A Morning for Pleasure

The Wolf Queen felt satisfied that they both survived the fight against the creature that wields dark magic. But Mundis was not the first demon that controlled sorcery, nor will he be the last. Lagertha carried Brant to bed through the backside of the inn, and she made sure not to be spotted by stalkers. She made sure nobody noticed her carrying what seemed to be somebody who may have breathed her last. Lagertha places her boyfriend on the bed as they both sleep in while the chilly wind breezes outside.

She turns around and looks outside at the city, and she notices the moon is disappearing so that the morning sun can shine down. There were only two buildings that Mundis laid his claws on, but he did not kill anybody living in those buildings. Yet it was a massive battle to the death that the people of Clegane would talk about for many years to come. Lagertha lays her belongings down so she can join Brant in bed before she gets even more exhausted. Thankfully, there was nobody in the inn who would go into their room and ruin the rest of the morning for them.

There was nobody in the inn who was looking for the Wolf Queen to speak with her before the night ended. Lagertha walks to the right side of the bed to have her rest from such a battle. She then lays her head down on the pillow, closes her eyes, and goes to sleep. Lagertha had enough trouble to deal with for one evening and wanted to save whatever strength she had left. Her anger and rage in battle were enough to put Mundis out of his misery.

Her time in Clegane was unpleasant; the night was far too demented to be called pure. Lagertha miserably tries to get the sleep she needs, but nothing seems to work for her. She could not sleep like the young hunter, and she could not rest like the earl's son. She could never feel the peace that most adventurers receive when they achieve glory. She rolls over and looks at Brant, and she realizes some of his strength is returning.

She understands why he wants to give her protection; she knows the love he wants to show her. Lagertha notices him rolling his body to let her look at him, yet it was not in the way she expected. Brant lets his hand rest on Lagertha's stomach, and he feels much better. She was getting used to letting the young hunter have his way with her. She concluded that this was one of many things that would make Brant feel love come into his mind.

"Brant, get some sleep," Lagertha said. But it seems as if the hunter ignored a word she said.

He wants more from her than he realizes after a long, deadly fight. Truly, a demon hunter deserves every inch of love to enter the bleak shadows of his soul. He deserves to have an award for all of his troubles after hunting those who threaten his people. Brant continues rubbing the Wolf Queen's stomach and feeling strength come back into his body.

"Go to sleep, Brant. Your pain hasn't subsided," Lagertha said. But before she could say anything else to make him convinced, Brant moved his hand on her body.

Without him realizing it, he fondles Lagertha's right breast, and nothing seems to make him notice. Brant is more than likely to be dreaming about many things that may only seem pleasing to the eyes. He was near her boobs again; he was only doing it for his strength to return and not so he can enjoy himself. He gets ready to let his head rest on Lagertha's chest, but she touches him back.

Then Lagertha moves Brant's hand away from her breast, and she rests his hand on her hip. She then taps him on his cheek to let him have her attention. He was dreaming about something rather bizarre and unnatural. Normally, a bizarre dream would drive a man wild if he gets lucky enough to be with a woman. A few seconds later, Brant cracks his eyes and sees the Wolf Queen's lovely face.

"Hey, Brant. Are you okay?" Lagertha asked.

"Am I okay? I feel much better than how I usually appear. I would kind of ask the same question as you," he answered.

"I'm just glad to hear you're alright. Not everyone lives to tell the tale after killing such a monster. Many have tried to save this city, and all of them have failed," she said.

"Your eyes. Your tone. Were you that worried about me?"

"Why wouldn't I be? I know I told you to stay in that room. What did you not understand about that statement?"

"It's not that I didn't understand you, it's because I could feel and sense danger just by holding your sword. I could never do such a thing with my blade. Truly, your blade is... something else entirely."

"Nobody in Clegane told me that my sword could not penetrate Mundis's soul. But the deed is done and I must collect my bounty from the earl. After that, I must venture into that castle."

"What? Are you gonna do that after such a long battle with Mundis? Do you think you can prove the earl wrong more than he already is?"

"The earl's council is already an enormous waste of our time. But I'm not gonna do anything that's gonna make me and you banished from this city. I believe we can persuade them of the error of their ways."

"If they were all demons, they had better withdraw. If not, they'll need a good supply of body bags. Besides, I think you and I have much to come back to. It was just getting better."

What Brant meant by that statement, he meant that he and Lagertha were about to get risky on the bed. The young hunter plays with his girlfriend's long brown hair, and he could smell the expensive scent. One hand was on Lagertha's hip and the other hand was in her hair during the early morning. A few seconds later, Brant places his hand on her cheek and rests his head on her chest. Lagertha was not getting freaked out, but she was getting worried about Brant's rest and energy.

"Brant, I know I told you to get some sleep. If I tell you to get rest, I mean it," she said.

"What's wrong with me making you feel good? It doesn't bother me. I've gotten used to this," he said.

"That's very understandable. But I need my rest from the battle, and so do you. More than anything, I want you to spend this entire day recovering your strength," Lagertha said.

"I think I may have told you this already, but I recover half of myself just by being with you. That includes holding you, lying with you, drinking with you, and simply just being all over you. Where's the fun in that?"

"My god. You're becoming very creepy every time I look at you. You've been thinking about us getting drunk ever since you came here."

"Well, you have a point there. There's this large alehouse next to this tavern. I figured if you and I would stop by and have a drink."

"If I defeat this demon king, you and I can have as much ale and wine as we could ask for. I don't mind being drunk after all the things we've done here. We can make merry, visit an opera house, and be greeted by all kinds of people. Does that sound like a plan?"

"Of course. It's an excellent plan. Come on, Lagertha. Kiss me."

"You... need... your rest."

"So what? Kiss me. Don't make me beg. Come to me."

The Wolf Queen rolled her eyes for a moment, but she knew she could not resist her attractive nature. She knew Brant would want this after doing so much to save her and the people of Clegane. Without hesitation, she places her hand on Brant's cheek and kisses him on the forehead. Then Brant wraps his arms around Lagertha's back and begins kissing her back on both of her cheeks. The young hunter kissed his girlfriend more times than the average man showing love to a woman.

Lagertha's cheeks became red after the many times Brant kissed her to make himself feel better. Then, he goes down on her body and places his head between her breasts as she holds him. While keeping his head on her chest, Lagertha rubbed his hair and started giving him as many kisses as he gave her. The Wolf Queen was glad to return such a favor after being shown the kind of love she wanted from her father. She never showed hate to her boyfriend as they hugged each other on the bed with the morning sun rising.