An Ancient Family Takes Action!

This kind of sensational news was something that the public loved to see.

Once the videos were released, they hit the headlines of almost all news websites and forums.

Mysterious gravekeeper kills off archaeologists after the latter intrudes the Pyramid of Giza!

Breaking news: Sacred Scarabs and Fire Ladybugs discovered in the Pyramid of Giza. The mysterious gravekeeper's identity remains a mystery!

Discussion: Do certified archaeologists have the right to excavate tombs? Are they preserving cultural heritage or abusing their power?

At almost the same time, countless trending topics about the gravekeeper appeared on the list of the most popular news. Many netizens engaged in a heated discussion in the comments section. There were even many Internet celebrities who followed the trend to gain popularity.

A Twitter influencer with tens of millions of followers posted a tweet that had become a hit.

The person wrote:

"Today, I watched the entire story of the archaeological team's encounter in the Great Pyramid of Giza. At first, I thought that it was just another excavation project. Never did I expect that such a terrifying incident would happen in the pyramid."

"Venomous sacred scarabs, and blue fire ladybugs that emit flames all over their bodies and are capable of burning a person to ashes in an instant. They have overturned my understanding of this world. It seems that there are still many things that science cannot explain."

"Putting aside these supernatural phenomena, let's analyze the standpoint of the official archaeological team and that of the gravekeeper!"

"As known to all, an official archaeological team has the right to excavate any ancient pyramids or tombs. The purpose of those archaeological projects is to protect ancient cultural heritage!"

"But what the gravekeeper said is also worth thinking about."

"Are archaeologists really protecting cultural heritage? They dig out other people's burial items and show them to others at exhibitions. Is that what we call 'preserving cultural heritage'?"

"Do they respect the tomb owners? Having their graves dug up by others, their bodies and burial items displayed in museums all over the world, I don't think anyone would be happy with that, even if it was under the name of cultural preservation. This makes it impossible for the tomb owners to rest in peace."

"That's all I have to say. Please share your opinions too!"

As soon as this tweet was posted, many Internet celebrities reposted it. Within just a few minutes, the post had received more than 100 million views!

Not only were there many replies, but there were also many different views.

"I admire OP's courage! If I were you, I wouldn't dare to post this. I advise you to delete it. Otherwise, you may get into trouble with the officials!"

"I also watched the entire live broadcast. To be honest, I never expected there to be so many dangers hidden in the Pyramid of Giza!"

"Although we have to believe in science, there are always things that science can't explain. The Pyramid of Giza is a good example. After all, pyramids are the eighth Wonder of the World, and the Great Pyramid of Giza is the biggest of them all."

"I agree with the comment above. The fact that you haven't experienced certain things in myths doesn't mean that they are fake. There must be a reason why those myths still exist after so many years."

"I went to research gravekeepers. They are really dedicated to their job. They have to guard a tomb for hundreds of years and pass the job down from generation to generation."

"This gravekeeper still impresses me the most! The Pyramid of Giza is around four to five thousand years old, yet there are still people guarding it. I'm really impressed."

"Do you guys think official archaeological teams have the right to excavate the Pyramid of Giza? After all, it's someone else's tomb! Even if it is an archaeological project, they're still disrespecting the tomb owner!"

The netizens' comments slowly drifted away from the main topic.

At first, they were all talking about the dangers in the Pyramid of Giza. Soon, they started to debate about whether official archaeological teams had the right to excavate other people's graves.

Some even said that official archaeologists were no different from tomb raiders.

One of them said, "Just imagine that you died today and were buried in the ground.

Then, hundreds of years later, a bunch of people dig you out and leave your body outside, claiming that they are doing it for archaeology. How would you feel?"


In the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, officials from different countries were seated in a spacious conference room.

The big screen in front of them was playing videos taken inside the Pyramid of Giza, followed by trending news headlines.

"Let's discuss!"

"He's unruly and arrogant. He even dares to challenge the officials directly. Please voice your opinions!" said the chairman.

Then, he looked at his subordinates.

The operation to excavate the Great Pyramid of Giza was very important. It was highly regarded by the higher-ups and many countries had collaborated to make it happen.

It wasn't easy for him to get the position of interim chairperson of the project. He didn't expect to encounter such a situation right after his work began.

Right now, the excavation project had to pause, and he could not give a reasonable explanation to his superiors.

Not only so, but they had also lost several lives. Besides, the video evidence had been made public during the live stream program.

It had reached a point where everyone on the Internet knew about the incident.

If the project couldn't proceed, he would have huge trouble in his job later on.

Suddenly, one of his subordinates, who was also an official, stood up and said, "Chairman, you can leave this matter to our Special Operations Team. We can set off immediately to capture the so-called gravekeeper. We promise to complete the task well."

The chairman frowned and remained silent.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the truth was right in front of him.

The mechanisms and monsters in the Pyramid of Giza were unusually scary. To make things worse, the gravekeeper named Vincent could control all of those. The special forces soldiers were carefully selected by him personally, but some of them died too.

If they chose to enter the pyramid rashly again, even more innocent people would probably die. It would be even harder to clean up the mess if another major accident occurred.

Besides, even if someone had to die, they couldn't let government officials die…

"Forget it. Sit down first."

"We have no expertise in areas of supernatural phenomena. Nevertheless, the Great Pyramid of Giza is a piece of cultural heritage that belongs to the whole world. This matter concerns the reputation of all countries!"

"Let's think of another way."

With that, the chairman waved his hand to dismiss the meeting.

All of the officials attending the conference looked dejected and helpless upon hearing his words.

Before this, they had also talked to those who managed to escape from the Pyramid of Giza and inquired in detail about the entire incident.

All of them, including the special forces soldiers, explained the situation to them.

What was certain was that they were attacked by supernatural forces in the tomb and it was impossible to fight back.

Through the video clips, it was also obvious that the archaeological team and the special forces soldiers were no match for those beasts at all.

But if they couldn't do it, who else could? Who could withstand such supernatural attacks?

Where could they find such a person?

"Chairman, Wayne Scott from the Scott family in London has arrived!" At this moment, the chairman heard the pull of a door.

  1. Short form for Original Poster