gaia in a total of 15 areas, including the ribs, armpits, and shoulders.

The spores had a huge repulsion towards the anesthetic components, and they would instinctively avoid it. It was almost like they were mortal enemies. 

After less than a minute, the muscles on Gaia's neck began to pulsate uncontrollably, looking like something out of a horror film. These werr the spores trying to move.

"Start the blood transfusion," Gaia ordered.

After the robotic arm finished injecting with a syringe that was filled with suitable blood, Gaia used his fingers that were still functioning to operate through the display screen, quickly cutting a gash his neck.

"Ack?!" Brad, who was outside, screamed and wanted to rush in.

He thought he had seen Gaia accidentally cut open his trachea whilst doing the operation.

If his trachea was cut open, how was he still alive?

Douglas quickly held Brad back.

"What are you screaming for? Watch and learn. Gaia knows his stuff."

Then, Brad saw Gaia, who was bleeding from his neck, calmly operating the suction machine to drain the blood from his neck. At the same time, he injected a coagulant to help stop the bleeding.

After two steps, Gaia's face turned visibly blue.

The monitor immediately sounded an alarm. There was a countdown on it.

60 seconds left.

After 60 seconds, under normal circumstances, Gaia would faint.

This was due to the lack of oxygen due to the trachea being cut.

Gaia did not panic.

His finger repeatedly tapped on the display screen. The next second, a catheter came out of the mechanical arm and was inserted into Gaia's throat.

Gaia's face instantly relaxed.

The alarm on the display was immediately removed.

The red notification on the display also turned green.