The assault part 2

Dreaming was something Keito did not like at all. Not only was it a waste of time but it made him yearn for things he should have no right to. 

Sometimes he dreamed of the past, of the events that occurred and them occurring in different ways. Other times he dreamed about his different lives and different people.

Then there were the dreams he could not make sense of. In those dreams, he was in a different body but he could not see his face. Noah was different too but he could recognise him just fine from that smile.

They were always fighting though and yet those dreams made him far happier than he had been. 

But his most recent dreams had been filled with Noah and activities he could not say out loud in a polite company. Every time he thought of those dreams, his face burned and another part of him did things he was not supposed to in his sleep.

It made him yearn too but in a different sense.