The push

Wind caressed his face. Wind which was softer than all the silk he had ever held in his hand, gentler than any petal that ever bloomed and warmer than any fire he had ever been near. It was like being in the embrace of a lover, all consuming and yet so gentle.

Keito could not describe the feeling that overtook him as he entered the space, his mind lost in the sensation he was feeling all around him.

At this point his mind was too far away to pay any significant attention to his surroundings, his eyes not seeing anything around him at all.

The wind was in his ears now, it's gentle flow creating a soft whistling sound which was making him feel at ease. Yes, it was a relaxing moment for Keito and one he could get lost in.

The grip on his hand tightened as a little tug reminded that this was all nothing more than an aftereffect of the surrounding magic. This was not real, much less safe for someone to spend time in.

If the magic was comfort then the hand was a consuming inferno, making him want to let go and yet he found himself unable to. Every fiber of being demanded him to keep the hand tightly collapsed on his own and not let it disappear.

His eyes finally focused on that hand that was holding his own, the grip not particularly tight but secure enough to ensure that it would not disconnect. He tried to look away from the hand, more toward the body to which it was attached to but there was no one there.

There was a point in space where the arm just vanished into white light making the fox invisible to his eyes.

He extended his other hand toward the free space right in front of him but there was no one there at all, the space all but air in his hand.

"Noah?" he called out, his voice echoing in the endless space and he saw the hand twitch in his own, an indication that he had been heard. It caused him to relax ever just so slightly.

"How much longer will we have to walk?" Keito asked, his voice coming out a little muffled and he waited for a reply.

The reply did not come, but the other did stop rather abruptly. Keito was not so fortunate though and he felt himself crash into something solid.

"I'm sorry but from here on out you will have to face the trial on your own. I'll wait for you here so please be safe" Kaito waited for the other to continue or to give him more hints but only silence covered the space.

"So, what do I have to do exactly? What is even in there?" He asked, finally falling to keep silent. How was he supposed to do anything when he was not sure of the objective? Surely Noah did not want him to just go in there without any plan.

"I don't honestly know what you will face. I already told you - it's different for everyone. But I do know that you won't die there, no matter how bad the situation gets" The omega replied back to him and Kaito wanted to shake the other to demand answers.

'Can we shake him now? I really want to get our hands on him' the wolf was back now, his tone far too mysterious but Kaito knew that it was something to do with perverted stuff anyway.

But then he felt his body fall, a force pushing him down and he instantly closed his eyes to await the impact which did not come at all.

Instead, he found himself lying on something soft and warm which smelled very familiar to his sharp senses. Just the feel of the clothes he had been lying on was very reminiscent of the past when he had been the king.

He sat up with a jerk, his moment having no fineness or grace to them as his chest heaved in an effort to calm himself down and he finally looked around, only to feel his breath freeze inside his chest.

He was inside a room, the dark walls and heavy embroidered curtains sparking his memory a lot. The walls were made up of dark and sturdy stone instead of the conventional brickwork and concrete mix he had gotten used to.

He could tell that this was an old establishment, well preserved and quite taken with the ancient roots of its origin. Even the maintenance work that was done on the room was of older technology.

But the biggest surprise that came over him was the fact that there was no electrical point anywhere in his sight along with any electrical appliance.

It was like he had gone back to the past when he had been the king but that was something no longer possible. He had already reincarnated and moved on from it.

Finally he stood up and approached the mirror not too far away from the bedside.

He remembered that he had been falling before he had woken up here. Since he had blacked out before the impact he was not sure how much damage he had sustained at that impact.

He quickly checked his reflection in the mirror and frowned when he saw a flawless face reflecting back at him. Then he gave himself another closer look and frowned at the observation.

His face looked a little different, his nose a little sharper and his face a little aged. He did feel taller too, his hair a little longer than he remembered it being. He looked different but not enough to pay it significant attention at the moment.

'You looked like your king version' his wolf's words were enough to jolt him out of his observation and he saw the eyes in the mirror widen at the knowledge.

He had spent 16 years of his life in his new body, observing his new looks and living a new life. Since he had no linkage of his past life, his looks and many of his memories had faded away from his mind.

But now that his wolf had mentioned it to him, he knew that he had somehow gone back to his original body and his breath picked up at the discovery but no oxygen made its way inside.

'DON'T PANIC NOW, NEED TO FIND NOAH' his wolf's words were a mere whisper now, echoing but not registering inside his panicking mind.

He did not hear each of the doors opening at all, his mind still in a panicky state over his discovery and his breath short.

'Your highness? YOUR HIGHNESS!! SOMEONE CALL THE ROYAL PHYSICIAN. NOW" the commotion was real now, people panicking at the display of their next ruler having a fit but Keito was in no state to care.

He was still trying to reel in the shock of what was going on, his brain not being able to keep up with the stress the situation had put him in.

"Give me away, I'll handle it from here. '' There were hands on his face, tilting it sideways and he tried to push them away but to no avail. The grip on his face just tightened and he ignored how 'wrong' it felt on his face.

Then there was magic being poured in his body, foreign and cold. It interacted with the magic already inside him which lies dormant inside him and it felt all wrong.

He tried to push the invading magic back out, to stop it from interacting with the dormant force of magic inside him that Noah had bestowed him with. It was his gift and none of their business.

Unconsciously, he could feel his mouth growling at them, his canines visible and actually threatening. There was a growl inside his throat, clearly audible to the audience and he snapped at the nearest person to him.

"His highness has been magically poisoned and is unstable right now. Quick, sedate him so that we can extract that foreign magic out of him. Guards, look around for the one who did it, they couldn't have gone far" Kaito did not remember it ever happening in his past life.

There were hands on his chest now, clearly wrong again and he wanted them gone right that instant and then he felt something pulling Noah's magic from inside of him and he roared, his own damn bursting out.

"Let him go before you die. He's going berserk now" Kaito was not aware of his own state, his mind focusing on keeping Noah's magic inside at all cost, his wolf helping him in his feral state too.

And then there was an impact with his head, a darkness descending on his senses and he felt himself calm down into sleep. All he saw was a pair of crimson eyes staring at him.