The Devil Flower Blooms!

What happened?

At this moment, all the netizens were stunned.

They could not understand why High Priest Aaron was subdued by a hoof. After all, even the magical unicorn blood was useless against it.

They were not the only ones in shock.

In the chamber, the Scott siblings could not make sense of it either.

But when they thought back carefully, they finally remembered something that they had overlooked.

The crisis earlier had made their minds go blank for a moment.

According to the ancestors of the Scott family, a certain deity used to have a black donkey as their mount.

From now on, black donkeys were considered divine creatures that could ward off evil.

Moreover, later generations speculated that black donkey hooves had the power of suppressing evil beings like zombies and revived mummies.

Thus, this information had been passed down as a legend, and it was also noted in the Scott family's records.

"Well done, Allen!"

Seeing this, Wayne heaved a sigh of relief and praised his brother.

Leena was still sitting on the ground, but she also smiled cheerfully.

They had all forgotten about the legend of the black donkey hoof earlier because they were too focused on saving Wayne from death.

At this moment, all of them felt relieved.

"Leena, come and check on Wayne! Tend to his wounds!"

Allen struggled as he got up from the ground. He urged, "It's getting more and more dangerous here. The air won't last us for long. We'll die here if we don't get out soon."

"Besides, your injuries should be treated immediately. They will get more serious if this drags on."

They were not completely safe yet.

Although the revived mummy was no longer a threat, the air in the tomb was getting thinner with each second.

They were already having some difficulty breathing, which meant that the oxygen level in the chamber was dropping.

At this rate, they would all suffocate to death in less than three minutes.

Allen was their only hope now. He had to do everything he could to open the stone door from the inside within three minutes.

With this thought in mind, he staggered toward the stone door, shaking his head in an attempt to clear up his mind.

"Behind you! Move aside!"

"Allen, the mummy behind you is moving!"

Wayne and Leena suddenly shouted.

Allen's heart skipped a beat. He looked back subconsciously.

Then, he saw a horrifying scene.

Aaron, who had been rendered motionless by him just a moment ago, suddenly broke free of his control. It reached out its hand and grabbed at his throat.


Allen knew that it was bad news. He had never expected Aaron to be able to escape his control so quickly.

Actually, he had been overly optimistic. Even something as powerful as unicorn blood had no effect on Aaron, so how could an ordinary black donkey hoof be of any use?

Meanwhile, the netizens were also shocked.

"No way! Why is Aaron so strong?"

"Hahaha, all of them will die there. Aaron is invincible!"

"How can you gloat over this? You have no sympathy at all!"

"Why don't you think about whether it's right to break into someone else's tomb? Funny that you are getting all worked up because they are getting killed by the tomb owner!"

"Both of you have a point. But this is a matter of life and death. I still hope that these people can return safely!"

But at this moment, there was nothing the netizens could do to help.

Back in the burial chamber.

Allen watched as Aaron's hand slowly reached toward him. He tried his best to dodge to the side, but he couldn't due to the serious injuries he had just suffered. The next second, Aaron caught him.

He saw Aaron's big mouth open wide before him. He was so close that he could smell the thick scent of blood very clearly.

At this moment, Allen was in complete despair.

He thought back to how confident the three of them were before entering the Pyramid of Giza, thinking that they could go anywhere in the world if the siblings were together. However, they had failed to anticipate their encounter with a legendary ferocious beast, an immortal mummy, in the Pyramid of Giza.

Regrets overwhelmed him. He regretted being so full of himself. And more than anything, he regretted entering the Pyramid of Giza.


Along with a scream, Allen's thoughts came to an abrupt halt. Blood gushed from his neck.

After Aaron drained Allen's blood, it tossed him to the ground. Allen twitched a few times before going motionless.

"No! Allen!"

"Ah!! I'm going to kill you!"

The other two siblings saw with their own eyes how Allen died tragically in front of them.

They were on the verge of a mental breakdown as tears streamed down their faces uncontrollably.

The three siblings had been very close. Every time they went on missions together, they would advance and retreat together, leaving no one behind.

But this time, they suffered a complete defeat. They were still no match for Aaron despite fighting on with all their abilities.

Seeing their own brother die in front of them was even more unbearable.

"I won't let you off!"

Leena's eyes filled with tears as she glared fiercely at Aaron.

She had completely gone mad.

Now that Allen had died, Wayne and Leena would not be able to open the stone door by themselves. Both of them would also die inside the chamber very soon.

Since she would die no matter what, Leena wanted to kill the monster before her.

She wanted to avenge her brother.

With that thought in mind, Leena picked up a dagger from the ground and rushed toward Aaron. She did not care about her injuries anymore.

Leena yelled, "Die!"

At this moment, Leena was in total despair. She suddenly felt a surge of energy inside her body. She ran faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye, she was in front of Aaron. She raised her blade and stabbed it at Aaron's chest.

In the next instant, Leena looked at the dagger and froze.

Her dagger stabbed into Aaron's chest without any resistance. Blood spurted out and splattered on her body.


Isn't Aaron immune to attacks?

She blinked her eyes in confusion. When she opened her eyes wide and looked up again, what she saw completely broke her.

"Wayne… how can this be?"

The person in front of her was actually her older brother, Wayne Scott.

Wayne slowly looked down at the dagger embedded in his chest. His face was filled with confusion and pain. When he looked up again, he seemed to have noticed something. A look of realization appeared in his eyes.

He looked at his little sister and opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, but his organs spewed out together with blood.

Then, he collapsed onto the ground.


Leena broke down completely and started crying.

She clearly remembered that she was attacking Aaron, but how did her brother end up being the one who was stabbed?

She looked up at Aaron and saw him standing unharmed a few steps away.

She looked at everything in disbelief.

It wasn't making any sense.

But when she saw something out of the corner of her eye, she froze.

No one had noticed it, but the Devil Flower beside the coffin had bloomed!