King Scarabs Are Not So Easy to Cultivate!

Under the nourishment of the essence in the coffins, hundreds of extremely large sacred scarabs fought with one another. In the end, only one of them could survive and become a king scarab!

Vincent was furious. He had spent so much effort in producing one king scarab, but the archaeological team actually burned it alive!

How could he let them off?

Only in their dreams!

Initially, Vincent only intended to kill some of them so that the rest would retreat. But now that these people had provoked him, he could not let them off easily!

"How should I deal with them?"

He really did not expect that this group would have come in with so many firearms. They even had flamethrowers!

Looking at the balance of 800 merit points, Vincent felt vexed.

"I should have sent out the fire ladybugs first!"

Vincent was thinking carefully when suddenly an idea struck him.

"Right, sacred scarabs are afraid of fire, but fire ladybugs aren't!"

The archaeological team had been so bold because they had flamethrowers. But sacred scarabs were not the only tomb guardian beasts there were.

In his previous life, Vincent had read some novels and watched some movies about tomb raiding. Together with the help from the system, Vincent knew very well how terrifying fire ladybugs could be!

Even though the unique attack styles of fire ladybugs meant that they would die after killing their enemies, they were still extremely powerful.

Not only were they unafraid of fire, but they could also produce extremely high flame temperatures, far exceeding the temperature of a flamethrower.

Once the archaeological team came into contact with fire ladybugs, they would evaporate instantly.

They would turn into a pile of ashes!

With that thought in mind, Vincent immediately opened the Merchant Shop and purchased some fire ladybugs.


"Congratulations, Host. You have bought 100 Fire Ladybugs!"

"Reminder: Fire Ladybugs are similar to Sacred Scarabs. They can reproduce in the coffins and coexist with Sacred Scarabs!"


Hearing that, Vincent could not help but curse.

He did not expect there to be a surprise!

Originally, he thought that fire ladybugs were not reusable and that he would have fewer and fewer of them with every round of attack.

Basically, they would die with the archaeological team.

But surprisingly, fire ladybugs could reproduce in the coffins like sacred scarabs!

And they wouldn't fight against the sacred scarabs!

The thought made Vincent overjoyed. Then, his mind stirred, and a large number of ladybugs glimmering with blue flames suddenly appeared around him.

In the dark tunnel, the blue flames around the ladybugs were as brilliant as starlight.

Those pretty bugs were smaller than a coin. Who would have thought that they had the terrifying ability to evaporate a person instantly!

Now that he had fire ladybugs, he only had to wait for the fearless archaeological team to arrive!


Silence befell the entire passageway.

After the battle just now, the passage was filled with dead sacred scarabs that had yet to be burnt completely. The tunnel was filled with the stench of burning flesh!

There were burn marks everywhere.


"These damn things are finally going to meet God!"

"You think you can kill me?"

Alan leaned against the wall and kept cursing. He and the others had spent a lot of effort just now to finally burn these sacred scarabs to death.

"Professor, we should go out. It's dangerous here!"

At this moment, Anna spoke awkwardly.

They weren't even that deep into the pyramid, yet they had already encountered such frightening sacred scarabs. Only heaven knew what was waiting for them ahead.

If they kept moving forward, their team would probably die here.

It might be fine if one or two of them died, but apart from the archaeologists, there were also the special forces and staff members from the production team.

They should not drag those innocent people down with them.

Upon hearing her words, Alan, who was leaning against the wall, was unhappy. "It wasn't easy for all of us to get here. Isn't it irresponsible of you to ask everyone to return now?!"


Anna froze.

She just wanted everyone to return to safety. How was she the one being irresponsible?

However, she knew that this operation was an important opportunity for everyone except her.

Especially Alan.

He was never a person who knew his place. As a rich young master, he was not like any other archaeologist.

He was a risk-taker.

He liked to engage in extreme sports every day.

He wouldn't have bothered to come if his family had not forced him to join the archaeological team through the back door.

However, he did not expect the Great Pyramid of Giza to be so dangerous.

The thrill of facing an unknown danger was addictive to him.

More importantly, they had encountered so many dangerous sacred scarabs before even reaching the halfway point of their adventure. This meant that there must be a huge treasure hidden in the Pyramid of Giza.

"Professor, what do you think?"

Alan looked at Professor Kohler and the others. Kohler and Taylor looked at each other and nodded.


"I think you should respect everyone's opinion."

"Besides, they are just a few little bugs. If they hadn't appeared so suddenly, even the explorers wouldn't have died."

"And you've also seen what happened to those sacred scarabs."


Professor Kohler and Professor Taylor shared the same view.

Since the sacred scarabs had appeared not long after they had entered the pyramid, it must mean that there were some secrets hidden in this largest pyramid of the world.

This might be an opportunity for them to achieve stellar success.

Anna looked at Professor Kohler in disbelief.

It was as if she had finally seen her professor's true nature.

However, humans die for wealth, and birds die for food. How would she have known that Professor Kohler didn't mind sending a few people to an early grave just for his own fame and fortune?

"Alright, I'll follow you!"

In the end, Anna agreed to compromise.

Under such circumstances, the special forces had no other choice.

Even if they wanted to leave, it was a soldier's duty to obey orders.

They had no right to speak!

Then, the group took a short break to readjust their equipment before continuing forward.

Soon, they reached the staircase.

After the previous incident, the archaeological team did not dare to be rash this time. Instead, they let the special forces take the lead.

With the flamethrowers aiming at the bottom of the staircase, they moved forward carefully.

Meanwhile, the people watching the live stream couldn't help but comment.

"Oh Lord, why do I feel that these people are crazy?"

"Don't say 'feel'. They are indeed crazy and blinded by greed. They are willing to die just for treasures."

"F*ck! Even if they want to die, they should send Anna out first."

"That's right. If there's any more danger ahead, I'd feel really sorry for the special forces soldiers! They shouldn't die there!"