The Intruder Dies!

A gravekeeper?

The archaeologists were stunned when they heard the person in front of them claim that he was a gravekeeper.

What was a gravekeeper?

After all, they were professional archaeologists. Years of experience had allowed them to learn of some ancient occupations. However, they had not heard much about the title of "gravekeepers". Even if they had, it was in informal records.

Gravekeepers were a job where people were tasked to guard a special pyramid.

Moreover, this kind of job was often passed down from generation to generation. Gravekeepers protected pyramids from tomb raiders for their entire lives, and so would their descendants.

Unexpectedly, the Great Pyramid of Giza also had its own gravekeeper.


A thought crossed Anna's mind. She thought about what Vincent had said earlier and recalled the fact that he had called himself a gravekeeper.

"In that case… you were the one who cultivated those sacred scarabs?!"

Anna could not help but exclaim. Vincent looked at her and nodded.

All the archaeologists including Anna were stunned.

They did not expect that there was actually a gravekeeper in the Great Pyramid of Giza. However, with the evidence right before them, they had no choice but to believe it.

"S-Sir, our actions are legal."

Professor Kohler argued.

"You can't hurt us. We're not going to destroy the grave like those tomb raiders. Instead, we're just trying to protect the relics and preserve the cultural heritage."

Professor Kohler stuttered and began to tremble uncontrollably after he finished speaking.

As expected.

Vincent's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Legal? Who gave you the right? Did you get permission from the tomb owner?"

"What's the difference between your behavior and a tomb raider's? Besides, I've already warned you, but you refused to listen."


Vincent's words were like a demon's whisper, echoing in everyone's ears. He wasn't loud, but his voice pounded on everyone's chest like a sledgehammer.


Who gave you the right?

Did you get permission from the tomb owner?

No one could answer those questions.

Khufu was the owner of the Great Pyramid of Giza. But he died long ago, who could communicate with him?

The archaeologists were all dumbfounded.

They had never encountered such a strange incident in all their years as professional archaeologists.

In the past, all their tomb excavation projects had gone smoothly.

But who would have thought that today in the Pyramid of Giza, not only were they blocked by a gravekeeper, but they had also encountered terrifying creatures like sacred scarabs and fire ladybugs?

Thinking about Vincent's words, the entire team did not know what to do.


"No need to waste your time on him!"

Alan said in an overbearing tone.

"I can tell right away that this person is trying to scare us. Come on, let's see what you can do now!"

Before he finished his sentence, Alan picked up a flamethrower by his feet and aimed the gun at Vincent.

Alan's idea was great.

Be it the sacred scarabs or the fire ladybugs, they could all be killed by fire no matter how scary they were.

How dare this self-proclaimed gravekeeper play tricks with them?

He had no right to obstruct their legally and logically justified archaeological operation!

When the others saw the flamethrower in Alan's hand, they all thought that Vincent would run away. After all, he was still a person made of flesh and blood. Even if he knew some tricks, he would have to surrender to modern firearms.

However, a look of disdain emerged on Vincent's face.

"You really are… digging your own grave."

Vincent said slowly. He had planned to let them go since they were archaeologists.

But he didn't expect that not only did this young man refuse to listen to his kind advice, he even wanted to kill him with a gun.

His impertinence crossed Vincent's line. In his eyes, this group of people was now even more despicable than tomb raiders.



But what happened next made everyone's eyes widen in terror.

Two dozen fire ladybugs flew down from the tree. They flew toward Alan at an extremely fast speed like two dozen tiny blue lights.

"Get away from me!"

The sight made Alan's skin crawl.

The scene of a ladybug burning his shirt to ashes was still vivid in his mind. Panicked, Alan pulled the trigger at the swarm of fire ladybugs.


In an instant, a long flame shot out and engulfed the twenty-odd fire ladybugs. However, the scorching temperature seemed to have no effect on the fire ladybugs. They passed through the flames and landed on Alan.


Alan's heart sank.

Before he could react, the two dozen ladybugs burst out into scorching sparks.


In the next second, the sparks suddenly grew into a huge ball. Through the flames, one could vaguely see Alan's distorted figure on the ground.


All that was left in the quiet grave was Alan's miserable cries.

The burning flames caused the rest of the team to sweat profusely. Unable to save Alan in time, they could only watch helplessly as Alan's body was quickly burnt to ashes.

It happened in just a few seconds…

It was all too sudden.

Before the others could even react, Alan had been burnt to ashes by the ladybugs.

He disappeared without a trace.

All that was left was a pile of ashes on the ground.

Dead silence filled the tomb.

At this moment, the only audible sound in the grave was people's heavy panting. Meanwhile, the netizens who saw the horrifying scene were almost scared out of their wits.

"God, can someone tell me what happened?!"

"Was he burned to ashes just like that?!"

"Why are those bugs so scary? What kind of creatures are those?!"

"Is he really the gravekeeper? How did he control such terrifying creatures? How can there be such a person in this world?!"

"He definitely is, and he can also control the sacred scarabs. I understand now. Nothing is impossible in the Pyramid of Giza!"

"Even so, this gravekeeper is too cruel. Alan was an archaeologist. How can he kill him without any warning?"

"Shut up. Whether he's an archaeologist or a tomb raider, it doesn't make any difference to the tomb owner. If you were the one lying in the pyramid right now, would you allow others to dig your grave?!"

"What are you guys talking about? It's murder! Call the police!"

At this moment, a discussion broke out on the broadcast screen.

There were all kinds of comments, but most of them found it hard to believe that Vincent had killed someone with fire ladybugs on a whim.

Yes, he actually ordered the fire ladybugs to kill a living person!

All of a sudden, Kohler and the others recovered from the shock.

They had been too horrified by Alan's death to realize it.

Only now did they realize that the gravekeeper before them was not joking around with them. He would really kill!

His only task was to guard the Pyramid of Giza.

Therefore, it made no difference to him whether they were tomb raiders or archaeologists.

Most importantly, after the series of events, they realized that both the sacred scarabs and the fire ladybugs were under the gravekeeper's control.

Right, and that tree!

Everyone held their breaths and slowly raised their heads to look at the tree. What they saw next was unforgettable.



Before they could notice, the fire ladybugs had gathered around them, moving about restlessly.