Treason in the Keep

Treason was already a troublesome thing in the eyes of both humans and the servants of Mephiles. All of them had their own methods of what to do when traitors are abroad. Anyone with a mind's eye would bring that person to justice and make him answer for his crimes. Lenora and Godbrand explained the situation that would force Mephiles to seek that creature out. The Viking already knew Naberius would do something outside of Mephiles's righteous hand.

"So tell me, should we let Mephiles know about this, or are we just going to just sit back and wait for this person to reveal himself?" Godbrand asked.

"I have my own methods of dealing with traitors, especially if they are lurking in this castle. All I need for you to do is let me deal with this kind of situation. Keep doing as you're told and you'll make it through the year," Lenora answered.

"Won't lie. Every time I inspect you, you always know what to do and how to plan it. I can see why Mephiles admires you," he said.

"And I can see why you admire me. Truth be told, you seem to get better every time my eyes are on you. Now get going."

And so, Godbrand left Lenora in the hallway of ancient paintings, and he felt satisfied after having a little chat with the vampire. She was always there for him; she always knew what to say when to say it. But as he delved further into the next hallway, things kept being awfully silent to his mind. He knew Naberius was planning something, but not in the way he expected it to appear. His mind was full of horrors as he walked down the hallway and think about the evening.

In fact, every general in the war council thought about what they could do in the evening. They all thought about how to stand up for themselves and upgrade the castle's defenses. Meanwhile, Mephiles stepped out from his library and went to find Lenora so that he may speak with her. The vampire was the closest thing the Demon Wolf had to a friend and somebody to trust. He walked over and noticed two demons bowing to him as he walked in the hallway.

The king was fascinated that he was getting the respect he deserves, yet he felt unsatisfied with the night creatures. He was losing hope for those who paid honor to his will. Mephiles had every reason to think about his servants, but he felt bored for ruling only over demons. He wanted a kingdom where he could rule over the people who once praised him for his heroic deeds. However, he desired to rule not only Midland's people; he wanted to rule the rest of the world.

Mephiles finds Lenora's room where she was surveying the souls of the ones who died at the hands of demons. She knew exactly how to do her job and always understood how to best serve her king. The Demon Wolf always felt pride enter his mind whenever he thought about Lenora; she reminded him of his wife. Lucy was a woman who always loved Mephiles, but those days are long gone to the minds of others. Mephiles knocks on the door, and he waits for Lenora to answer the door for a few seconds.

"Hi, Mephiles. What's going on?" Lenora asked.

"Lenora, you don't mind if I join you in your chamber, right?" He asked.

"I don't mind. Come sit down," she said. The vampire offers him a place to sit in her room, and he could smell the sweet perfume that surrounded the area.

Lenora closes the door, and she sits down beside her king so they could speak to each other in private. She gets as close to him as possible so he can feel whatever is necessary to uphold from her. Mephiles always felt very calm while speaking to Lenora because she always took his words to heart.

"Are you alright, Mephiles? You look pale," she said.

"Lenora, you are my wisest advisor and my best friend. I've been feeling lonely lately. Do you remember how we first met?" He asked.

"That would be difficult to forget. I remember many things that lead me back to my youth. Of all the humans I've come across, you're the only one who showed no fear at the sight of a vampire," Lenora said.

"Indulge me, Lenora, so that I may know you're still my friend."

"You came to Vesperia, the city of vampires. You were seeking your wife as she was already bearing a child. The leader of that city made you a prisoner, and I was the one who came to you in your cell. You struck a deal with me and you escaped that prison unscathed. Ever since then, your heroic deeds have spread like wildfire. You were eventually called the slayer of one million night creatures.

"Those days, I know too well. In those days, you did what no other human has ever done. You fought a Hellspawn and won. It is said that a Hellspawn is much powerful than even a demon king. And above all, you've grown powerful enough to take Midland's throne for yourself. You're a human... yet you're not human."

"That is how all people view me. I was once their devoted knight, a champion of my people. But I fell into darkness. I was once honored for my bravery. Now I am the most feared mortal on Earth. But, Lenora, how do you view me? What am I to you? Are you still my friend?"

"We are friends, Mephiles. Am I not your most trusted friend? I've been with you more than anyone in this council. I will do anything to make sure you and this castle are protected. From now until the end of time, we will see each other as friends."

Lenora was the only vampire in all the world who still had sympathy for humans, no matter how corrupt they are. No matter how long it would take, she would always be on Mephiles's side during his reign. Mephiles holds both of Lenora's hands so he can make yet another promise to her. Her hands were cold and smooth, and her nails were very sharp considering the fact she is a vampire.

"Lenora, if you're my friend, then I want your protection. I believe most of the war council is already turning their backs on me. Even my most loyal servants are looking at me differently," Mephiles said.

"I will deal with those who wish to betray you. If you want my advice, you must save your strength and get even stronger. Prepare for what's coming," Lenora said.

"Ah, of course. Lagertha... my daughter. It appears as if she will get ready to make her move on my castle's steps. She will stop at nothing to see me defeated by her hands," he said.

"What shall we do with those who still follow you? What of the ones who never walked away from your steps and kept their obedience? It's just doesn't look like the rest of this war council will ever put their trust in you."

"Those who still follow me will become even stronger. The ones who see me as their king, from now until the end of time, will have power as strong as the kings of ancient times. Send the necromancers and the sorcerers after Lagertha. She has already shown her bravery against one of Godbrand's strongest minions. We now must be twice as cautious of her presence."

"You've changed your mind about your daughter? No offense, but what of the good times you used to have with her? Not that I'm going against your wishes, but I'm simply giving you a thought of what might happen to both her and you."

"No, I don't want to kill my daughter. If she dies, I shall take my own life. I cannot lose another person who has been dear to me my whole life. I cannot lose her... and I cannot lose you. To one of your earlier statements, yes... you and I are friends. Not by loyalty... but by our relationship. You won't forget these words, will you?"

Lenora slowly shakes her head no while keeping such words from the king of Midland. Mephiles always looked at Lenora as a friend because she was the only one during these dark times who showed him comfort and joy. In his eyes, she was the spark that led him towards goodness and peace. Then he places his left hand on her cheek to make her understand her importance to him. He then makes her feel his warm right hand on her left shoulder.

Deep down, Lenora knew that there was still good inside her king; meaning that he was really not what the humans think of him.