Buy Sacred Scarabs, Kill Grave Robbers!


Vincent was not an ordinary person, but a transmigrator acting under a special system.

An accident in his previous life had brought him to this parallel universe and bound him to the Godly Gravekeeper system to guard the Great Pyramid of Giza.

To be more precise, he was a gravekeeper.

The so-called gravekeepers were tasked to guard the tomb owners and their grave goods, preventing others from disturbing their slumber.

Since Vincent came to this world and was bound to the system, the first mission issued by the system was to guard the Great Pyramid of Giza!

The mechanism of the system was simple.

Simply put, he had to chase away or kill those tomb raiders in the pyramid.

Every time he chased off or killed a tomb raider, he would receive merit points from the system as a reward. He could use them to buy items and abilities from the Merchant Shop to better protect the tomb.

As for the purpose of guarding this pyramid…

Vincent guessed that it might really be related to the Egyptian gods!

Ancient Egyptians were very religious.

They believed in the Sun God, and as the sons of the Sun God, Pharaohs were blessed with divine protection.

They believed that a person's journey in the world was short, but the future was eternal.

And the door to eternity was death.

They also believed that the physical body was the most fundamental vessel for the soul's path into the future.

That was why the Pharaohs of all past dynasties tried to hide and preserve their bodies.

And Vincent guessed that Khufu might be still alive.

Or rather, he was not completely dead yet.

This was too inconceivable, but he had transmigrated and been bound to a strange system, which was equally unbelievable.

In that case, could his guess be true?

He decided that he should follow the system instructions obediently, just in case.

"I shall deal with the tomb raiders who have already entered!"

After thinking for a while, Vincent decided to complete the task before him first. Then, he called out the Merchant Shop.

Very quickly, the interface of the Level 1 Merchant Shop appeared in front of him.

There were only four types of items in the Level 1 Merchant Shop.

Mutated Rattlesnake, 100 merit points each.

Man-Eating Army Ant, 10 merit points each.

Fire Ladybug, 10 merit points each.

Sacred Scarab, 10 merit points each.

Looking at the things that he could buy, Vincent couldn't help but ponder.

Even though the fire ladybugs were deadly, they were basically a one-time use product that could only kill one person each.

There was no need to mention the man-eating army ants. It would take at least tens of thousands of them to kill half a dozen people.

It was said that the mutated rattlesnakes could be used repeatedly.

Moreover, they were extremely aggressive and poisonous.

But they were too expensive.

He only had 5500 merit points at the moment, so he could only afford a few snakes.

Therefore, the sacred scarabs were the most cost-effective option. They cost 10 merit points each, which meant he could buy over 500 scarabs.

Besides, the sacred scarabs were also poisonous. Anyone who touched them would die.

In a place like a pyramid that was full of dead bodies, there was no need to worry about not being able to reproduce the scarabs. After this purchase, he would have no shortage of scarabs.


"Successful transaction! Congratulations, Host, you have bought 500 Sacred Scarabs!"

Therefore, Vincent bought five hundred sacred scarabs in one go. Now, he could put them anywhere in the pyramid with just a stir in his mind.


"Kevin! Do you think it's really okay for us to come in behind the professors' backs?"

At this moment, three figures dressed as workers were groping their way through the dark passageway with torches in their hands.

The person who had just spoken was a dark-skinned fat man. Hearing his words, the blond leader said, "Cut the crap! The fortune is right in front of us. What's wrong with taking it out with us?"

"Do you think those archaeologists are good people? They're here to rob graves too. Otherwise, where do you think all those antiques in the black market came from?"

"Since they can take it, why can't we?"

"As long as we can take one or two items, we won't have to work for the rest of our lives!"

The blond man's words made the two people beside him nod fiercely.

He was right. The wealth was waiting for them inside the pyramid. Once they took it out, they could live as upperclassmen.

As they thought, the three of them quickened their pace.

Soon, they reached the central area. There was a straight passage above them, connected to them by a staircase down the wall.

There were also many chambers on both sides.

Kevin was a professional adventurer. When he heard that they were going to excavate the Great Pyramid of Giza, he disguised himself in the excavation team and waited for an opportunity to fish up something.

He had robbed more than ten tombs of all sizes, but they were all relatively small.

The money he earned from selling grave goods was quickly squandered.

And Khufu's grave was just too famous. This Pharaoh must have brought a lot of good stuff into his tomb.

"Kevin! Are we going up or staying on this floor?"

The fatty could not make up his mind, so he asked.

Kevin picked up the flashlight and shone it up. He couldn't see the top.

In the past, all the tombs he had raided were underground, but this one was the opposite. The path led them upward.

Kevin frowned and said, "Based on my over ten years of adventure experience, the main chamber should be up there."

"The chambers on this floor belong to those who were buried with the King. There's nothing valuable in their tombs."

The two men beside him thought that it made sense. Kevin was indeed an experienced adventurer.

A professional one!

Kevin did not go straight up the stairs. In his experience, there must be traps on the stairs.

Then, he looked at the other two and said, "You two walk in front. Hurry up!"

Seeing the two of them hesitate, Kevin said, "What are you waiting for?! How can you get rich without taking any risks?"

Hearing this, the pair climbed up trembling with fright.

The moment their feet touched the stairs, they heard a strange sound.


A series of sounds came from the stairs. It sounded like dozens of people were typing at the same time.

Alarmed, the three of them quickly shone their flashlights upward.

When they saw the source of the noise, the three of them were stunned.


In an instant, the black man felt his blood turn cold on the top of his bald head.

On the stairs, a swarm of greenish-black beetles was crawling down. They looked like dung beetles.

But all of them were as big as a fist.

They had extremely sharp mouthparts, which could be seen clearly from afar.

Those beetles crawled down the stairs like a black tide.

From the looks of it, there were at least eight hundred if not a thousand of them.

"Holy sh*t! What are these!"

"Where did they come from!?"

The two people in front were still trembling violently. Kevin was the first to react.

He shouted, "What are you waiting for? Run!"

With that, he turned around and fled without another word!

Meanwhile, the sacred scarabs on the stairs gushed down like a flood.