The conversation before departure

Kaito waited for Noah to start his explanation, his eyes taking in the expression of the other in as much detail as he could. The nervous scent of the other had almost calmed down to the sweet and natural one which was a relief.

Noah took a few to gather his thoughts before he seemed to come to an agreement and finally began.

"The rift valley is just another name that was given to the rift in space. As you know, the connection between the animals and their human counterpart is almost extinct but it did not always uset to be so" Kaito listened to the voice which finally seemed to dip with a nostalgic tone.

"Yes, I did read about that part in the books. Our first founder was almost one with his wolf, wasn't he? But I don't remember reading when it seemed to weaken" Kaito made his tone sound like it was just an interesting fact he was talking about and not his own past self and the wolf inside his head seemed amused at his words.

'We were not that close. You got in trouble, I got us out' his wolf seemed to have a lot to say today which was a little annoying but a welcoming annoyance he was willing to handle.

And he was sure that it had been the other way around but he would let the wolf believe this or now.

"You won't find any written record for that information at all because it was not an instant phenomenon but a gradual shift. The more science advanced, the more the world abandoned the magical realm and weaker the connection got and one day it happened - most of the people forgot their other half. It was around 1020's time, I think" Noah had a thoughtful look, his face twisted in almost concentration and Kaito found himself fascinated by it.

'Fox is smart and thoughtful' Kaito did not know where his wolf was getting all those thoughts from but he somewhat agreed. Noah had always been smart and retained a lot of useful information.

"That was a long time ago, but not everyone forgot. My grandfather has his connection and I'm sure there are others that have it too. Is it because of the rift valley?" Kaito asked, now finally connecting the pieces together.

There were still holes in the story but it was slowly being filled up.

"Those who had the protection of the deity or strong traditional routes remembered but most of the world lost the real connection in myths and fantasies. For the record, I don't know what exactly the rift valley is. I guided a lot of people there but it was never the same for any two people. The most concrete explanation is that it's a mirror of our inner selves and that's why it helps in making our connection stronger"

The omega paused all of a sudden, his voice growing much softer in nature at his next words.

"I apologise for rambling" Kaito wanted to hear the other say more, he wanted to know more. But most importantly, he wanted the other to express himself more. The more Noah spoke, the softer he seemed to get and the lower his walls became.

Kaito wanted to break those down and know more about the other.

"It's alright. Is there any other information you can give me?" Kaito asked, probing the other to speak more and the other hesitated for a few seconds before shaking his head in a 'no.'

'Like his voice. Soft and comforting' Kaito agreed with his wolf. Sometimes, it felt even better than Jess's voice telling him that she loved him.

"So, rift valley is the place where we can strengthen our connection with our inner animal? What if someone already has a strong enough connection?" Kaito asked, now concerned with his position.

From what he understood, everyone who went there did not have a live connection yet but Kaito was different.

He saw the flash of surprise and then realisation flash over those lovely features before they went blank once again.

He already missed those changes and wanted to see more of them.

"There should be no problem. Even for someone like me, whose animal form is mingled inside the soul, it has caused no problem" there was a little hesitancy in the start but the voice seemed to gain confidence as it progressed and Kaito chose to believe the other.

'Can trust mate' his wolf huffed at his hesitancy. Kaito just gave him a weary look and a small sigh.

"I understand. What will happen once I have my connection back with my wolf? Would I suddenly gain magic powers like the rulers of the past?" Kaito jokes with the others, his voice almost teasing.

Magic was another thing that had disappeared from the world long ago and was a myth in current times. Nowadays, the most common magicians you came across were the frauds who did cheap tricks to try and swindle your money.

He missed the old days when magic had been prevalent but those days were long gone by.

He just looked at the fox with an indulging look.

"You might gain it or you might not. In any case, I'll share my own with you once we enter the perimeter of the area so that you could protect yourself" the teasing grin on his face almost faded at those words.

His brain gave a little shocking jolt as he realised what the other was suggesting - that magic still existed.

'Mate performed it already' his wolf reminded him and Kaito was surprised that the wolf had been lucid enough to recognise and register what had happened the day before.

Kaito had seen Noah almost perform magic but Noah was a deity, an almost relic of the past, just like this place. The maze with magic was also old enough to be considered to be of time that might have contained magic.

21st century? Not a big fan of magic at all.

But the very prospect of having his magic back made something inside him light up. The fact that Noah was willing to share his own with Kaito warmed him to the core.

He ignored the part of his mind that whispered that he might not be the only one with whom the other had shared his magic and that caused something in him to sour. He did not like the thought of Noah sharing his magic with others.

Magic was, after all, one's life force.

"Were there others before me who required your magic?" Kaito asked, trying to keep the jealousy out of his tone because he had no right, no matter how wrong it felt.

"Not everyone is strong enough to get their own magic" the fox did not say it in his own words but the meaning was more than clear. Kaito was not the first or even the second.

Who knew how many there had been before him?

He eyes the nape of the fox to look for a bite mark there but the collar hid it all up, the scent still unmarked in any way and he sighed in relief and amazement.

Sharing one's magic was an intimate thing for a pair and generally the ones to do it were those who were mated in the past. For Noah to do this with others and still remain unmated was remarkable.

The emotional toll was gartering or the giver and Noah most likely would have watched his partners mate and live their lives without him.

It must have been a lonely existence and he felt his mouth shake at the thought. His jealousy and his wolf, both did not care for this fact at all, rearing their head at the unjust.

'No, no, no, no - mate is ours. Kaito, can't allow mate to serve and bond with others. Make him ours right now' his wolf was loud in his head, almost to the point of an ache now.

'We can't. It's his decision' Kaito replied back, his eyes looking almost longingly at the other and his emotions threatened to overwhelm him.

It was all a little overwhelming.

"So, what's the agenda for today?" somehow Kaito mustered enough willpower to let this thought exit his mouth, the lips turning down into a frown and Noah looked at him in an indulging manner.

"I'll transfer a little of my magic to your body today and we'll train to control it before our departure tomorrow. Hopefully, the time will be enough" Kaito did not think it was enough time. No time could be enough time with Noah but he will indulge the other for now.

After all, the other had already suffered enough.