The Oil Lamp Turns Green!

"Shut up. It's true that Aaron killed for the unification of Egypt, but those he killed probably didn't think so. In their eyes, he was an out-and-out executioner, a demon!"

"Sigh, it's been so many years. We are in no position to judge right from wrong. Since Aaron is already in this state, I think it's best not to disturb his rest!"

At this moment, some netizens watching the live stream had different thoughts.

That's right.

There were two differing views about High Priest Aaron in this world.

Some people worshiped Aaron and treated him as a god of war. They believed that Aaron could do anything to unify his country, including sacrificing himself.

But there were others who felt that he had killed too many people, which made him an immoral, cold-blooded murderer.

However, he was just a loyal high priest who was condemned for thousands of years for his extreme measures in unifying his own country. How bad could he be?

Even after his death, his resentment had not dissipated for 4000 years.

Seeing this, the netizens felt that they should just let him rest in peace and leave the Pyramid of Giza intact forever.

This way, it was better than digging his grave out in the name of research.

At this moment, however, most netizens, especially the archaeologists, were more adamant about the value of the tomb. They wouldn't let go of this opportunity no matter what.

As a result, they started sending messages in the live stream.

"Wayne, don't listen to them. These are all important cultural heritage that belongs to the whole world!"

"That's right, Aaron's tomb is so important. It will be a milestone in archaeological history!"

"Do what you have to do. Don't be too soft!"

The Scott siblings ignored the archaeologists' concerns. In fact, they had never intended to leave.

What the netizens did not know was that, to the Scott siblings, High Priest Aaron's tomb was of no value. Their top priority was to find something that could remove the Scott family's curse.

Aaron's corpse had not decayed after thousands of years.

Due to his deep grudges, it was very likely that the corpse would evolve into a high-level mummy.

Perhaps hundreds of years later, Aaron's body would certainly undergo some transformation. This meant that there was a very high chance that the mummy blood in his body now could neutralize the Scott family's curse.

With that thought in mind, the Scott siblings looked at one another and made up their minds.

"Please rest assured, archaeologists. We will not destroy any burial item."

"But we need to take some of Aaron's blood. That's all…"


When they heard this, the netizens were puzzled.

What use could Aaron's blood have? How could it compare to the priceless burial items there?

Besides, the corpse had already dried up after so many years. How could there be blood?

No one could understand.

However, the Scott siblings wouldn't make any explanation either. They couldn't possibly tell everyone that the Scott family needed mummy blood to cure a curse.

Meanwhile, the three of them began to take action.

"Then, let's begin!" Wayne urged.

Allen took out a syringe from his backpack.

After that, he brought the syringe to the coffin and slowly inserted the needle into Aaron's arm.


A thick black liquid was extracted from Aaron's body.

At this moment, the Scott siblings were surprised and nervous at the same time.

If everything went well, they might really succeed this time. They could bring back some mummy blood and remove the curse on everyone.



A breeze blew in the chamber.

What's going on?

Sensing the breeze, the Scott siblings were shocked. Then, they immediately turned to look at the oil lamp.

The weak flame began to sway in the breeze.

They immediately stopped what they were doing and focused on their surroundings.

It was a completely enclosed chamber. How could there be air flowing in there?

The netizens were also puzzled at the strange situation.

"What are they doing? What are they making a fuss about?!"

"Why do they look so scared? Aren't they exorcists?"

"Shut up if you don't understand. Didn't you notice that there was a breeze in the room just now? The lamp flame is obviously swaying, but this is an enclosed environment!"

"Oh right, I remember now. Didn't they say that when a person lights a lamp, a ghost blows the lamp? If the lamp gets put out, doesn't that mean High Priest Aaron is angry? Oh my god, so scary!"

Not just the netizens, the Scott siblings were also sweating nervously.

Although the three of them were experienced exorcists, this was their first time entering such a dangerous tomb.

When a person lights a lamp, a ghost blows the lamp. It was just a rule left behind by their ancestors, but they had never experienced having their oil lamp blown out before.

It was true that they had heard the elder members of the family mention many times that once the lamp got blown out, they must put down everything immediately and return the way they came.

But it was different this time. They did not want anything else except some mummy blood.

It was very important because this item could remove the curse that had plagued the Scott family for centuries.

At this moment, the three of them couldn't help but pray in their hearts. They didn't want the lamp to go out at this critical moment!

The three of them stared at the flame, and the cameraman was already paralyzed with fear.

In the end, after about thirty seconds, the wind finally stopped, and the flame stopped swaying.


Seeing this, Wayne let out a long sigh of relief.

It was as if they had just walked past the gates of hell. At this moment, their backs were drenched with sweat.

Fortunately, the lamp did not go out. Otherwise, they really would not know what to do.

Time was running out.

They immediately returned to the coffin. They wanted to obtain some mummy blood and leave the Pyramid of Giza immediately.

They did not want to stay in this scary place any longer.

"Allen!" Wayne urged.

Allen quickened his movements.

However, when they were busy extracting mummy blood, they didn't notice that although the wind had stopped, the color of the flame in the oil lamp had changed.

The orange flame suddenly faded.

In its place was a strange dark-green flame.