
Of course, that was how much Lenora knew of her past life and how much pain she went through. But that was all in the past and now, she is a vampire who serves an ambitious king who might conquer the cold earth. Mephiles was never really a morning person or an afternoon person, which is why he is usually exhausted when the sun comes up. The king knew very much of the problems Lenora went through, but he knew she got over it in time. Then, the vampire was getting ready to return to where she usually stays during the day.

"If you'll excuse me, Mephiles, I'll return to my duties. Do you think you'll be able to do anything in the evening?" Lenora asked.

"Yes. Of course, I will. I'll call for you if I need anything," he answered. Then Lenora nods her head and begins walking out of the library and back to her room.

Her room was a place filled with necromancy and sorcery, where she will bring corpses and turn them into demons. She turned them into those who walk the night and have a sword by their side. Lenora opens the door to her working room where she could hear the demon generals make their pitiful arguments amongst each other. As she walked inside, she could see a cat that was loyal to her, and she saw the animal sleeping next to her belongings. Then, she could get herself ready for the night and do whatever work needed to be done.

About ten minutes later, Naberius slowly opened the door and saw Lenora playing with the cat she always had by her side. The demon leader could hear her talking with the animal while waiting for the night to come; the cat had black fur with yellow eyes. The cat was licking Lenora's hand and letting her have a little sense of kindness enter her.

"Sylvester, what are you doing? I got to get to work," Lenora said.

"It's not doing that much, Lenora. It's dead," Naberius said.

"You are mistaken. I simply bring the dead back to life in here," she said.

"Ah, of course. It's something you're known for and what Mephiles is known for. A man who once had an entire legion behind his back and became victorious in his onslaught on the castle of Midland. Some people call it a tragedy and others call it a living legend. But I'm merely convinced that he never wants to talk about that day with us. And I'm pretty sure you know it since, you know. You're a vampire... and vampires know many things and many tales."

"What do you want Naberius?"

"I came simply to apologize for my outbreak in the throne room. I hope I didn't cause a stir and do anything to offend anyone else."

Lenora suspected he was joking around and assumed he wanted something much more than having an apology accepted. She knew from the start that one of the demon generals would be troublemakers and cause an uproar in the castle.

"Excellent apology," Lenora said.

"Well, yeah. I wanted to see if you could find it in your heart to see that some of us are confused with the way things are. And for that, I apologize," Naberius said.

"Accepted. Don't worry, Naberius. You'll be taken care of. I'm sure Mephiles hears all of your concerns and will take it accordingly. You just have to sit awhile and wait for him to come to a solution," she said.

"I also came to tell you of this thing we're releasing on humans. Do you think the war situation we're giving them is any good? Do you think it's a success?"

"We're hardly losing."

"Oh. Well, in that case... since there are so many of us generals in Mephiles's court, and twice as many demons that we'll eventually have, I and everyone else have this idea that the war and all of its ideas should be taken more properly."

Lenora hated to admit it, but Naberius was telling the truth in setting things up in a tight situation. The demon leaders would never trust each other until one of them came up with an idea that will make them all agree. Indeed, it will take over ten attempts for such ideas to take notice, but all of that was lashed out upon both Lenora and Mephiles. It will be in a blink of an eye that the two leaders of Midland's castle might be betrayed and be served as a warning to all who serve them. Nobody would ever want to make a duel with Mephiles after hearing what he did one year ago.

"I assure you, whatever you get and receive from your raids, it will not go unnoticed. I'm certain Mephiles allows you to go on feeding raids on every full moon. You won't starve to death, Naberius," Lenora said.

"Well, I'll let you know now that when you and Mephiles are all by yourselves, many hunters and knights might eventually show up and try to take your place. I've heard of this one lady with a longsword who walks the night alone. Some say she has lifted the curse of many castles and put many of our kin to the sword. We might be next one day," he said.

"If this is true, then she is fated to die by either my hand or the king of this castle. Now if you'll excuse me, Naberius, I have work to do," she said. Then, she grabs a dagger from her table as Naberius was getting ready to leave her room.

The room would not be welcome for anyone else who would interfere with her work and interrupt whatever she is doing. With her dagger, she can be able to use sorcery on any human who has died with a sword by his side. Her sorcery can make the corpses of humans turn into demons and make them swear loyalty to her. At first, it was a complicated profession, but she got used to it and started using it as a luxury. As she did that, Mephiles became prepared with everything he needed for the evening to begin.

If any stranger was ever outside, Mephiles would sit on his throne and simply wait for that person to meet him. The Demon Wolf waited for the full moon to come and allow his generals to do whatever they want outside the castle. Meanwhile, Lagertha was at the village of Lupu and became accustomed to whatever would be unleashed upon the town. She could hear many men gathering archers together, and she saw the men stand upon the ramparts to fight off any unknown force in the shadows. For the past year, she saw men gather swords, arrows, axes, and spears to fight off an entire legion and defend their cities at a high cost.

Lagertha only had her longsword and a bit of sorcery to help her at night whenever she fought the demons. She fought without remorse and mercy; her sword can cut through the toughest of demonic armor. The time would soon come for her to fight not only for herself but for those who might fight beside her. Lagertha gets up from a table inside a tavern and walks out the door to see the sunset. Sometimes, the night would come unexpectedly and last longer than ten hours, but it was not anything she could not handle.

Lagertha walks out of the village of Lupu and begins walking on the long road before someone follows her. She did not expect anyone to follow her, yet she did not know why anyone would dare follow her at the worst time possible. Every time she walked out at night, she could feel Mephiles's presence calling out for her and leading her to a darker path. Both she and her father couldn't find peace within themselves because they both lived in the darkness. It was like a bad fever-dream every time she thought of the man her father used to be.

"Who's that? Who's out there?" Lagertha asked. For a quick moment, she heard a voice that sounded very familiar to a man she was once a friend with.

Lagertha could feel it inside of her it was the sound of a man who was with her at the feast to honor King Lancelot's bravery and sacrifice. She sensed it was the same man with whom she revealed everything to him before she would never get the chance. Lagertha held onto her longsword and continued looking forward to fighting anything or anyone that tries to kill her. Lagertha knew it was none other than Brant, the son of King Harald and heir to the throne before Mephiles took it for himself.